The 530th chapter is cruel

Fatty Shi accompanies Grand Duke Faustal’s wife Windsor Bilena to Silovas Island, where he will discuss the issue of the ransom for Grand Duke Faustal and his family’s armed Firebird Legion. It is estimated that it will take about a month to toss. . Fortunately, Fatty Shi has handed over all the administrative affairs of Morient City to the newly formed Morient City Autonomous Committee. Here, Earl Kate has reached a package solution for the release and transportation of more than 100,000 residents in the inner city. , Nothing but light, just can take a trip.

Tagle brought the private shipowner to Lorester. Lorester was curious about how the private shipowner came back so quickly. From Hilovas to the southern waters, the trip should take about a month. In addition, the private shipowners also purchased a large number of goods produced in the Norton family territory on Hilovas, and it would take some time for these goods to be sold out. Therefore, Lorist had expected it to take another month or so for those who paid the sweetness. Private boat owners will come again to purchase and trade various commodities.

The private owner is Captain Verdres, and the family has been sailors for three generations. Tagger said that when Captain Verdres was transporting the fleet last time, he also joined the private ship owners to subdue the escorts sent by the Invincible Fleet to their merchant ships, destroying some of them who were loyal to the business alliance. After the invincible fleet surrendered with a white flag, it wanted to set fire to the convoy's attempt to destroy the transport fleet, which was commended by Admiral Sambawood.

Captain Verdres was flattered by the invitation of the famous Northland Grand Duke and the newly promoted Swordmaster of Lorester. For this reason, he presented Lorester’s most precious treasure of his family, a red as blood. It is said that this red coral was obtained by his father when he was in distress at sea. It is precisely because of this red coral that he can escape smoothly. In the eyes of many voyagers, red coral represents good luck.

For Lorist’s questions, Captain Verdres will answer all questions. He told Lorist that he was from the Kingdom of Chigda and owned a sea ship called Song of Mermaid. This was the first large ocean-going merchant ship owned by his family after three generations of sailors. Because the ship's name is Mermaid Song, it has an intersection with the Mermaid Chamber of Commerce, the largest chamber of commerce in the Kingdom of Chigda, and it regularly delivers goods and goods for the Mermaid Chamber of Commerce.

The backer behind the Mermaid Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Chigda is the Faust family, and the head of the Chamber is the Duchess of Windsor Bilena. Originally, the Mermaid Chamber of Commerce initially operated high-end clothing and expensive luxury goods, but in the past two decades, as the power of the Grand Duke Faustal has increased, the Mermaid Chamber of Commerce has also developed into the largest chamber of commerce in the Kingdom of Chigda. Almost all aspects of daily life are covered.

Captain Verdres was full of praise for the Duchess of Windsor Bilena. He said to Lorist that in the Kingdom of Chigda, the Duchess of Windsor is almost everyone’s angel. She is so noble, beautiful and kind. They are generous, donating a lot of money to the poor every year, and often personally distribute food and clothing to the elderly and children in the slums, and also set up poverty relief clubs to find jobs for the poor and treat diseases for free. In the royal city of St. Maned, the prestige of the Duchess of Windsor even surpassed her Majesty the Queen.

Because of the relationship with the Mermaid Chamber of Commerce, Captain Verdres accepted the commission of Grand Duke Faustal and sent the autograph of Grand Duke Faustal and two messengers to the royal city of San Maned. After the letter was sent, Captain Verdres discovered that because of the surrender of the entire army of the Grand Duke Faustal and his family’s armed Firebird Legion, the royal capital of San Maned and the Kingdom of Chigda were full of rain and wind. Lou, many aristocratic forces that are hostile to the Fausta family have jumped out to advocate for the Fausta family territory and its subordinate industries and vassals, with the intent to beat the water dog.

At this critical moment, the Duchess of Windsor on the one hand shrank the family power to protect herself, on the other hand, raised funds to quietly transfer to Captain Verdres’ sea-going ship, as long as the Grand Duke and the family were armed in the fastest time. Redeemed by the Firebird Legion, the storm will soon calm down, and the Faustal family is still as stable as Mount Tai. Maybe you can take some of the noble families who dance the most to try the knife.

