Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 274: Landing battle

Chapter 274 Landing Battle

The wind was so strong tonight that the flags on the boat were rattling...

One hundred and thirty-seven sea ships of different sizes formed a circular formation, all of which were sailed on the sea...

Whale Island No. 8, this is a whaling ship, but after the whales on Whale Island were wiped out, it became a large ocean-going fishing boat. Together with the other seven whaling ships, it provides the family with a steady stream of Catch.

At this moment, in the spacious cabin on Whale Island No. 8, dozens of family knights were sitting next to each other, listening to Bodhfinger’s strategy for attacking the Kingdom of Hanea Bada.

Hanging on the bulkhead is a huge hand-painted map of the Haneabata Islands. More than a dozen butter candles with thick arms illuminate the entire cabin like daylight.

Bodfinger pointed to the map with a thin wooden stick: "...In addition to the main island of the Haneabata Islands, there are also 27 long and narrow islands of varying sizes. What we want to focus on is slaves. The eight islands in front of Bit Harbor. The outermost is the large and small kelp islands.

According to the captive’s confession, Kelp Island was a territory called Baron Sinyada. There was a slave farm on it. There were more than 400 slaves engaged in fishing and planting. The manor had a team of 20 to 30 supervisors. The small kelp island is too small to be a fief, but occasionally slave owners take people up to play. Just look at whether there are boats on the beach by the sea to know if there are people on the island.

Now our fleet deviates from the sea route of the Haneabad Islands for about an hour and a half. It will set sail to reach the Haneabad Islands at about 4 o'clock in the morning. Captain Berrant, you are responsible for occupying the large and small kelp islands, and dispatching a squadron to stay on the kelp islands to comfort the slaves and tell them that we are the Norton family and are here to rescue them and give them freedom. As for the overseers, it's useless to hang them directly..."

"Follow the order, sir." A sturdy silver knight stood up.

Bodfinger continued to point the map with a thin wooden stick: "After the big and small kelp islands, there are pomfret islands on the left and right. The two islands are about the same size and belong to the two viscounts. Like the big kelp island, there is a slave on the island. The manor has seven to eight hundred slaves each, and a garrison and oversight team of nearly a hundred people. Ridings, you are in charge of Left Pompano Island, Gray, you are in charge of Right Pompano Island."

"Yes, sir." The two silver knights stood up.

"Next are Double-headed Turtle Island and Luoyu Island. There are two fiefdoms on Double-headed Turtle Island. One is the Viscount and the other is the Baron. Both have a slave manor, and Luoyu Island is an earl’s territory, and a manor has been built on it. Castle, I heard from the captives that the slave owner would occasionally go to the island and stay in the castle for a few days. Moyes, you are responsible for the settlement of the two-headed turtle island.

Zickerd, I will leave Falling Feather Island to you, and I will let the Unicycle Steel Crossbow Corps send a brigade to assist you. According to the prisoners, there is a great swordsman next to the count. If the count slave owner is found on the island, he must not be impulsive, so as not to damage his hands. You can send someone to report, we will get rid of that great sword master, understand? "

"Understood, sir..." the silver knight named Zickerd replied.

"Finally are Golden Shark Island and Duck Island. These two islands are diagonally shaped like a funnel. At the bottom of the funnel is the Port of Nubit. Golden Shark Island is the dukedom, Tiger Ross, and you will bring a battalion of heavy soldiers. , A single-wheeled steel crossbow swept the Golden Shark Island."

"Okay." Tiger Rose responded with a smile.


"Here." The bearded Oviz stood up.

"Your Thunderbolt Catapult seized the innermost cape of Golden Shark Island after Tiger Ross. Because there is a seaway more than 160 meters wide between Golden Shark Island and the main island, you must block this seaway. In order to prevent the ships in Nubit Harbor from slipping away from this seaway. I will let a battalion of unicycle steel crossbows and a battalion of heavy armors to assist you in your defense and prevent the enemy from launching beach landing attacks."

"Yes, I promise not to let the enemy's ships slip through this seaway." Oviz said.

"Malek, Duck Island is a bit larger than Golden Shark Island. It is the territory of two earls and one viscount. You are responsible for cleaning up the slave manor above."

