Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 268: The first family swordsman

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Chapter 268 The First Family Sword Master

The bright silver moon is as big as a copper basin, hung above the dark blue sky, scatters the silver moonlight to the world...

The night is already very deep. Standing on the high roof of the Rock Castle, looking down at the quiet valley and the distant city and the former city and the latter city, which fell into sleep in the distance, Lorist only felt relaxed and happy, and his irritability gradually followed the night breeze. Calm down.

It's been seven years. Time flies so fast. Back then, when we organized a northbound convoy from Dawn Academy, I never dreamed of today. The remote family territory has undergone earth-shaking changes under the efforts of myself and my companions, and the former reckless wasteland is now turning into a land full of hope.

Lorist can't remember how many ups and downs he has experienced along the way, but he found that the enemy he is facing now is getting stronger and stronger. The second prince last time was just a king who was insignificant in the barrel of a silver rushing wax gun. The so-called one hundred thousand army was destroyed in the first battle. Even the second prince himself was retaliated by sending a great swordsman to the assassination. After breaking through the king's city, he became a prisoner and was sent to the Kingdom of Antinac to be executed by the second highness.

Now I am facing a complete kingdom. Although this kingdom was established by pirates, it has developed into an independent slavery kingdom in the past 100 years. They have their own army and countless murderous arrests. Slaves, these slave catching squads are also an armed force that cannot be taken lightly.

Lorist had seen the confessions of the captives, especially the interrogation records of the crucified great sword master. The great sword master said that the attack on Hilovas Island had almost integrated all of the kingdom of Haneabada. The power of big slave owners and slave merchants, they sent out more than 80 slave hunting teams, with the smallest number of dozens and the largest number of five or six hundred. The total force is more than 24,000, and the number of ships dispatched is close to Five hundred...

I don’t know from there that I heard that Hilovas has recruited 50,000 or 60,000 refugees for large-scale development and construction. The big slave owners and slave merchants of the Kingdom of Haneabadha took the idea of ​​this group of refugees. They also sent them. The people under his men pretended to be smugglers and came to the island to conduct investigations. They found that the situation was true before they joined forces.

It’s just that they underestimated the defensive power on the island. After they occupied the entire island, they discovered that they had lost more than 80 ships and nearly 10,000 troops. Even some slave traders regretted that the cost of this operation was too high. Very uneconomical. Although so many slaves were captured, not many were allocated to each family. The lost slave hunting team is the elite armed force in the hands of their master.

Like this captured great swordsman, his master, Duke Guffman, was a well-known master slave owner in the Kingdom of Haneabadah. This time he sent five slave teams of nearly 2,000 people, but they encountered them at sea. Two ships were burned during the interception and battle. After landing, two slave-catching teams rushing in front were destroyed. Only a thousand people remained.

According to statistics after the occupation of Hilovas Island, they had only divided up more than 4,000 slaves. Compared with the losses they paid, this figure was not worth the gain. That's why the great sword master decided to send away the slaves first, and he and the slave hunting team would stay for a few days to search for the residents who had fled in the mountains and forests. Then they waited for Bodfinger's reinforcements, and none of them would want to go back...

"My lord..." Shihuad's soft call came from behind.

Lorist didn't turn around either: "Did you finish the evening class?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Well, you go and rest first, don't worry about me. The three allies will come tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but I don’t know if Baron Felim will bring his baby girl this time? If you do, I will let you go. Three days off, let you take your fiancée around..."

"My lord!" Schward was thin-skinned and a little shy

"Haha..." Lorist laughed: "By the way, ask the kitchen to get me something to eat, and then go to the study to get me a bottle of wine, and then you can go to bed."

"Yes, my lord."

Schward moved quickly, and just after the meeting, he took two servants to set up tables and chairs on the roof, and put the food and drink. It may be revenge for Lorester's teasing, this kid asked the kitchen to give a big smoked goose...

The moonlight is beautiful tonight, and Lorist is interested. He wants to drink a little wine with some side dishes. This big smoked goose on the table is a bit horrible. It’s a bit greasy to hold the smoked goose. Coupled with fruit wine and a song to the moon, how do you think this scene is inconsistent...

"This brat..." Lorester murmured, without moving the smoked goose, he poured a glass of fruit wine in his hand, stood on the roof and looked at the scenery in the distance, while slowly drinking it in his mind. Recall the information about the Kingdom of Haneabada.

The Haneabada Islands are located in the southwest of Shilovas Island. It takes eleven days to arrive at the speed of a medium-sized armed merchant ship. If it is the Flying Fish in the morning, it takes about seven or eight days.

