Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 180: Fight again

   Chapter 180

"Stay steady, don't panic, the demon cow herd is coming, aim at the first few heads, lure them over... OK, launch!" Lorist waved his hand, three steel crossbows sent out three With a loud sound of "boom boom boom", three arrow shadows passed a distance of nearly three hundred meters and pierced the target's body. ∑

   Blood flashed, and the screams of the demon cow shook all fields. The wave of monsters of the Black Raven suddenly stopped, and a group of monsters beside the two fallen monsters were looking for the enemy...

   "Win the string and continue to shoot."

   With the launch of the second round of crossbow arrows, the chaotic herd of demon cows finally discovered the stone wall on the hillside and the few ants attacking them.

   "Moo..." With an angry howl, the demon cow herd began to attack the small stone wall on the hillside. Soon, the snow-covered hillside was covered by the demon cow herd.

It’s just that these "puff puff puffs" panting heavily. After the red-eyed demon cow rushed up the hillside, he discovered that the stone wall seen under the hillside was not built on the top of the hillside, but in the middle of the other hillside. The stone wall is a long box structure. However, these demon cows have forgotten the provocative ants in their simple minds. All the demon cows that climbed to the top of the hillside were attracted by a large piece of bright red cloth hanging under the box...

   On the snowy field with heavy snow, the bright red cloth is like a beating flame, so eye-catching...

"Moo, moo! Moo..." The angry cow yells constantly. Everyone who knows the devil cow knows a common sense. Don't let the devil cow notice the bright red on your body, because it will Arouse the violent demon cow, chasing you endlessly...

   The demon cows on the hillside moved, and they lowered their heads to show the sharp horns that were bent on their heads. He rushed straight towards the bright red cloth with the momentum of thunder. It’s a pity that these magic cows didn’t notice. The closer they rush to the red cloth, the lower the **** of the ground. When these magic cows rush past the red cloth, the distance between them and the red cloth is still high. The difference is two meters.

   The demon cow who rushed forward raised his head and found that there was another red cloth waving in the wind in front of him. Without saying, the demon cows continued to lower their heads and rush forward.

This magic cow herd with 20,000 to 30,000 heads deviated from the direction of the monster tide under the guidance of pieces of red cloth. They were already mad when they were teased by the red cloth. They sprinted for more than a dozen miles to the front A group of demon cows in the country are exhausted and their eyes have returned to clearness, but they can no longer turn their heads at this time. On both sides are six or seven-meter-high snow-walled cliffs, and behind them are dense companions. Except for the straight down in front of them, they have no other way to go...

   When the eyes suddenly opened up, the demon cows found that they were in a canyon with a large open area, surrounded by cliffs more than ten feet high. For the magic cows, they didn't realize that they had fallen into death. They just sprinted down a dozen miles away, just to rest here, nibbling on grassroots lichen moss or something to supplement their physical strength. So groups of demon cows strolled leisurely around this canyon. From time to time, a bit of grass roots was dug out from under the snow and chewed a few times.

   This is the Crewe Circle Isthmus in the Norton family territory. The entire isthmus is like a child who mischievously dug a large circular hole in the flat ground. Crewe Circle Isthmus is not out of reach. Not a dead place, there are several gaps on one side of the isthmus, and you can leave the isthmus gradually upwards. But for Demon Cow, these gaps are the road of no return.

   Several demon cows turned around in these upward gaps, and finally stepped onto the ground. But what greeted them was the sound of the "boom boom boom" steel crossbow, and these demon cows were struck by lightning. Suddenly died.

"Hurry up and pull away the corpses of these demon cows, and there are a few more demon cows coming up behind, everyone is ready to..." Dolles stood in a chariot vigorously to give orders, and these several lead from the isthmus to the ground. The gap is his battlefield, as long as the demon cow comes up, he can only be killed under his steel crossbow.

   Several family soldiers came up. I used a rope to tie the corpse of the demon cow on the ground very skillfully, and then waved to indicate that the horses in front slammed hard, and the corpses of these demon cows weighing more than a thousand jin glide briskly on the snow to a large area not far away. On the ground, the weather was very cold anyway, and the corpses of these demon cows were quickly frozen in the wind and snow, and they were placed in rows. Someone will pick up the spoils when they are free.

"Bang" the box trembled violently, and the ice and snow splashed all over. The blue-eyed bison that hit the base on the left side of the box shook the huge bull's head. It also hit a little dizzy and turned around. He woke up, yelled "moo-moo-moo" and stepped back, ready to hit again.

   "My day!" Lorist on the frame grabbed a steel crossbow and aimed it, and killed it under the crossbow before the blue-eyed bison hit the frame base again.