"Follow the order," Malek replied.

Bodfinger clicked on the map again with a thin wooden stick: "Between Duck Island and the main island, there is a group of dark rocks, so we don't need to consider whether the ships in Nubit Harbor will escape from this side. From the map From the top point of view, the bay of Nubit Harbor is like a big wine tank. As long as the main channel and the secondary sea channel on the Golden Shark Island are blocked, the ships in the harbor will not escape.

The task of blocking the main channel is entrusted to the Marine Corps, Sambawood, the lord said that as long as you sink a dozen ships, you can block the main channel. Remember, don’t let the enemy ship approach, this is the most critical point. ,Understand? "

Sambawood nodded.

"Except for the troops who captured the eight islands, the remaining ships bypassed this reef area and landed on the main island beach opposite the Duck Island, under the command of the adults. The landing beach is only two miles from the dock area of ​​Nubit Harbor. After landing, all the troops immediately cleared the queue, arranged a defensive position, and waited for the large troops to come ashore before attacking Nubit Harbor.

Yuri, your scout camp does not need to attack Nubit Harbor after landing, because you are cavalry, immediately set off to the rear of Nubit Harbor and occupy this hilly area, which is between Nubit Harbor and Hamidas King City One is to sever the connection between the two and block the news of our attack on Nubit Harbor, and the other is to block the escape of slave owners and nobles and slave merchants in Nubit Harbor. Josk, your lord ordered you to accompany Yuri to strengthen the scout camp. "

"Yes..." Yuri and Josk both stood up.

"My lord, do you have any more orders?" Baldfinger looked at Lorester who was sitting aside.

Lorist stood up and said, "The arrangements for attacking and landing on Bodfinger are very appropriate. I will not talk nonsense in this regard. I only remind everyone to pay attention to two points. First, we are here to rescue those who were looted by these slave owners. The relatives of the family and those who avenged the tragic deaths of the residents on Hilovas Island were not here to send them to death. Although our family’s armed forces are very elite, everyone should not be careless.

These slave owners in the Kingdom of Haneabadha were very rich. They hired many great swordsmen to work for them. According to the captives, there were eleven or two great swordsmen in the port of Nubit, so everyone must be careful. , As long as you set up a good formation and do a good job of defense to avoid unnecessary casualties, those great swordsmen have their own crossbows to deal with me and the great swordsman Yingjerek.

Second, there are more than 400,000 slaves in the Kingdom of Hanyabada. These slaves are also our help. We must tell them that we are here to rescue them. They will be free as long as the slave owners and nobles are brought down. So we must treat them kindly, they will guide us where to attack and where to find our people.

Okay, if there is no problem, everyone should go back and prepare. The fleet will set sail in a while. Remember, we attacked the Kingdom of Haneabada because of eight words: Those who violate Norton will be punishable even if they are far away! "

All the family knights stood up and punched their right punches on their left chests: "Those who commit Norton will be punishable even if they are far away!"

The whimper of the horn echoed on the endless sea, and the ships raised their white sails and sailed toward the southwest...


In the distance, Nubit Harbor rang with crisp bells and loud horns. This was the sound of an alarm from the enemy. From the telescope, you can see that the panicked crowd on the pier, they don't even know what to do now, they just know how to run around. For decades, there has never been an enemy attack so that the guards of Nubit Harbor have lost their vigilance and response capabilities. Maybe they are used to how to deal with those poor slaves, but forgot how to deal with foreign invaders.

The storm ahead has turned its hull sideways and pointed the port-side artillery at Nubit Harbor, which is densely covered with masts. As long as a ship sets sail, it will eject flames and projectiles mercilessly.

Under the guidance of a medium-sized sea ship guided in front, nearly a hundred large and medium-sized sea ships full of family armaments made a bend more than 100 meters behind the Storm, bypassing the reef area, towards The beach in front drove away.

The bells and horns of Nubit Harbor became more and more urgent. This seaport city on the subcontinent of Gailente, which is famous for the slave trade, finally boiled. There were bursts of crying, and the sound of cursing continued to reach Lorester’s ears. side.

