Chapter 425 Rescue

In August 1781 of the 6th General Calendar of Gailint, the four northern alliance forces of the Antinac Kingdom and the Fisabrun family armed forces of the three provinces of the Northeast Steppe attacked the Sabaj Principality and opened the Andean Principality. The prelude to the war in which the Kingdom of Nak invaded the four principalities in central China.

On August 17, Grand Duke Sabaj gave up Meishan Castle and fled to the Duchy of Fakel. The cavalry of the four Northland alliances and the Fisabrun family reached Pedro City, the Principality of Forlando, and the provinces of Samora in the Duchy of Fakir and the Province of Forivod in the Principality of Forland were both attacked by cavalry. And captivity, beacon fire everywhere.

On September 7th, King Ogsero of the Antinac Kingdom led the White Lions to Chixes Province and joined the four coalition armed forces in the Northland and the Fisabrun family armed forces. The force reached 300,000. .

It took more than two months for the Grand Duke of Frondo to recruit the people of the country to excavate 431 trenches and build more than one thousand soils from the province of Fryward to the city of Pedro. The wall, which was used as a defensive position to resist the attack of the Antinac Kings, opened a trench-based defensive battle for the last time in the history of the 6th battle at Gellintia.

On the night of November 3, after a standoff that lasted more than a month, the Antinac Kings drew water from the Nibalaku River to flood the trench. The Second Defence Corps of the Principality of Forlund was caught off guard and injured nearly half of the survivors. Both were captured, and the commander of the army, Viscount Sancorro, killed himself and threw himself into the water, and the entire army was wiped out.

In the case of the King Antinac team constantly flooding the trenches, the garrison of the Principality of Forlund still refused to give up resistance. They relied on the low earth wall to stubbornly resist the enemy’s step by step, and finally suffered heavy casualties. failure.

On November 24, the Grand Duke of Forrundo announced that he would abandon the city of Pedro and led the 1st and 3rd garrison regiments of the Principality to leave the province of Perolina for the Principality of Handra, where they were ready to continue their resistance. The Mountain Legion of the Principality of Forando, because of the insistence of the commander of the Golden Knight Noori, stayed in the hills of Pedro for guerrilla operations.

Before leaving the city of Pedro, Grand Duke Florando did not burn the grain and grass accumulated for many years in the warehouse in the city, but left it to the invading King Antinac team. This move moved King Ogsero. Because of the benevolence and charity of Grand Duke Frundo, the king team that entered the city of Pedro maintained good military discipline and did not commit any crime to the city residents.

As the trench defense position of the Principality of Forendo was breached, and the neighboring Fakel Principality lost its flanking barriers, its empty rear could easily be outflanked by the cavalry forces of the Antinac Kingdom. Grand Duke Fakel had to give up his principality territory, and led the four government groups to the Principality of Handra.

Before leaving, Grand Duke Faker, in order to express his determination to fight the Antinac kingdom to the end, vowed to never let the enemy enter his city and family castle, and drove the residents out of their homes when the winter came. , And then burned his family castle and the Duchy’s Falimoshi city to the ground. As a result, nearly 100,000 residents of Falemosi were made homeless and reduced to refugees.

The unwise violence of Grand Duke Faker began to alienate the Faker family from the citizens of the entire principality. The first to betray Grand Duke Faker were the soldiers of the four legions he was going to take to the Principality of Handra to continue fighting against the King Antinac. There were many large-scale escapes of soldiers along the way, so that Grand Duke Faker had to treat the soldiers of the legion as prisoners. After strict supervision, the frequent escapes were finally prevented.

It was only after arriving in the Principality of Handra that Grand Duke Faker discovered that the original four legionaries had almost run away. There were also many knights and grassroots officials who were loyal to the Faker family and left without saying goodbye. The remaining soldiers even all Can't get the full set of the two legions. Only then did Grand Duke Faker regret the decision he made...

————Excerpt from the book "The Rising Angry Bear Dynasty". Dean of the Faculty of Literature and History of Chenxi Academy, a well-known military scholar, an expert on war history, and Professor Geishausen, the Imperial Sir, was written on October 2317, Gellington University 6 General Calendar.


On November 27, 1781, the Gellington 6th General Calendar, the Antinac team occupied the city of Pedro, the home of the unguarded Duchy of Forrento.

"This is the fifth summer palace in the top ten palaces of the famous empire?" Lorist asked curiously, looking at the beautifully decorated and historically decorated palace buildings.

