Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 135: no way no money

   Chapter 135, The End of the Road

   Lorist opened the door gently, and saw large wooden boxes neatly stacked, with seals affixed to the wooden boxes, and the words Imperial silver coins, 30,000 or empire gold coins, 50,000, etc. were written on them. Roughly speaking, there are about fifteen or six large wooden boxes in the room.

   Exited the room and closed the door, Lorist sighed very much. The two hundred years of accumulation and wealth created by the residents of Kitano Town are concentrated in these four rooms. Desires are hard to fill and unpredictable. In order to preserve their wealth and fight against their lords, they would rather collude with the Great Duke of the North, and they have pushed themselves into the abyss...

   "Seal this place, you are responsible for arranging the guard to guard it." Lorist said to Reddy.

  Reddy nodded: "Okay, my lord."

   "Wasinma, how is your place?" Lorist asked.

Vassimma replied: "The statistics are done. The yard next door is filled with little girls and virgins, 631 people in total. I asked the silver knight who surrendered, and he said it belonged to Lord Duke. Order, prepare to take it back and sell it to slave traders at high prices. In addition, there are seven or eight hundred young women in the barracks, uh, their situation is a bit miserable, they are all ruined by the soldiers of the Northland Legion..."

   "Also, in the residences of the silver knights and the little bosses of the army, we have found a lot of belongings and women in their possession, how should we deal with these?" Vassimma asked.

Lorist stroked his forehead: "Bring those young women back, let them be with the girls next door, Kitano Town is just this big, many of them have relatives, and getting together can comfort each other. Divide an area to give them food, clothing and water, and let them take care of themselves. After the war is over, take them away. The Rock Castle is so young and strong, and what is missing is the women. In the future, when these women become homes, maybe I will forget the nightmare of Kitano Town and start a new life..."

   "Yes, my lord, but there are also four women in the room behind here. They are serving the golden knight. They are very beautiful. Look, my lord...?"

"Take it all away, I don't have that thought. As for the property you find, you will first transport it to Reddy, and wait for it to be processed after the war. By the way, the area where the women are, pay attention, and don't let those mercenaries go Go hurt them..." Lorister ordered.

   "Yes, my lord, I will pay attention." Vasingmar replied immediately.

   "My lord, Jim is back." Paul Bins came in to report.

   Lorist was taken aback: "Why didn't he come in? Usually he rushed in..."

   Paul Bins laughed: "Jim said he has learned knight manners from the Vassimma knights, and he will act like a knight in every move..."

   Lorist also laughed: "Let him in, it's really rare for this **** to learn knight etiquette. I originally wanted to find him a teacher after this battle, but it seems I don't need it now."

  Although he was still carrying the dust all the way, Jim standing in front of him still made Lorist's eyes shine. This standing posture is very tall and standard, not as loose as the original.

   "My lord, we are sure that the hidden route has been abandoned and impassable. This is the detailed topographical map that we surveyed around the route." Jim handed over a roll of animal skin paper.

   In those few days, Jim felt bored in the woods, and he kept wanting to attack the enemy's camp again. Lorester gave him a task to survey the passage that Husky discovered that the Duke’s army entered the family territory, and double-check whether it was really impassable if the cable bridge was burned down by Husky, by the way. Survey the surrounding terrain, whether there are any detours, and draw a topographic map.

   Jim took a few guards for six days, and now he is back.

   "My lord, your movements are too fast, so I don't wait for us to come back. I saw our family's angry bear flag floating on the wall, and I knew that you took down this Kitano town." Jim complained.

"Hehe, the opportunity is not to be missed. The time will not come again. Of course you have to move when you find the fighter. Who told you to stay in the woods a few days ago was too boring. But this time you went to make sure that this passage is impassable. Little credit. The next thing we have to deal with is the army that besieged our Fenglin Villa. I want to keep them all here. It's easy to get in, but it's not that simple to want to go out. Jim, you go take a rest first, at night You go back to Fenglin Mountain Villa. Tell Knight Josk and Knight Pachiko that if the enemy is out of camp, take two small groups of family soldiers and Hoskey and follow them. If the enemy comes to attack Kitano Town, let them be behind. Sneak attack on their camp, understand?" Lorist asked.

   Jim stood at attention: "Understood, my lord."

   "Paul Bins, go and bring the silver knight who surrendered. I want to ask him something." Lorist said.

   The silver knight who surrendered was very honest and answered all the questions, even the dispute between the Chevani Knights and the Henned Knights was spoken out.

   "No, you said that Lord Duke ordered Chevaney and Henned to bring two squadrons, so why there are only four thousand people? Where are the other two squadrons?" Lorist asked.

   The Silver Knight replied: "My lord, each squadron has left a squadron to garrison their camp. This time more than four thousand people came."

   "So that's it." Lorist nodded: "Why do you want to slaughter the residents of Beiye Town? Didn't they lead you in?"

