Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 525: Clean up

Chapter 525 Cleansing Out of the Camp

"Hahaha..." Fatty Shi sat on the sofa and laughed loudly. When he confirmed from Lorist's mouth that the business alliance's declaration-like official response to the peace talks proposal was true, he was very happy on the spot. It's ridiculous, I believe this wonderful reply will leave a glorious stroke in history.

Nearly two thousand years after the end of the Dharma era, in the history of the Asian continent, even if it was a dark millennium, the diplomatic exchanges between two hostile forces have produced countless unexpected results. But in any case, it is not as ridiculous as the business alliance replied. You must know that what Lorester proposed was peace talks, but what he replied was a declaration of battle.

Generally speaking, the two nobles fight to the death in person, but they are still polite to each other’s messengers and requests. One party proposes peace talks, and the other party will tactfully refuse even if they disagree, and explain why they did so. This It can also be regarded as a hypocritical expression of the traditional etiquette of the nobility. But for millennia, all the nobles have followed the traditional customs of war. The fact that the business alliance directly responded to a declaration of war is really unheard of, because Lorist proposed peace negotiations, not with the business alliance. Battle.

"A group of guys who don't know what's good or bad." Lorister snorted, thinking of the look of a martyr who looked like a dead martyr pretended by the vice president Kate who had officially replied. Lorist felt sick. Do you really see yourself as a fool, thinking you will be irritated?

"They seem to have deliberately irritated you." Fatty Shi said sternly after laughing for a long time.

"I know, so I didn't fall for them." Lorist nodded and said: "I just don't understand where the business alliance has the confidence to fight us to the end..."

Fatty Shi said in deep thought: "Perhaps the million-plus residents of Morente City are the bargaining chips of the business alliance. They must think that we can't do anything about the plight of Morente City, so if you anger you, you will vent your breath on Moron. As long as the residents of the special city arouse the resistance of more than one million city residents, then our family armed forces will fall into this quagmire and cannot escape. Within two or three years, the vitality of our family armed forces will be in Morente The city is exhausted, and then is the time for the commercial alliance to counterattack."

"Hehe, they think so beautifully." Lorist laughed: "Maybe we will make them regret it. By the way, how did the talks you presided over?"

"His Royal Highness, I came here to report to you today." Fatty Shi said, "There is no problem with Ledos taking the lead in the organization of the community. After all, they are closely linked to the 24 communities in the outer city. They feel the oppression on their heads easier, they are very happy to become the new generation of managers in Morente City, even a period of escrow means that they have more benefits, so they are very cooperative .

The response from the temple area was also very good. The priests of the 27 temples couldn't help but overjoy the invitation we handed them. In recent years, the rationed distribution system of food and living supplies implemented by the Business Alliance in Morente City has damaged these temples the most. The loss of believers and the decrease in donation income make these temples full of resentment for the governance of the Business Alliance, so They very much hope to get a large share in the new power distribution in Morente City.

The most indifferent response is the two remaining colleges in the college area, one is the Knights College of Saint William, and the other is the Comprehensive College of Santa Molinka. Both colleges have survived because of funding from major chambers of commerce. I think there were 28 colleges in Morente, but now there are only two large colleges left, which is really sad. Since most of the students in these two colleges are family members and children of those chambers of commerce, they have a close relationship with the business alliance, so they ignored our invitation and refused to join the autonomous committee..."

"Haha...Since they show them that they don’t want to, then kick them out. But the college area still has a place. Let Tagger investigate the heads of more than 20 closed colleges. No one is willing to reopen the academy. If so, we will open two academies in the name of the Self-Government Committee, the same is a Cavaliers academy and the other a comprehensive academy. More than one million city residents, students of the right age who can enroll at least There are several thousand, which is enough to support the two colleges. As for the tuition fees they need to study, we can loan them, sign an agreement with them, and then slowly repay them after they are successful in school." Lorist soon Based on the student loans of the previous life, we have come up with countermeasures.

"This method is good, Your Highness." Fatty Shi's eyes lit up. At that time, the 28 colleges in the college district made Moriente become a mecca for studying on the mainland and a well-known college capital because of the open, inclusive, and non-discriminatory education policy. There are only two colleges left, but they have almost become the training base for reserve talents of various chambers of commerce in the business alliance. Although the children of urban residents who are not family members of the Chamber of Commerce are also recruited, after almost all of the economic industries in Morente City are monopolized by those chambers of commerce, the children of urban residents have no money to go to college.

"I believe that after the economic situation of Morente City gradually improves, the residents of Morente City will pay more attention to the education problems of their children. I think that when we were at Chenxi College, there were 28 colleges in the college area, but we had Nearly 200,000 students. At that time, the total population of Moriente was less than 800,000. Our college area was the busiest area in Moriente, remember? I went on patrol with you, and it turned out In the student dormitory, I found several pairs of veteran students who enrolled six or seven years ago, even gave birth to children, and they all started their families in the dormitory..." Lorist recalled very emotionally.

"Yes. At that time, six Golden Fords had to be handed in to study a professional subject. For the average Morient residents, this was a huge sum of money, but there are still many urban families who have shrunk their clothes to supply their children. At that time, even if there is no tuition fee, you can still work for a while. There are many ways to earn money. Until the glass war broke out between the business alliance and the Trimble Kingdom, the business alliance and the central and southern countries became hostile, resulting in most foreign students After a large-scale suspension of their studies, they returned to China one after another. After losing this part of the most financially capable students, the 28 colleges in the college area gradually became depressed and deserted, and finally one of them went bankrupt.” Fatty Shi explained by the way. : "These are what the old Dean Levins told me."

"Even if you subsidize 10,000 students to study, it will only cost a hundred thousand Golden Ford. I will pay for this money personally, and it can be considered as a souvenir for my ten-year study experience. Let's decide." Lorist said.