The island of Haneabada on the map resembles an octopus with its teeth and claws. The name Haneabada was originally the name of an octopus demon who likes to make waves on the sea in ancient mythology. The legendary octopus demon once Stealing a precious ornament of the blood moon goddess Su Fina, the blood moon goddess was furious, taking advantage of the time when the octopus demon was exposed to the sea to breathe, he summoned his husband to gather the sun god, the light **** and the war god. The **** Sigvar and his sister Daphne, the goddess of the silver moon, cast a spell to turn the octopus demon who dared to steal the ornaments of the goddess into this octopus-shaped archipelago...

This myth tells people a very profound truth. Women in rage are unreasonable, so don’t provoke women. You can only coax women and not make them angry, otherwise no one can guess the consequences. . Just like that octopus demon might have thought that she would fight the blood moon goddess for this accessory for 300 rounds, but she did not expect that she would directly bring in foreign aid and turn herself into an archipelago...

Far from the Gailint subcontinent, the Haneabada Islands have always been regarded as an alien land, remote, desolate, and few specialties. It wasn't until the pirates established a nation here and vigorously developed the slave trade that they slowly changed the perception of the Hanea Bada Islands as a barren land.

If you add up the area of ​​the Haneabada Islands, it is larger than the territory of the Norton family. It's just that half of the Haneabata archipelago is long and narrow islands, which look like octopus tentacles from the map.

The Kingdom of Hanea Bada, which has been established for more than 80 years, has a total population of more than 500,000, but among the population of more than 500,000, slaves accounted for more than 400,000. The tens of thousands of pirates did not know it was It's not that they have been retributed for doing too many wicked things, their children and grandchildren have reproduced for so many years before they exceed one hundred thousand.

There is also a genius in the grass. In Lorist’s eyes, the second king of the Kingdom of Haneabada was such a genius. Originally the kingdom established by the pirates was an election system, and everyone who became the king had the final say, but the second king successfully changed it to a hereditary system, making his family firmly dominate this position.

After being elected to power by the pirates, the king changed the habit of the pirates who lived by captivity, and divided the long and narrow archipelagos around the main island to the pirate chiefs as fiefs and gave them slaves on these islands. Reclamation of wasteland and farming, including ordinary pirates to form a royal army, so that ordinary pirates also live a life of worry-free food and clothing. He also declared that he would no longer plunder the coastal countries of the golden coastline, eased relations, opened trade routes, and vigorously developed the slave trade, and finally made this jokingly established kingdom begin to develop steadily.

Becoming a citizen of the Kingdom of Haneabadha is happy, but this happiness is based on the blood and tears of the slaves. They were born without worry about food and clothing, which is the high welfare left by the second king to the offspring of the pirates. But if they want to live a good life, they either go to serve the king or learn their skills.

The Kingdom of Haneabadha has two standing forces, one is the Royal Guards with 28,000 men, and the other is the Royal Patrol Fleet with 24 large and medium-sized armed merchant ships. Both forces are directly under the royal family and are under the direct command of the king. And those nobles in the Kingdom of Haneabadha are big slave owners, and the private weapons in their hands are basically the descendants of the pirates of the ancestral pirate leaders. As for the slave traps below, they are in Gellint The desperadoes, deserters, mercenaries and criminals recruited by the Asian continent.

There are two big cities in the Kingdom of Hanea Bada. One is the royal city Hamidas in the central inland of the main island, and the other is the largest slave trading market in Galintia, the port city of Nubit.

Although they have their own residences in the royal city of Hamidas, the nobles of the Kingdom of Haneaba are more accustomed to living in Nubit Harbor, which is their paradise. Here they drove the slaves to build luxurious residences, and enjoyed a life of lavish wine and wine on the bones of tired slaves.

As a seaport city, Nubit Port can not only purchase specialty products and fashion supplies from all over the Asian continent of Gailint. It is also more convenient for the major slave owners of the Kingdom of Haneabada to command the slave traders and slave capture teams to sail to the impoverished or war-torn regions of the Gailint Asia continent, and to transport the Kingdom of Haneabada back to the endless stream. Slave...

