Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 294: Jingguan

Chapter 294 Jingguan

This is the tallest and most majestic building in the Kingdom of Hamidas, and it is also the power center of the former Kingdom of Hanea Bada. Luther III summoned his nobles and ministers to handle the administrative affairs of the kingdom. There are thirty-six huge columns alone. These columns are all built of lapis lazuli and are carved with exquisite patterns and patterns. Most of them are drawn from folk myths and legends. This is Hanea Bada The famous Hebitra Palace in the kingdom is also called the Thirty-Six Pillar Palace.

At this moment, the people in the main hall of the thirty-six pillars palace are full of joy, because Lorist will host a grand celebration banquet here to celebrate the victory of the Norton family and the demise of the Kingdom of Hanayabada and realize the Norton offender. , Although it is far away, it will be a promise.

"The first glass of wine, let us respect the soldiers who fought bravely in this war of annihilation, sacrificed their lives for the family shame, and liberated slaves!" Lorist poured a glass full of wine with a solemn expression. On the ground.

In the hall, nearly a hundred family knights with bright armors and more than ten civilians in gorgeous dresses also spilled fine wine on the ground.

"The second cup of wine, to those slaves who have suffered in the Haneabad Islands for nearly a hundred years. They have been oppressed, exploited, and enslaved. They used their hands to open up this wild overseas islands into today’s paradise. . Have you seen this majestic thirty-six-pillar palace? But who knows that the bones of slaves are buried under its base! They have lost their freedom here, and their lives here are not as good as those of a beast. In the eyes of demonic slave owners, they are just two-legged cows and sheep that can be slaughtered...

But now we are here, our Norton family has destroyed this sinful country with armed forces! They finally gained freedom and human dignity, but we came too late, and more slaves fell on this overseas territory. Let us pay tribute to these suffering slaves in other countries. This second glass of wine is dedicated to them..."

Lorist spilled the wine on the ground again. There is no way, even if his real purpose is to rob the property of the Kingdom of Hanayabada for nearly a hundred years, but on the surface he still has to dress up as an angel who rescues slaves from suffering. This is political correctness.

As for the slaves who were rescued to gain freedom, they were unwilling to join the harvesting and farming teams convened by the Norton family to continue their work. They nested in the camps around the city every day with two bowls of thin oatmeal porridge a day and starved. Regardless, the slaves have been given freedom anyway, and you can go wherever you like. As long as you don’t hinder the Norton family’s expropriation and raid, you can do whatever you want...

But now all the assets of the former kingdom on the Haneabad Islands belong to the Norton family nominally, and even a wheat is the sacred and inviolable family property of the Norton family, not to mention the ability to send people away from this island and set foot back. The boat on the way home. Without Lorist’s warrant, no one would ever want to board the ship.

There used to be a group of slaves who stayed in the camp freely and enjoyed the taste of freedom. They were hungry. He took the farm tools and wanted to go to the fields to harvest some wheat. As a result, they were stopped by the Norton family soldiers on patrol just after leaving the camp because they are now on the islands. Except for these free slaves, almost everything belongs to the Norton family and Lorist...

The slaves were very dissatisfied and argued a few words about why they couldn't eat the wheat that they grew. Then they were invited to the Norton Armed Camp. First they were asked to pay tribute to the remains of nearly a thousand Norton family soldiers who sacrificed heroically for the cause of slavery liberation, and then 20 leather whips per person let them understand why they could not eat The wheat grown by myself and why everything else on the island except slaves belonged to the Norton family, but these slaves didn’t have to go hungry after being whiped. The Norton family’s arms were very humane and made them confused. The next day they were forced to join the harvesting team to harvest wheat.

Just like Fatty Shi’s propaganda about these family soldiers, it was our Norton family armed forces who paid a huge sacrifice to perish the Kingdom of Haneabadah and liberate these slaves, so all the gains on this island belong to our Norton. family. Without us, these slaves are still slaves, and their lives and deaths are still in the hands of the slave owners. Now they are free, and this freedom was given to them by our Norton family, so they have no right to ask us to feed them anymore, and enjoy the great price our Norton family paid.

All the soldiers of the Norton family think that these words made by Fatty Shi are very reasonable. Besides, the Norton family is not letting these free slaves ignore them. As long as these slaves are willing to work with their hands, they will not only eat, wear and warm but also get money. This is almost completely different from their hard work when they were slaves without the protection of their lives. Therefore, the soldiers of the Norton family were very angry with those slaves who did not want to work, thinking that they were not grateful and ashamed, and therefore very rude to them.

"The third glass of wine I offer to those gladiators who poured it before dawn," Lorester nodded to the dozens of slave gladiators headed by the Great Swordsman Seuss sitting beside him: "Without them. Fighting in blood, our Norton family could not conquer this majestic city with such a slight casualty. They used their blood and lives to hold back the last crazy counterattack of the enemies in the city, defend the arena, and wait until the arrival of our Norton family’s armed forces. .Let us use this glass of wine to commemorate their bravery and sacrifice..."