"This time the business alliance has officially given us a reply, ignoring our sincerity in proposing peace talks, so we don't have to worry about them. Hurry up and set up an autonomous committee to take over all commercial activities and administrative affairs in Morente City. Maybe in the future, this self-governing committee can be transformed into a parliament, becoming the highest authority in Morient City and the Mana Hill Plain, and let them do their work well.” Lorist ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness, I believe they will be very happy to hear what you said about the establishment of a parliament." Fatty Shi said.

"That's it. By the way, tell Ledos, other powers can be let go, and others have hope, and he only needs to grasp the two city defense regiments we are training and forming. In the troubled times, There is strength with soldiers on hand." Lorister exhorted again.

Fatty Shi nodded: "His Royal Highness, I believe Ledos will understand your painstaking efforts."

Genorio knocked on the door and came in: "His Royal Highness, Director Speer and Master Tagle have been ordered to report."

"Let them in." Lorist said.

Soon Director Speer and Tagle appeared in front of Lorist.

"This time I called the two of you here mainly because of this. Yesterday the envoy of the business alliance, Earl Kate, came. He is the vice president of the Peterson Chamber of Commerce. He has dealt with our family several times and has been to Silova. He was responsible for signing several purchase transaction agreements between our family and the Peterson Chamber of Commerce several times. This time the business alliance officially rejected our kindness and was unwilling to hold peace talks with us. However, Earl Kate also brought another request , They hope to redeem the captives who surrendered, including the more than 100,000 residents living in the inner city. I agreed.” Lorist explained briefly the reason for the two of them to come.

"But my lord, everyone in the more than one hundred thousand inner city residents is holding a lot of personal belongings. The tavern in the POW camp has a daily transaction volume of five or sixty thousand golden ford for ten days. It's a shame to let them go." Director Speer said regretfully.

"I know, rest assured, I won't let these more than 100,000 residents leave with their belongings so easily." Lorister said confidently: "In order to prevent Count Kate from discovering what happened in the city, so I Arrange them in the barracks outside the East City Gate and prohibit them from contacting the residents of Morente City. Baron Shred, you are responsible for negotiating the ransom with Baron Kate, and start with the big swords on the big ship platform in the golden bay. The teacher, the Golden Swordsman, the senior executives of the Chamber of Commerce and the alliance nobles are talking about the ransom. By the way, make a list of their time spent in this period and multiply it by ten, so that the business alliance can settle the account before the ransom can be negotiated. "

"Well, Your Highness, I will try my best." Fatty Shi said with a sigh.

"It's not an effort, but certain. The business alliance knows the situation in Moriente very well, so if we do this, they will not doubt it, but think that we are precarious. After all, they know that we are responsible for more than one million cities in Moriente. The living consumption of the residents and the enjoyment of life provided to the captives who surrendered means that we have done everything we can. The high prices are natural, and they will not be surprised."

After Lorist had said this, his eyes turned to Tagore: "Tagor, tell me about the prisoner of war camp in the dock area."

"Yes, Your Highness." Tagger stood attentively: "Seventeen brawls and robberies have occurred in the prisoner-of-war camp in the past few days. Often several people form a group to rob other or hostile chamber of commerce personnel to eat and drink. As long as we don’t cause deaths or cause trouble in front of our patrols, we usually open our eyes and close our eyes to pretend I didn't see it, and even encouraged them to do this. After all, the money will only be spent in their hands, not like the miser who starves to death with gold coins.

During this period of time, the transaction volume of the tavern in the prisoner of war camp increased because of this reason. Although two bowls of congee a day cannot starve people to death, they can make people weak and weak. Therefore, in order to protect your private property from being robbed, more Of people have to take out gold coins to buy bread to fill their stomachs. I believe that in a few days, the transaction volume of the tavern will rise to more than 100,000 Golden Ford..."

Lorist shook his head: "It's too slow. Just rely on a tavern to get the personal belongings of the hundred thousand prisoners. I don't know when to wait. So, Tagore, you are on the four sides of the prisoner of war camp. There are a few more taverns in the corner, as well as a gambling hall and a prostitute, and another two pledge shops. Those prisoners brought into the POW camp not only Jinford, but also many valuable gadgets and treasures, alien fur, etc. They have to give them a place to replace these gadgets with gold coins, and then let them consume the gold coins..."

Tagle admired and praised: "Your Highness, you are really a genius, you can think of such a way."

Lorist gave him a roll of eyes: "Fuck off~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don’t let people know that these ideas are mine. I just want these 100,000 prisoners in the POW camp to regard this leisurely day as The fond memories of the vacation, that’s why I thought of providing them with thoughtful and caring services. Although the recovery is a bit expensive, they have to be considerate. The current supply of supplies in Morente City is tight, and our family has also tried every means to provide them. Level of quality service.

By the way, Tagore, let Pachiko set up another camp in the wharf area after returning, this camp is for the prisoners who have no money around them to live, and the food is normally supplied. The prisoners of this camp can negotiate with Count Kate and allow them to redeem. As for the prisoners in the camp with gold coins around, their disposal is very simple. When the money is gone, they can go to the camp next door and wait for repatriation to be redeemed by the business alliance. .

Tagger, do you understand what I mean? No matter what method is used, the prisoners must be cleaned out of the prisoner of war camp, but the method cannot be used at the cost of losing the order of the prisoner of war camp. Some things can be done in secret, but on the surface, I must do what I promised when they surrendered. Do you understand? "

Tagger's chest: "His Royal Highness, I understand, that the people in the prisoner-of-war camp will keep all their belongings and be redeemed by the Commercial Alliance with their hands empty. Don't worry, I know what to do."


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