The box where Lorist and others are located is twelve meters long and eight meters high. In order to prevent the demon cow from hitting the base madly, Lorist specially cut down the area of ​​the red cloth hanging in the middle, leaving a distance of four meters on both sides. It is to attract the attention of the demon cow and pass through the middle without being interested in the bases on both sides.

   But the blue-eyed buffalo just somehow got up to the base on the left. It hits once and has to continue hitting it. There is no other way but to kill it under an arrow, otherwise it would be great fun if the base was hit and the whole box collapsed. Fortunately, when Lorist shot just now, he did not attract the attention of the bison who came at the red cloth. The endless herd of bison was still rushing through the box...

"After this group of blue-eyed bison pass, we go down, get some snow from the nearby hillside, and ask the camp to boil some water. We will reinforce the two bases of the box and freeze the whole. The paralyzed scream just now Cold sweat..." Lorist said.

   "Me too..." El replied, leaning against the parapet.

   In order to deal with the wave of monsters that swept the family territory this winter, Lorist mobilized almost all the power of the family.

   First of all, Lorist intends to lure and divert the large demonic cattle populations in the tide of beasts, and drag these demonic cattle populations to the isthmus of Kru Circle. If there are hundreds of thousands of large-scale demon cows missing from the wave of monsters, the remaining demon sheep, deer, deer, and the like will be easy to deal with.

   Lorist is not greedy. If the number of monsters in this winter is close to one million, Lorist only wants to keep half of them, plus the raid on Fengleyuan in the spring. Then there are at most three or four hundred thousand beasts that can return to Manyuan. As long as this happens for three consecutive years, I believe that the tide of beasts will disappear in the family territory, and it will no longer be a major concern for the family.

   In order to achieve this goal, all family knights and family armaments have undergone repeated drills. The defense facilities of all the central towns and villages from the second to the seventh area have been completed, as the five central towns from the second to the sixth area that the tide of warcraft must pass through. There are already five golden knights of the family who are sitting in the town personally, and will seize the opportunity to put some low-combat beasts such as the demon goat and deer into the city when the tide of monsters passes, turning the tide of monsters into a carnival festival of hunting throughout the city.

   Kitano Town, the central town of District 7, where the tide of monsters will not reach, you don’t need to be too nervous, just be alert.

   Yuju Town, the central town of the sixth district, was named after Lorester personally dealt with the monster wave here last year. The chief golden knight Bodfinger is now in charge.

   The central town of District 5 has no name yet. The town is the Golden Knight. Rose, whom Lorist called the Tiger.

   The central town in the fourth district does not have a town name. The one who sits is a silver-haired Berunek.

   The central town in the third district is in charge of the golden mercenary Zino Faria.

   The central town of the second district is the judge of the former White Lions of the Christian Empire who has just been promoted to the Golden Knights, known as the iron-faced Mons Malek. After the northbound convoy returned to the family territory, he was given a big vacation by Lorist. After more than a year of practice, he was finally promoted to the golden rank. Become the sixth golden knight under Lorist.

   Everyone is gearing up and confident. Waiting eagerly for the arrival of the winter wave of monsters. And Lorist took Josk, the golden archer, the leader of the guard camp, El and others in ambush on this hillside. They performed the most difficult first step to lure the demonic cow population in the tide of warcraft. Go to the Isthmus of Crewe Circle...

   "This is the third group of demon cows, how many are there?" Pat asked.

   "50 or 60 thousand heads, I guess there should be so many." El replied.

Lorist said: "Almost. After this herd of bison, we go to rest in the camp there, change shifts, and let Josk take a rotation. When we stay for a while, remember to drag the dead cow below to the camp. I stayed on it for these two days and ate the dry food, just in time for a slaying ceremony."

   "Okay. My lord."

The temporary camp arranged by    is not far from the hillside here, just across a small hill. The camp is arranged there mainly because there is a small water hole on the top of the hill, which is convenient for water. However, when the ten or so people in Lorist passed by, they found that the camp was fierce, and nearly a hundred winter wolves were besieging the camp. It was just that Josk’s arrow and the four steel crossbows in the camp suffered heavy losses. The snowy ground was full of corpses of winter wolves.

When Lorist arrived, it was almost over. The remaining 30-odd winter wolves noticed the arrival of Lorist and others and moved their targets. They rushed viciously, and then became one under the sword of the dozen or so individuals in Lorist. A corpse.

   The temporary camp is not big. Zhoubian is just a circle of four or five meters high wooden fence. The four corners are four wooden towers, on which a steel crossbow is placed.