After the three glasses of wine, the lively and joyous atmosphere resumed in the main hall. Everyone toasted to celebrate. Hickerd found many young and beautiful female slaves and many stunted slaves to conquer the new Hanea Bata Islands. The audience presented dazzling dances and wonderful acrobatics and magic performances, and the cheers were full of cheers.

Today is a celebration. The Norton family armed forces in the big camp have all been rewarded generously. Every family soldier who went on the expedition received ten Golden Ford bonuses. The wounded were doubled, and they also enjoyed a rich feast. The slaves who participated in the labor and were willing to work for the Norton family each received a large glass of ale and a large piece of bacon. As for the idle slaves who stayed in the Zhoubian camp in the royal city, they also got a so-called sandwich with two slices of brown bread and a slice of dried meat as a gift...

The next day, Lorist once again convened a meeting of those important family knights and civil servants. This meeting decided on the final disposal plan of the Haneabad Islands.

Everyone has no objection to make Haneabada an overseas territory of the Norton family. Lorester has no other idea about the arrangement of more than 400,000 free slaves on the islands, just about disposing of Hamida. There are many different opinions among the people present on the decision of King City.

The view of several civil servants such as Hickard was to keep the royal city. Such a majestic giant castle is a rare architectural miracle. Although it is built on the bones of countless slaves, it can be regarded as a great building that can be passed on to future generations. , Should be kept properly.

For the first time to participate in the Norton Family Meeting, the Great Swordsman Hughes and the two golden gladiators Jeds, Mason unanimously demanded the destruction of the royal city, especially the arena. This was the greatest pain in their hearts and fell on the arena. How many slave gladiators and their friends only need to completely destroy the arena to relieve the pain in their hearts...

Baldfinger believed that by destroying the city, it was easier to gather the hearts of the slaves. When he was responsible for forming ten garrison camps with slaves, he learned that all the slaves hated the city of Hamidas and thought it was a devil's cave, the **** where the devil was located. . If the royal city were destroyed, the slaves would happily obey the family's orders.

Malek believes that anyway, he has to dig three feet to find the treasures buried by the big slave owners and nobles, so if he decides to destroy the royal city, it will be more beneficial to the search for property. At least there is no need to be careful to worry about harming the integrity of the entire building...

Fatty Shi looked at the problem from another angle. He believed that destroying the royal city would be more beneficial to the Norton family's rule over the Haneabad Islands. First of all, the Haneabata Islands are located far overseas. Preserving a majestic and huge castle here is a great burden for the family. And it is impossible for the family to shift its focus to the archipelago. It is unnecessary to keep this royal city.

Just like the Hebeira Palace, that is, the Thirty-Six Pillar Palace, the annual cost of maintaining such a palace is no less than two or three hundred Jinford. Compared with the huge amount of seizures, this is indeed a small amount, but the maintenance cost of the entire royal city Add up to one or two thousand. Ten years and a hundred years will be a huge sum of money. These gold coins were spent on the maintenance of this royal city as if they were thrown into the water, and there was no sound.

Secondly, the Hanea Bada Islands are too far away from the family territory. With such a royal city, it is easy for the military commanders who stay behind the islands to breed unnecessary ambitions. In order to prevent it from happening, destroying this royal city is more likely to conform to the family’s view of the islands. Ruling, even if there is a rebellion, the family armed forces can be put down without paying too much casualties.

The last point is that according to Lorist’s arrangement for those who obtained free slaves, although nearly 100,000 slaves will be left on the Wangcheng Plain to settle down and build houses, the family armed forces who stay in the royal city will only have a battalion of about 3,000 people. It is almost useless for the defense of the huge royal city, so the area of ​​defense must be reduced. From now on, the role of the royal city here is only two, one is as a market for foreign commodities, and the other is as a warehouse for food and materials.

The three reasons mentioned by Fatty Shi became the final decision to destroy the Royal City. Lorist immediately decided to destroy the other areas of the Royal City in addition to preserving the business district in the East City for future reconstruction. The noble district and the royal court district conducted a thorough search and unearthed the buried treasure before destroying and burning it.

Lorist thought for a while and wanted to try to save half of the remnants of these 36 pillars and the arena auditorium, and let future generations know that there used to be two great buildings built by slaves. Just do whatever you want. .

After determining the fate of Hamidas King City, Lorist announced that Hickard would serve as the first governor of the Haneabad Islands for a five-year term. His main task for these five years was to give the ten who stayed in the islands a home. Tens of thousands of slaves divided fields and built houses, allowing them to settle down in the archipelago and become the leaders of the Norton family's overseas territories with peace of mind.

The golden knight Josk and Yuri will lead the scout light cavalry to once again sweep all the Wangzhuang in the plain of the king city, hunt down all the citizens of the Kingdom of Hanea Bada that have slipped through the net, and will not escape one person. And transfer all the property of the royal manor to the royal city.

The golden knight Malek was responsible for searching for the property buried in the royal city and all the material reserves in the Xicheng District. All the materials except for some food reserves were transferred to Nubit Port, waiting to be shipped back to Shilovas Island.