Lorist asked Captain Verdres curiously, how did he deal with the shipment of merchandise he bought from Silovas? Lorist would like to know whether these household goods produced in his family's territory have any good sales in the southern part of Gailintia.

Captain Verdres replied that the Mermaid Chamber of Commerce had underwritten all the cargo of his ship, and the Duchess of Windsor used this opportunity to unload the cargo to secretly transport the funds she raised to the ship, so he was so fast. Will be able to return. This time he returned to the voyage with sufficient funds, and the Mermaid Chamber of Commerce also allowed him to borrow an interest-free loan to satisfy him to purchase some high-end goods produced by the Norton family, such as various glass products and those snowflake papers, Verdres The captain was sure that these cargoes would make him a lot of money, and maybe the Fredress family could own the second large ocean-going merchant ship in two or three years.

Regarding the issue of the sale of goods produced in the family territory that Lorist is concerned about in the southern part of the mainland, Captain Verdres patted his chest and said that there is no problem at all. As a veteran navigator and owner of a smuggling ship who has been on the sea for more than 30 years, Captain Verdres taught Lorist a lesson.

For several countries in the southern part of the mainland, the supply of goods from the south-central and northern parts of the mainland is always in short supply. The special product of the Roman Empire is the vine gum juice, and the special product of the Havestan Khan is the cattle, horse and sheep. Both of these are needed by the countries in the central and southern parts of the mainland. Similarly, the countries in the central and southern parts of the mainland also send their special products into In the southern part of the mainland, such as the glass of the Trimble Kingdom, the fruit wine of the Duchy of Biedersen, the ceramics of the Aberson Kingdom, and the gold and silverware of the Duchy of Chiktor...

However, the rise of the business alliance enabled the city of Moriente to develop into the first commercial city in the Asian continent of Gailint. The unique geographical environment and commercial advantages made the goods produced by the business alliance gradually exceed the traditional production of some central and southern countries. For example, the fruit wine of the Duchy of Bideson, the ceramics of the Kingdom of Abbots and the gold and silver of the Duchy of Chiktor are no longer able to compete with the production of some chambers of commerce in the commercial alliance. The markets of the two major powers in the southern mainland are gradually being used by the commercial alliance. Monopolized by price advantage.

After the Glass War, the central and southern countries jointly blocked the commercial roads of the business alliance and refused to engage in trade with the business alliance. It is not to fight against the countries that were annexed by the business alliance. On the contrary, this is a battle of interests. These countries have to compete. Those are the markets monopolized by business alliances. From a commercial point of view, the nobles in those countries in the central and southern parts of the mainland really have no good way to compete with business alliances for the market, so they can only use such rogue methods to achieve their goals.

Because of the opposition between these countries in the central and southern regions and the business alliances, smuggling among various countries has prevailed. The commercial alliance has an invincible fleet, and most of the merchandise can be transported by sea to the Roman Empire and the Havestan Khan for trading. However, the blockade of the commercial roads on the land has made the commercial alliance lose most of the source of raw materials. .

Captain Verdres said that the most profitable smuggling in the past decade was to transport raw materials from various countries in the central and southern regions by sea to the Golden Bay from Moriente in exchange for produced goods and then smuggle them to other countries. However, the blockade of commercial roads in various countries in the central and southern parts of the business alliance made such smuggling of raw materials only a drop in the bucket for the business alliance, so it is inevitable that a war between the Central South Kingdom and the business alliance will eventually break out.

Years of wars destroyed the commercial alliance and the commodity production capacity of various countries in the central and southern regions. At the same time, the commercial alliance implemented the lord system so that the various chambers of commerce relocated their production workshops to their respective chambers of commerce territory, resulting in the quality and production efficiency of the goods produced. decline. Fredres said that the products produced by the business alliances have become more and more crude in recent years.