For the combat power of his family's armed forces, Lorist has a strong confidence, and it is difficult to find elite combat power alongside it in Gailint Asia. This time Lorist intends to bring the two heavy armoured regiments of Bodfinger, the Unicycle Steel Crossbow Corps, Yuri's Scout Camp, and the Perak Castor Battalion in Owiecki, and two more guards. There are more than 37,000 people in total. I believe that these 37,000 soldiers and horses only need to board the Haneabad Islands, not to mention the destruction of the Haneabad Kingdom, sweep the entire kingdom and hang the black-hearted slave owners and merchants on the gallows. owned……

Lorist is a little bit distressed now, but he is not completely sure how to make these 37,000 people board the main island without alarming the enemy. Judging from the map, the bay of the Haneabad Islands is also a long strip, which means that Nubit Harbor is shrunk in the innermost part of the bay, and there are several long and narrow islands outside the bay, which have become natural Nubit Harbor. Perimeter barrier.

If there is no one on these islands, then nothing is going on. Lorester can block the small islands outside and shut down the ships in Nubit Harbor, but these islands are the fiefs of several big slave owners. Some of them are slaves working hard. If they find that Lorist leads a fleet of ships, then as long as these slaves light a bonfire and light up a wolf smoke, they can pass the news to Nubit Harbor, when the pirates’ ships will swarm out. , That's great fun.

At present, the best way is to first transfer the troops to Shilovas Island, prepare for the march first, and wait for El and Tagor to send information about the Kingdom of Haneabada, and they will be able to deploy there. The exact understanding can be set off. After a large army has landed, you can teach them how to be good people in the next life.

Lorist pulled out a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and he would never let go of the big slave owners and slave traders who attacked Hilovas Island, especially the slave hunters. They have done too many evil things and deserve retribution. It's not that it is not reported, the hour has not arrived. Now that I have made up my mind to set off for the Kingdom of Hanea Bada, then their retribution will come...

I hope that El and Tagel can find the whereabouts of the family knights such as Fatty Shi and Jim, and hope that they will not be subject to accidents. Even if they are slaves, they can go to rescue them by themselves.

Alas... Lorister let out a long sigh, raised his hand and poured all the golden liquor from the glass into his mouth. He still keeps the news of Shi Fatzi's arrest with his family members so as not to worry about them. Lorist turned and looked at the hillside on the left side of the castle. There were twelve large villas built on the upper two floors. It was the residence of the family's senior management and the commanding knight in Rock Castle. Lorist remembered clearly, the top floor The first one is Fatty Shi’s home. Some time ago Fatty Shi’s father came to see his precious grandson, but he still can’t bear to leave. Hey... how would I want to tell them the bad news...

A sword light was imprinted in Lorist’s eyes, and Lorist’s gaze condensed. Such a sword shadow was already at the level of a first-class swordsman. How could it appear in the back garden of Fatty Shi’s house, especially this late night Time...

It’s not that Fatty Shi was recognized by the slave owners. In order to coerce Fatty Shi to work for them, he sent someone into the Rock Castle and wanted to hijack his family... A bad premonition came to his mind, and Lorist couldn’t take the stairs. , Leaped directly from the rooftop, followed the outer wall of the castle as an ape, quickly climbed down, and sprinted towards the home of Fatty Shi on the other side of the hillside.

It seemed normal. There was no movement in the room. The sound of normal soft snoring was heard in Lorist’s ears. Occasionally, I heard the teeth grinding and murmur of Fatty Shi’s precious son...

Lorist quietly covered the back garden, like a dark shadow silently blending into the mottled tree shadow under the moonlight...

The sword shadow in the back garden is just a person practicing the sword. The sword shadow is agile, and the sword aura is not exposed. Although the sword light is vertical and horizontal, covering the space, each pot in that space is waiting to be released or fighting for beauty. But the flowers continued to reveal their fragrance unconsciously, as if the sword shadows and cold light leaping among the delicate petals were just phantoms...

The control, accuracy and stability of this swordsman's square inches are truly amazing, and these are precisely the differences between the great swordsman and the golden swordsman.

Lorist walked out of the shade of the tree.

The sword practitioner suddenly became alert, held the sword as a precaution, and drew in a low voice, "Who is it?"

"It's me." Lorist said lightly.

"Uh...sir..." The sword practitioner shivered and quickly put the sword away.

"Come with me," Lorist said, turning and leaving.

"Call..." The sword practitioner took a breath of annoyance. The moonlight was so beautiful tonight. He suddenly became interested in practicing swords. Who knew that the lord had returned. I had been promoted to the sword master for some time without telling the lord. The next practice sword was seen by an adult, and his realm must not be hidden from the adult's eyes. When it's over, apart from unavoidable hardship, I won't have a happy life in the future. I can no longer play with my lovely great-grandson anymore, and I have to be driven by the adults to run around and be exhausted...