The deafening shelling of the Storm sounded immediately, and the rumble of cannons sounded like thunder in the sky, coming in bursts. Lorist heard that the twelve bronze guns on the side of the Storm did not fire every second, but were divided into three groups, firing four at a time, maintaining the continuity of long-range artillery.

The hull slammed, this is the beach that touched the bottom of the sea. It was only fifteen or six meters away from the beach on the shore. Lorist jumped directly into the sea from the ship. The water was not deep, only to the chest, Lorris Te started wading forward. Behind him, the "plops" kept on. It was the example of the family soldiers jumping into the sea from the boat after Lorester...

Standing on the beach, Lorist turned and looked behind. The sea was full of family soldiers wading towards the shore. On the front row of beach-washing boats, soldiers from the Heavy Armor Corps were jumping into the sea, while those alone on the boat The soldiers of the steel crossbow regiment jumped hurriedly. They can jump into the sea, but the single steel crossbow can't be thrown into the sea.

Lorist pulled a guard next to him: "You go to the ship to send the order, let the crew of the unicycle steel crossbow get down four people first, and then hang the steel crossbow on their heads for them to carry it over..."

"Yes, sir." The guard turned and ran into the sea.

A trumpet sounded, and thousands of people rushed out of Nubit Harbor in the distance and swarmed toward the beach where they landed.

"The whole team, line up."

The family soldiers scattered on the beach continued to gather into a square array of hundreds, and lined up on the beach. The soldiers of the heavy armored regiment wading out of the sea were dripping into the phalanx. In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen square phalanxes with strict formations were already lined up behind Lorist.

The crowd that rushed out of Nubit Harbor was more than two hundred meters away. They did not expect that the formation of Lorester would be so fast. They originally wanted to hit these landing enemies by surprise and drove them back to the sea, but they could wait for them. When they ran in front of the enemy, they found that the enemy was already waiting. Now those who rushed to the front began to hesitate. Although they were still approaching, their speed slowed down.

It seems that the people who rushed over were all the slave traps organized temporarily. With ragged armor and all kinds of weapons in his hand, Lorist glanced at the enemy in front of him, then his gaze was frozen.

In the enemy’s queue, there were nearly a hundred people wearing the same standard armor as the Norton family’s armed forces. Obviously, they had been to Silovas Island, and their armor was taken from soldiers of the Third Battalion of Guards who were killed or captured. Peeled off...

"My soldiers, have you seen it? The enemy is wearing our companion's equipment. Now, what should we do?" Lorester's clear voice sounded in the ears of every Norton family soldier.

There was a commotion in the phalanx behind him, but soon thousands of voices converged into one sentence: "Kill! Kill them all!"

Lorist drew out his long sword and pointed at the enemy in front: "Then kill them all and avenge our companions! Kill..."

Taking the lead, Lorist rushed towards the enemy formation ahead. It was less than two hundred meters in a blink of an eye. Lorist roared and rushed into the sword forest. The long sword flew by, the head flew, the blood was splashed, the man turned on his back, and the enemy line was in chaos. ,

The corpses fell to the ground, and the screams continued, and Lorist wandered through the crowded enemy line like a stroll. There was no enemy under the sword, and there was a **** road behind him. As long as he finds an enemy wearing a family armor, he will chase after him, and he must cut it under the sword.

A sword light like water arrived, and it was in front of you in an instant. Lorist blocked his cross sword and was overjoyed: "Great Sword Master?"

The wind and thunder with the sword in his hand, the latter came first, and he had already attacked the goatee old man opposite. There are many great sword masters in the Kingdom of Hanea Bada. They are all coveting the high-priced beneficiaries of the slave owners, and they serve as minions and bodyguards for these slave owners. If you can kill one, try your best to kill one. The more you kill, the safer your family armed forces.

"Zhengzheng Zhengzheng..."

Swords flicked loudly.

"Uh..." The goatee old man rolled his eyes, a crack appeared in his throat, and blood spurted out...

"Japan, is this level a great swordsman?" Lorist spit out disdainfully, feeling a little unsatisfied. This old goatee should be the worst swordsman he has ever encountered, and he was finished with only twelve swords from him.

Two violent shouts came from his ears, and Lorist looked up, but it was a fat black man and another gloomy old man who drew their swords at him.