Qiaosk smiled bitterly and said: "My lord, we seem to have overlooked the carnivorous beast populations that are looking for hunting opportunities with the beast wave. Fortunately, there are only a hundred winter wolves besieging the camp. If we encounter nearly a thousand. We will suffer from the great wolves of China."

   There are only a hundred good players selected from the guard camp in the temporary camp, and there are only four knights in the family: Josk, El, Pat and Jim. Fortunately, there was enough snow during this period, and Lorester had to order everyone to work together. It took three days to build a five-meter-high snow wall all over the camp, and the water was poured into an ice wall to give the camp enough defense. After that, he continued to take people to the opposite hillside, climbed to the square and began to lure and diverge those large demons.

After another ten days, Lorist and Josk took turns to lure and diverge seven large demonic cow populations on the box, estimated to have more than 100,000 heads, and the wave of monsters has passed, and the rest are all It is a race of carnivorous monsters. Lorester and others were trapped in the temporary camp for nearly seven days. They dealt with the attacks of several groups of magic wolves and magic leopards. After inflicting heavy casualties on these beasts, they forced these beasts to give up their attacks on the camp. .

   At this time, the Kru Circle Isthmus has become a large cattle slaughter center. The number of demon cows coming up from the cracks in the isthmus has reached thousands of heads per day. The chariot corps commanded by Dolles has now become a link in the automated slaughter line. The demon cow came up from the gap and "boomed" with two arrows before it stood firm. The demon cow fell down and threw a set next to his life. Loop, catch the bull's head and drag it away, the second demon bull comes up and repeats...

The corpses of the demon cows piled up like a mountain in the open space nearby. Rows of demon cow corpses that were frozen to death were built seven or eight stories high. The open space was constantly expanding, and piles of demon cow corpses soon appeared in the open space. . Dolles has sent someone to urgently send a letter to Rock Castle, requesting that thousands of people be sent to carry the body of the demon cow.

The surrounding land in the crevice of the isthmus has been stained red with the blood of the demon cow, but as the population and number of demon cows in the isthmus increase, the demon cow who has no food or drink must find a way out from this round isthmus, except from the isthmus. Going up this road in the gap, there are countless demon cows turning their heads and preparing to go back from the straight road that came over.

   There are only more than 400 steel crossbows in the gap, and Dulles's chariot regiment is full of 2,500 steel crossbows. Lorester has arranged more than 1,800 steel crossbows to lie in ambush on both sides of this straight, and all the demon cows that walked back were attacked by torrential arrows on the second half of the straight. Layers of cow corpses were piled up on the slope, and the blood of the magic cow flowed into a stream on the straight...

Throughout the winter, the chariot regiment that Dulles had just formed was fighting severe damage against the demon cow population that fell into the isthmus trap of the Kru circle. It took more than two months to wipe out the 170,000 demon cows. Everyone is exhausted enough, and more than 2,400 steel crossbows have been scrapped due to high frequency use.

When the last small herd of demon cows fell on the clearing of the isthmus, Dolles sat on the chariot and said to the accompanying Lorist: "My lord, I never want to shoot at cows in this life. I feel so tired of these cows~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With the arrival of spring and the retreat of the Warcraft wave, good news came one after another. First came Yuju Town, the central town of District 6, which was the first experience. In an area of ​​the Warcraft Tide, thanks to Lorist and others' lure and divergence of the demon cow population in the Warcraft Tide, Bodfinger, who sits in Yuju Town, boldly opened the city gate a dozen times, making 200,000 yuan. Demon sheep, demon antelope and deer, these low-combat beasts entered the city, making Yuju Town the most lucrative town for meat harvests in this wave of warcraft. The subsequent production of large quantities of sheep rib circle traps made Yuju Town in Warcraft After the tide subsided, thousands of carnivorous beasts' bodies were harvested.

Then the five central towns in the fifth to the second district also have their own gains. Adding up a statistics, it is found that the small and medium-sized herbivorous warcraft populations of the warcraft tide are almost scarce, and more than one million warcraft can finally be returned to the barbarian. The number is less than 300,000.

  Lorist is overjoyed. In this way, within two years, the wave of monsters will disappear in the family territory, and finally you can safely farm and carry out various major developments.

Patting Dolles on the shoulder, Lorist said: "Okay, it's time to set off. Jost's archer battalion escorts your chariot regiment to sweep away the detained beasts in Fengleyuan, and Tiger Ross's armored rider also Waiting for your arrival in the third area. This time there may be demon cow populations staying on Fengleyuan, but more of them are carnivorous beasts, you must pay attention to safety. After you complete the mission and come back, I promise you new ones The steel crossbow is already waiting to be equipped for you."

   "Yes, my lord." Dolles saluted immediately.

  ……(To be continued.)

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