"Yes." The Second Highness who stood beside him was also very emotional: "When I was five and seven years old, my father used to take me here to escape the heat. The scenery in summer is completely different from that in winter now. It's like a world. Paradise is full of flowers, shades of green trees, and various green grasses form various patterns, with different shades and layers. For me at that time, this is simply the paradise of my dreams... We roll and play on the grass, we are free, catching lambs and ponies, no one disturbs us. It is not like having an attendant in the palace at any time reminding you to pay attention to etiquette, and not to harm the reputation of the Royal Christian family..."

Lorester scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. He did not expect that his random question would make the Second Highness fall into the memories of childhood. Now the crowd walking into the palace stopped and couldn't move forward. . But His Highness's eyes were blurred, and the expression on his face showed that he was cherishing his lost childhood.

Fortunately, His Royal Highness awakened quickly and laughed at himself: "I'm sorry to have seen things and thoughts just now. The impression I left when I was a child to escape the heat here is really deep."

Grand Duke Fesabrunn who followed Loriste smiled empathetically: "It's okay, it just so happens that we can also take a closer look at this famous summer palace. To be honest, it's the first time I've been here. It's really dizzying. It feels like the exquisite luxury of the Summer Palace is indeed worthy of the name."


On November 33, news from the Duchy of Fakel reached the eyes of His Royal Highness. The Second His Royal Highness was so furious that he vowed not to forgive the burning down of the city of Falemish and the accumulation in various towns in the Duchy of Fakel. The food and grass that cannot be taken are also burned down by the Grand Duke Fakel and his family. The news that has passed indicates that the three provinces of the Fakel Principality have been in chaos and a large number of refugees have been generated. If no immediate measures are taken, there will be a large number of people after the cold winter. Casualties, the situation is very serious.

The Second Highness immediately summoned Lorist, Grand Duke Feisabrun, Earl Philipim and Earl Shaheen to discuss how to face the tension in the Duchy of Fakel. In the heart of the Second Highness, the 300,000 army was originally to stay in Perolina province to nest in winter, and the attack on the Principality of Handra could continue until next year. At present, the four princes of the Central Four Duchy are all gathered in the Principality of Handra. As long as the coalition forces gathered in the Principality of the Central Four Principalities are defeated, the strategy of destroying the Central Four Principalities is completely achieved, and eleven provinces can be included by themselves. In the territory of the kingdom.

In my own heart, the Second Highness did not want Lorist and the others to encroach on the Duchy of Faker. Before he led the White Lions army to arrive, the four northern armies and the two armies of the Fesabrun family, as well as those noble coalition forces, were taken What the occupied Sabaj Principality was ruined was before his eyes, and he was shocked to see it.

Therefore, when the army joined the two, His Royal Highness began to punish the military discipline, strictly prohibiting private captivation and migration of the population, and even captured two disobedience orders to send troops secretly to rob the territory of the noble manor of the Principality of Forundo. The territorial knight also hanged them and nearly a hundred armed attendants who went to rob together outside the gate of the barracks, giving all the nobles a good lesson.

The Second Highness didn’t care when he heard that Grand Duke Faker also took his four legions to the Principality of Handra a few days ago. He was delighted that these four Grand Duke came together just because they didn’t need to divide their troops to attack them. After defeating them, the four central princes will be decided by one battle, which can save much trouble. Even if the Principality of Handela plus the army that the three princes had brought together would have more than 300,000 troops, can it withstand the invincible soldiers on his side?

At that time, the Second Highness thought that Duke Fakel and Duke Frondo had sealed the warehouse and led the troops to leave. He thought that letting the White Lion Corps out a corps would slowly occupy the towns and fortresses of Fakel Principality along the way. That's it. But he had never thought that the Fakel Grand Guild would make such a fierce and bad move, directly turning the entire Fakel three provinces into a mess for him to clean up.

His Royal Highness gnashed his teeth with hatred for Grand Duke Fakel at this moment. No matter what, he is also the king of the Andeanak kingdom. You can't just watch the hundreds of thousands of refugees die of freezing and starvation, but you have to send soldiers. I feel that it is really difficult to support. This is not only a problem of hundreds of thousands of mouths, but also a large amount of supplies sufficient for the hundreds of thousands of refugees to survive the winter. Seeing that winter is coming soon, where can I prepare for it?

The food and supplies left by Grand Duke Frundo in Pedro City, plus the logistic baggage delivered from the rear, are enough for the current 300,000 army to survive this winter comfortably, but now there are more than a dozen more in the Principality of Fakel. Ten thousand refugees, even if the army's material consumption is reduced to support these refugees, it will not be enough for them to survive this long winter.

But if you don’t save yourself, it’s not a matter of heartache, but it’s too bad for your reputation. After all, it was the Second Highness who led the army to attack the Central Four Duchy. Now that Duke Fakel ran away, the Second Highness became the winner, and the territory became the Second Highness's. Later generations will not blame Grand Duke Faker for causing all these disasters, but will blame His Royal Highness for failing to save him. The words recorded in the history books will be described as cruel and unkind. This is not a good reputation.