Half of the main force of the Norton family armed forces led by the Golden Knight Tiger Rose stayed in the king town to assist Malek in the transfer of property and supplies, and the other half was responsible for driving the slaves around the king city to Nubit Harbor, leaving only those who were ready to settle here in the king city plain. Slaves, the rest are not allowed to stay. The Norton family promised to the driven slaves that the slaves who wanted to return to their hometown would board the ship in Nubit Harbor to transport them to the Gellington continent for free and ensure their safety along the way.

Finally, Lorist rationed the two golden gladiators Jeds and Mason to Baldfinger as his deputy. They had three tasks. One was to assist Baldfinger to set up ten garrison battalions again and would like to join the 16 Norton family. Silver gladiators and more than four hundred bronze and black iron stair gladiators were included. The second task is to **** all the nearly 100,000 citizens of the Haneabad Kingdom captured by the Royal City to Nubit Harbor, where they will join the more than 20,000 Nubit Harbor prisoners. The third task was to clean the battlefield and urge the soldiers of the newly formed garrison to chop off the heads of the enemy's corpses on the battlefield for embalming and transport them to Nubit Harbor. As for the corpses, they were all burned.

Perhaps it was Lorist's order to cut off the head of the enemy's corpse. This order was a bit weird, so that Fatty Shi asked curiously what Lorist was going to do with the prisoners of the hundreds of thousands of Haneabad Kingdom?

Lorist was silent for a long time with a sullen face, and finally said softly his decision: "All cut..."

Everyone present was shocked, and Hickard and Fatty Shi's expressions changed drastically and jumped up: "My lord! This is more than a hundred thousand people..."

"These are not humans, they are just beasts in human skins!" Lorist shot the case: "They never treat slaves as humans. They are the demons of this sinful kingdom. Even civilians, their There are also slaves’ blood, tears, and souls. I once swore that if one of the captured family soldiers died, I would bury one hundred people from the Kingdom of Haneabadah. Now these 100,000 people are not enough to pay homage. Our heroic family soldiers and knights who died in the arena! This is my final decision. What consequences will I take!"

Lorist walked away after speaking...

On October 24, 1773, the Norton family’s head, Earl Norton Lorist, ordered the Kingdom of Haneabada to be placed on the beach of Nubitt Harbor on the outskirts of the city. The people of the country beheaded and used 176,243 human heads to build a 33-meter-high pyramid of human heads, which is called "Jingguan".

At the time of the beheading, Lord Hickerd, the governor of the Haneabad Islands at the time, knelt in front of Lorist’s big tent and begged for seven hours, and finally obtained Lorist’s consent and saved 10,000 from the knife. Two thousand young women were later rationed to the emancipated slaves who remained in Haneabata as their wives. At this point, the Kingdom of Haneabadha was subjugated and extinct, becoming an extinction.

It was not until March and April of the Gailint Asian calendar 1774 that the rescued slaves who had returned to their hometowns from the Haneabada Islands set foot on the Gahlint Asian continent, and the news that the Kingdom of Haneabada was destroyed by the Norton family After spreading it out, Lorist's deeds of building a Jingguan with 170,000 heads spread all over the continent. Suddenly, the terrible reputation of the Norton family in the Northland became the main method for housewives to scare disobedient children...

In May 1774 of the Gailint Asian calendar, the news of the demise of the Kingdom of Hanea Bada finally spread to another archipelago kingdom, the Xiaisiya Kingdom, which is famous for its spices. The queen is the only cousin of the former King Luther III of the Kingdom of Haneabada. Hearing that the Kingdom of Haneabada was destroyed, she cried and became unconscious. Her son's current young king immediately ordered his uncle to regroup. Set out to Haneabata Islands to avenge his mother's queen.

The so-called expedition army of the Xia Siya Kingdom had a total of 18,000 people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was already late June when more than forty ships arrived at Nubit Harbor. It was in the morning, and you could see it from a distance. The tall pyramid of human heads. At that time, Nubit Harbor only had a garrison battalion of three thousand people belonging to the Norton family. The defense facilities of the city wall were not yet complete. The knights and family soldiers of the garrison were all prepared to fight to the death and return together...

It’s just no one’s expectation that the Shaysiya Kingdom’s fleet just circled in front of the Pyramid of Human Heads and then turned around and set sail. They never returned, as if they were just here to visit the Pyramid of Human Heads. There was no one. Disembark and land...

In August, the Marine Corps of Sunbawood carried six sailing and shelling warships to patrol the Hanea Bada Islands. Upon learning of the incident, they were furious and expedition to the Kingdom of Xiaisiya. The white flag was hung. After I asked, I learned that everyone was terrified by the head pyramid in Nubit Harbor. No one wanted to build another head pyramid in the Xiaisiya Kingdom. It would be better to surrender early.

The Xia Siya Kingdom thus became the first kingdom with the Norton family attached to it. This was the first kingdom in Gaelintia's history to surrender to the family, creating history.

This is not a joke.

……(To be continued.)

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