"My lord, this is the order of the Duke." The Silver Knight said: "The Duke thinks that they are unreliable, ungrateful, and killed them. And I heard that they have relied on that secret passage for smuggling for a hundred years, so the Duke again They are in love with their wealth. Originally, the two adults, Chevani and Henned, did not want to do it so quickly, and wanted them to send troops to help us attack your family castle. But who knows they have found a lot of excuses, Saying that you have just been attacked by your lord, you are resolutely unwilling to send troops to help, so lord Chevani feels that they cannot be trusted. The sooner you can solve the problem, the better, they will be led to the barracks by canonization of their titles... "

   Alas, these residents of Kitano Town are purely self-destructive, Lorist sighed slightly: "Okay, you go back first, I will tell the guards to treat you kindly."

   "Wait, wait a minute. Sir, can I pay the ransom to be free? My family still has some money, and I also have some savings..." The Silver Knight asked anxiously.

   Lorist thought for a moment: "Let's talk about it when the battle is over, I will consider your proposal."

   "Then, thank you sir..."


   It's been two days since the Chevani Knight got the news of Kitano Town's fall. This was still a group of leather armored cavalry who wanted to lazily ran to Kitano Town to find a woman to hang out for a long time before returning. They found that the angry bear flag was flying on the wall of Kitano Town and found that Kitano Town had been captured by the Norton family, and they came back quickly. Report.

   Cavani Cavani was drinking water, and when he heard the news, the silver cup in his hand fell to the ground. He immediately understood why the soldiers who had left the camp in the past two days had not been attacked. The mercenaries who had been wandering outside waiting for an opportunity to attack them had already taken down Beiye Town and went back there.

  How about the Henned Knight who guards Kitano Town, Chevani Knight doesn't care anymore. What he can think of is that if Kitano Town is not retaken, the huge wealth collected by the massacred residents will say goodbye to Lord Duke. I can’t capture the main castle of the Norton family and I’ll just get scolded, but if the Duke knew that so much wealth was taken away, he wouldn’t have been scolded. Maybe the furious Duke would deprive himself of it. His knighthood drove himself out of the Luckins family. For him, it would be a shame that he would never let go of...

   "Drop out the camp and immediately counterattack Kitano Town." The Chewani Knight gave the order.

   Packed up the camp, the whole army returned to Beiye Town, and it was almost evening when they arrived. The anxious Chewani Knights ignored the continuous complaints of the soldiers. After setting up the camp, they immediately ordered two squadrons to cut trees, build the climbing ladder overnight, and launch an attack on Kitano Town early tomorrow morning.

   Early the next morning, after breakfast, the Chevani Cavaliers urged the soldiers to line up and set off to Kitano Town with more than 20 city ladders and long wooden boards. According to the Chewani Knights, even if the mercenaries hired by the Norton family capture the town of North Wild, it will definitely be a lot of casualties. After all, there are seven hundred soldiers from the Northland Legion defending the town of North Wild, as well as a golden knight and a dozen or so soldiers. The silver knight. Regardless of whether it is a sneak attack or the capture of Kitano Town by any method, there are certainly not many enemies that can defend right now. More than 2,000 soldiers on my side are pressing on with all their strength and blooming more. The defensive enemies will lose sight of each other, and then I may be in the first wave. Recapture Kitano Town during the attack.

Lorester stood on the wall and watched the enemy approaching in the distance coldly. On the small mound farther away, there was a curl of green smoke rising up into the sky. It was a sign of appointment, indicating that Josk and others had reached the enemy. Attacks can be launched at any time near the camp.

"Hehe, I still want to take Beiye Town in one fell swoop. With just this little force, more than two thousand people, I really don't know where Chevani's confidence comes from..." Lorist said to the head of the four mercenary regiments around him. "Bring all your people up, now we don’t need to hide anymore. When we take down Kitano Town, it means that we have won the war. Tell your members to guard this wave of offensive. , One Golden Ford per person."

   The heads of the four mercenary regiments are very satisfied. Accepting the Norton family's employment this time can be regarded as a fortune. Not to mention anything else, the trophies alone made their members all smiles. The soldiers of the Northland Legion of the Lord Duke are all veritable small vaults in the eyes of the mercenaries. The money bags around them more or less add up. There are four or five Jinfords. For these knife-heads earning money and eating mercenaries, this money is almost their total income for one or two years.

   Although it is known that the money of these soldiers was collected by the residents of Kitano Town, the agreement and custom are like this, whoever kills is whose spoils. Therefore, these mercenaries are not afraid of how many enemies are coming to attack. On the contrary, in their eyes, they are not attacking enemies, but purses with gold coins...

Seeing more and more guard soldiers wearing gray leather armor appear on the walls, Chevani Knight's heart sank. He realized that things had changed beyond his expectations. Are these gray leather armors hired by the Norton family? The mercenary coming? Impossible, the Norton family territory is so remote, where can we find so many mercenaries? It's almost a thousand. If you say that these are the armed forces of the Norton family, then it is obvious that Lord Duke made a big mistake. He underestimated the strength of the Norton family...