"It's another two great swordsmen, haha, well come." Lorist greeted him without surprise.

The fat black man's sword was heavy and powerful, slashing horizontally and straight, walking a stern path. The gloomy old man was a good hand at tricks, hiding behind the fat black man and attacking unexpectedly, and the two also cooperated tacitly.

However, Lorist quickly adapted to the way the two joined forces. Instead, the two of them froze around and became more and more unable to resist. The fat black man had two more wounds on his body, and his actions became more and more slow.

"Ah!" The fat black man yelled, and Lorist made a cut in his body again, with bones visible, and he couldn't help screaming in pain.

The gloomy old man behind him saw that he didn't look good, and he suddenly got round, kicking his feet on the back of the fat man, and kicking the fat man towards Lorist. He turned and wanted to escape. A touch of Lorist's feet, the person has turned behind the fat black man, and the long sword "pounced" into the back of the gloomy old man.

The fat black man turned around and laughed sorrowfully: "The old dog wants to leave me behind and use me as a ghost, but he didn't expect to die first. Haha, do it..."

Lorist frowned: "You are all first-class swordsmen? Why are you so bad?"

The fat black man laughed strangely: "It's enough to be promoted to a great swordsman in this life. Why don't you enjoy life well? I play with a dozen women here every day, so there is no time to practice swords. That old dog Like to play with young girls, licking and freaking perverted until. And that..."

The fat black man pointed to the old sword master who was first killed by Lorist: "He likes food and he likes men..."

Lorist understands that the great sword masters who are willing to accept slave owners are actually those who have no pursuit of cultivation. They are not as powerful as Lorist imagined, and are the first level of Krud from Dawn Academy. The difference between the Great Sword Master or the Christopher First Grade Great Sword Master of the Fesabrunn family is that these great sword masters want to enjoy life, rather than continue to practice hard in order to be promoted to the next stage.

"How many are you here?" Lorist asked.

"Four." The fat black man knew what Lorist was asking.

"Remember not to go the wrong way again in your next life." Lorist passed by, and the fat black man's head fell.

There is also a great swordsman, Lorester raised his eyes and looked around. Now his side is empty, with the three bodies of the great swordsman standing nearby and no one dares to approach him.

Although the battle on the beach is still stalemate, the Norton family armed forces have clearly occupied the advantage. Even if there are several golden swordsmen among the enemies, they did not get anything good before the tacit battle formed by the heavy armored regiment. Most of the people lying on the beach were members of the slave hunting team from Nubit Harbor.

I saw it, the sword light flickered in the distance, but it was the old man Ingerek who was fighting with an old man in black scale armor. It looked like Ingerek was still at a disadvantage.

Lorist rushed over and harvested the heads of two golden swordsmen along the way.

"It's too bad, Injerek, I've cut down three times to the Great Swordsman. You didn't even clean up one of them, and you were beaten down. It seems that I have to practice you in the future, so that you don't have to go out and lose us. The face of the Norton family."

The old man Yingjerek was very angry: "My lord, didn't you see that he is a second-level great swordsman?"

"Oh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No wonder you can't take it, step back and let me come." Lorist leaped forward with a sword.

The old man in black scale armor heard Lorester say that he was already playing drums after he had cut three big swordsmen. When he saw him rushing up and drawing his sword, he turned around and fled. Lorester was trying to chase, but he heard "Let it go!"

A string sounded, and the escaping old hair in black scales let out a scream, just like a rabbit with an arrow hitting the ground, two iron crossbow arrows on his back, and the ground beside him A dozen of them are densely inserted...

It turned out that the soldiers of the Unicycle Steel Crossbow Regiment formed a battle formation after getting the Unicycle Steel Ballista to the beach. The first target was this old man who was fighting with Ingerek. The two were entangled and couldn't shoot. Now, the old man ran to open the neutral position, and the crew of more than twenty single-wheel steel crossbows was not welcome.

When the four great swordsmen who came with them died, the slave hunters collapsed, discarding their swords and guns and fleeing to Nubit Harbor, but they couldn’t run as fast as the shooting of a steel crossbow. The crossbow shot to the ground...

"Blow the trumpet, gather the battlefield, and we will attack the dock area." Lorist ordered.

……(To be continued.)

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