At this moment Lorist is also scolding his mother in his heart, my god! This is really unreasonable! I never thought that the coward, the shameless old man who sacrificed his granddaughter just to survive, was a coward, afraid of death, and the golden three-star swordsman Ingerek, who was forced to sign a ten-year servant agreement, was promoted silently. Great Sword Master, what kind of **** luck is this?

This swordsman is Ingerek. When Lorist organized the convoy to go north, he clashed with the local Serpent Slov slave group in the port of Armerin in the Principality of Rulm. Lorist was alone. After killing the two golden swordsmen of the slave hunting group, Yingjerek, as a golden three-star swordsman, not only did not come up, but turned around and fled. Finally, Lorist caught up with him and drew out his vindictive cheats and private money. Forced him to sacrifice his precious granddaughter, and signed an agreement of ten years as a slave before letting him go.

At that time, Fatty Shi was injured by the old man Yingjerek, who was bandaged like a zongzi, while Lorist caught the old man and assigned his granddaughter to Fatty Shi as a maid. Unexpectedly, the two people saw the right eyes, and they became a pair. For Shi Fatty's sake, Lorist didn't do anything to the old man.

Later, Lorester returned from the family territory to take up the northbound convoy, and he lavishly awarded meritorious personnel in the convoy camp outside the city of Nadegas in the Kingdom of Antinac. He originally wanted to promote the old man to become the golden knight of the family. The old man refused. He said that he would just accompany his granddaughter. At that time, Fatty Shi gave up his precious granddaughter and vowed to marry her as soon as he returned to the family territory...

Lorester only felt that the old man had lived for too long and had too much ambition. He just wanted to live a stable life, so he didn't take it seriously. He simply let him go and let him spend his old age with his granddaughter. He didn't expect it to be. I was surprised, and now I am promoted to the family's first great swordsman.

This time Lorist would never let the old man go. He had to squeeze the old man dry. Anyway, the old man would shiver when he saw Lorist like a mouse and a cat. What Lorist wondered most was how he was promoted to the Great Swordsman based on the old man's useless energy?

Back on the roof of the castle, Lorist sat in a chair in a magnificent manner, poured a glass of wine and tasted himself, and let Ingerek stand in front of him obediently.

"Let's talk, when did you get promoted to Great Sword Master?"

"Big, my lord, for more than a year, more..." The old man started to be scared again.

"Why don't you tell me..." Lorist asked lazily.

"Big. Your lord, you. You are not here. Here..." The old man trembled.

Uh... Lorester himself can't remember, he always runs around anyway, so let's admit it. However, he was still very depressed: "I said what are you shaking? Am I so terrible? I won't eat you again. Besides, you are also a great swordsman."

"No, no, sir, I can't say why, anyway, I am afraid when I see you."

"Forget it, Ingerek, don't talk nonsense, now that you are a great swordsman, you should also contribute to the family." Lorist said.

"Big, sir, you better let me go, I'm so old." The old man begged for mercy.

"Fuck off! Don't think I don't know that being promoted to the Great Swordsman is equivalent to 30 years of life span. You are now comparable to a strong man. The situation facing the family is very serious. I am dissatisfied with you. I will be Bring people out to the Kingdom of Haneabada, because that group of dog*slavers attacked our family’s Hilovas island territory, and your precious grandson-in-law was also taken by them..."

"My lord, what are you talking about?" Now it was the old man's turn to be shocked, not trembling anymore.

"So I said that I will set off for the Kingdom of Hanea Bada in a while, and I will save Fatty Shi back. Old man, you also give me your help. After a while, I will take a boat to Sad Yang to requisition me for a sea ship. , We still lack ships to transport people and horses."

It’s about the happiness of his baby and granddaughter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The old man no longer pushes things around: "Okay, sir, I promise to requisition enough boats."

"Well, you go back first, let's lie about Fatty Shi, don't tell his wife. I will notify you when the time is up," Lorist said.

"Yes, my lord," the old man turned around and walked away. When he reached the stairs, he remembered and asked back: "Yes, my lord, how many ships need to be requisitioned?"

"Well, let's requisition more than one hundred ships first, but if you don't have enough, you have to make up..." Lorist answered.

"What, so much?" The old man was taken aback and rolled directly down below.

Lorist shook his head and muttered: "With this psychological quality, I really don't understand how he was promoted to the Great Swordsman..."

……(To be continued.)

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