The Second Highness had already gained a reputation for brutality when he purged the aristocratic class of the entire kingdom in the imperial capital, but those nobles were rebellious after all, and the Second Highness treated them that way. As long as he laughed at the end, he would be described as a wise move. But if these hundreds of thousands of refugees died in an unfavorable manner, the cruel and cruel hat of the Second Highness could not be put on and taken off.

Therefore, the Second Highness is really caught in a dilemma at this moment. He has the heart to help but is powerless, does not help and has no good reputation. Even if he unifies the former Christen Empire as the Emperor of ZTE in the future, this flying disaster will still be on him. There was a stigma in that legendary career.

"Your Majesty, let me go. The Flying Tigers are cavalry. They are fast and can hurry to rescue." Lorist stood up and volunteered.

"What are you going to do?" the second highness asked.

"Relocating refugees." Lorister replied without hesitation: "The winter plus the rainy season is too long. If these hundreds of thousands of refugees are allowed to stay in the wild for the winter, not to mention that they will not survive the past. There is nothing we can do with the food of tens of thousands of refugees and the materials to keep warm from the cold. Not to mention the difficulties of long-distance transportation, the consequences will be unimaginable as soon as the food and supplies are interrupted in winter. When these refugees are hungry and red-eyed, the three provinces of the Fakel Principality are all gone.

Besides, these refugees are not farmers. Most of them are urban residents. They ended up after being burned down by the **** Faker who destroyed their homes and stored grain. Even if there is no city next spring, they will still be refugees. And we can't change into a city, let alone spend money to rebuild a city for them at this time, so I think the best solution is to help them move to another city. "

"Then where are you going to move them?" asked the second highness.

"Windbury King City." Lorist replied: "Everyone knows that Windbury King City was once the largest livestock trade in the pre-empire and the largest city in the Northeast. But since the civil war broke out in the empire, it has experienced wars and population. There is a huge loss. The city that can accommodate 300,000 residents now has only 50,000 to 60,000 permanent residents. Most of the buildings are empty.

The most important point is that most of these hundreds of thousands of refugees are handicraftsmen living in cities and towns. They have no fields to cultivate. They rely on their own crafts to make money to support themselves and their families, so they are used to fill the city of Windbury. Vacancies, let them move to Windbury King City to continue the life of urban residents will be very comfortable, and then subsidize them to open handicraft workshops and shops, and the city will flourish again. "

His Royal Highness was a bit unwilling. He knew that Lorist was right, but the problem was that Windbury King City was under the jurisdiction of the Norton family. Lorist was the governor of the city, and he blamed the **** oath! I didn't let them relocate the leaders of the four principalities in the middle of the country. Who knew that Lorist saw this loophole and got in and said so awe-inspiringly that he wanted to enhance the strength of the Norton family.

His Royal Highness touched his forehead with his left hand, a little headache, but he had to agree to Lorist: "What do you need?"

"Let the Pegasus Legion of Earl Felim and I go to the Duchy of Fakel for rescue. They are light cavalry faster and can rush to maintain order sooner. The sooner the better," Lorist said. : "In addition, we only need to help us prepare enough food for 200,000 people for half a month."

The need for such a small amount of grain and grass was really unexpected by the Second Highness, but he was still unwilling to do what Lorester said: "I can give you the grain and grass, but why should Pegasus Legion help? Fiesabrunn Isn’t it the same for the Archduke’s Third Border Rangers?"

"This..." Before Lorist had spoken, Grand Duke Feisabrun had stood up.

"Your Majesty, it won't work. You know that the Third Border Ranger was once a prisoner of the Norton family's armed forces, so they have resentment against the Norton family's armed forces. If they are allowed to pass, it will be easy to conflict and affect rescue. And there is no third border defense. The Ranger regiment’s seat is full of grass-barbarian cavalry. The reserve regiment will be very difficult to control. If you don’t obey orders and violate military orders, it will be easy to go out and make trouble. For the sake of military discipline and safety, let Count Philim’s Pegasus Legion go. ."

Yep? Strange, how could that old fox speak for me? Lorist was puzzled.

At this time, His Royal Highness has made a decision: "Well, let the Flying Tiger Legion and Pegasus Legion go to the three provinces of the Duchy of Fakel to rescue those hundreds of thousands of refugees. Rock, Earl Felim, you two must complete This task must not cause major deaths during the migration and rescue process."

Lorist and Count Philim stood up straight: "Yes, your majesty."


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