   "Stop advancing!" The Chevani knight waved his hand: "The longbowman stepped forward and suppressed the enemy on the wall. The sword and shield soldiers should pay attention to protection..."

As the longbowmen hung their arrows onto the city wall, the guards on the city wall were also shields holding shields, wooden platoons supporting wooden platoons, and nearly a hundred guards holding long bows against the enemies under the city. Shoot.

   After the longbowman suppressed the guards on the city wall, the soldiers holding the city ladder and the long plank quickly approached the city wall. When they laid a long plank on the trench and put the climbing ladder on the top of the city, the longbowmen behind them also stopped lobbing, and the sword and shield soldiers rushed up. Next, the longbowmen will use direct fire under the city wall to support the sword and shield soldiers and spearmen who climb the ladder to attack the city...

Without the cover of the sword and shield soldiers, the casualties of the longbow soldiers under the city increased greatly, but this kind of casualties is very worthwhile in the eyes of the Chevani Knights, because there have been more than a dozen of the climbing ladders in the past 20 years. The soldiers climbed up the city wall.

Unexpectedly by Chevani Knights, the guards would desperately block the attackers from going up to the city wall if they attacked the city, but at this moment their soldiers rushed up the city wall and heard the guards cheering with excitement. It was inexplicable.

Well, the division of labor on the city wall is now clear. Four mercenary regiments occupy four sections of the city wall. Each section of the city wall has five or six climbing ladders. Whenever a soldier from the Northland Legion climbs up the city wall, there are always four or five mercenaries. Waiting for him, whether it is personal skills or mutual cooperation, these mercenaries are stronger than the soldiers of the Northland Legion. When they go with their swords and spears, the soldiers on the upper city often die in two rounds. The corpses dragged back, put them together first, and then slowly gathered up the spoils after the end...

   "My day, is this the legendary monster spawning?" Lorist was stunned, and now he and Vassimma, Jim and dozens of guards behind him were doing nothing...

   The Chevani knight became more and more confused, why so many soldiers attacked the city without much movement, even the several silver knights he had just sent to the top of the city soon disappeared...

The Chevani knight became more and more anxious, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger. Just as he was gaining or losing, the camp behind him shouted for killing. Looking back, a team of people rushed in. The big camp was murdered and set on fire. A small group of spearmen who stayed behind were killed and scurrying. A large area of ​​tents has become a sea of ​​flames...

   "Hurry up and blow the trumpet! Retreat, the whole army retreat, and rescue the camp with me..." The Chevanni knight was furious.


   The loss is very large, very large. The expedition team of nearly 2,300 people is now only about 1,700 people. The siege alone has lost more than 500 people, and there are still no dead or dead. There were less than ten Silver Knights under him.

"...Most of the grain and grass in the camp were burned, and what was rescued was only enough for the current team to consume for four or five days, and it could only be two meals a day. Sir, if we can't conquer Beiye Town, we will have the whole army. Annihilated..." The official in charge of logistics was reporting.

   Chevani Knight sighed long: "You go down first, I will think about..."

  Sitting silently for a long time, Cavani Knight took out the blank animal skin paper and began to write a letter. He wrote about everything after the expedition in great detail, no matter how much property he slaughtered the residents of Beiye Town ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or the collision under the Fenglin Villa and the fall of Beiye Town, it was all fine. It was written out, filled with several pieces of animal skin paper. Then he rolled these animal skin papers into a silver tube and sealed it with wax, and then called two of his attendants to accompany him.

   "I'll take the troops home tomorrow. You two will hide first. After the troops leave, no one will watch here. Then cross over from the Morgen Hills. Give the letter in the silver tube to Lord Duke, understand?"

   An attendant asked strangely: "My lord, why do you want to do this?"

Chevani Knight sighed deeply: "I suspect that we can't go back. The Norton family has forced us into a difficult situation. They will never allow us to leave so easily. I don't even know how we will go back. What happened, just in case, I asked you two to cross the Morgen Hills and go back. Be careful on the way, and be sure to hand this letter to the Lord Duke. The adults will understand how strong the Norton family is... …"


   Lorist was delighted when he discovered that the enemy had pulled out of the camp and marched toward that secret passage, and found himself dead. It seemed that the enemy didn’t even know that the passage had been abandoned. He and Josk joined together, took four mercenary regiments and two groups of family soldiers, and started chasing after him. He hung behind the enemy and followed far behind. .

   When the enemy entered the long cave, Lorist stopped following. He had people surrounded the cave and built a fort, waiting for the enemy to return.

Two days later, fierce fighting seemed to erupt in the cave. At noon, a silver knight with a white flag came to Lorist~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Welcome to read the latest, fastest and most. Huo's serial works are all at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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