Under such circumstances, the exquisite daily necessities and goods produced in the Norton family territory have effectively filled the vacancy in the southern market of the mainland. Captain Verdres used his old vision of smuggling for many years to ensure that the goods purchased by private ship owners would surely be sold in various countries in the southern part of the mainland. These guys would make a lot of money from the goods produced from the Norton family territory, Verde Captain Leis said unwillingly. After all, he only owns a sea-going ship and cannot monopolize the entire trade route. There are too many private shipowners rushing to eat.

At this moment, Lorist suddenly understood why the Peterson Chamber of Commerce and the Chickard Chamber of Commerce in the previous business alliance had been suppressing these commodities produced in his family territory. Because they are chambers of commerce and have their own production workshops. If large-scale purchases of these commodities produced in the Norton family’s territory would definitely have a market impact on the commodities produced in their own workshops, squeezing their monopoly market share, so they used to purchase only a small portion of them each time. For sale as a boutique. On the one hand, it maintains the market for the products it produces, and on the other hand, it uses the monopoly of trade routes and the asymmetry of market information to purchase from the Norton family at low prices to win more profits for its own chamber of commerce.

And now these private shipowners don’t care if they will harm the market share controlled by the chambers of commerce. They only know that the goods purchased from the Norton family can earn them a lot of gold. They don’t have any private production workshops. , There is no need to worry about whether putting the goods produced by the Norton family into the market will affect the production of the business alliance. This is very good. Lorist did not expect that a move he took would be the most fatal blow to the business side of the business alliance. You know, at that time, he was only thinking about finding another market for the production of these family territories piled up on Silovas Island.

In half a year, after those private shipowners spread the production influence of these purchased Norton family territories to the entire southern continent, perhaps the business alliance will really jump the wall. Lorist thought triumphantly. He rewarded Captain Verdres and gave him a single-scope produced by the family. After understanding how to use this single-scope, Captain Verdres was overjoyed and vowed that he would take this single-scope The binoculars are used as family heirlooms and passed on from generation to generation.

"Maybe you can start from those private shipowners and arrange our spy intelligence system, instead of sending personnel to the southern part of the mainland to collect intelligence. For example, Captain Verdres is a good candidate. We don't need to He has developed into a member of our family. He only needs to get the latest news from the southern countries of the mainland from his mouth and confirm with other private ship owners to know whether the news is true." Lorist Pointed to Tagore.

"I understand, Your Highness, I will arrange it." Tagore nodded. Lorester is right. These private shipowners are well-informed and communicate with each other. They are the first to know that the countries in the southern part of the mainland are the first to get the latest news. They are better than sending people to the southern part of the mainland to collect the latest news. Intelligence is much more convenient. The most important thing is to save money, effort and time. Pouring a few glasses of wine in the tavern may even know what color underwear the king's lover wears.

From Captain Verdres' mouth, Lorist knew that the girl with big eyes he liked back then has become a truly elegant and assertive noble lady. This made him very emotional. Back then, the poor girl was helpless after the great changes in the family. She was desperate to commit suicide in the lake. After she was rescued, she depended on herself and asked herself to give her an idea. At that time, she was really aside from crying and crying. Can't think of another way.

In the past two decades, in a blink of an eye, the once innocent and beautiful girl has also changed. Perhaps from the breakup that year, I should have understood that I knew too little about her, or I thought of her. Too simple. Judging from the crisis she encountered in dealing with the Faust family this time, she is not lacking in scheming. Perhaps she has finally honed out from the intrigue of the aristocracy in the 20 years of marrying the Faust. Up.

Lorist did not regret his refusal to meet her again. The past has passed. It is better to miss the meeting, which explains his mood at that moment. Let Fatty Shi go to deal with her is the best choice. Fatty Shi will not worry about the friendship back then. Now the initiative lies with the Norton family. He will sharpen the knife he wants to sharpen quickly. slaughter.

It's just that Lorester's relaxed and happy mood was soon destroyed by the latest news from the imperial capital: "What did you say? Her Majesty the Queen died of a sudden illness?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Tagger carried the letter eagle that had just arrived in his hand. "On August 32, Grand Duke Feisabrun rushed to the imperial capital and entered the palace to see His Majesty the King. He did not leave the palace that night. In the afternoon of the next day, there was news of the Queen’s death from a serious illness..."

One corpse and two lives, how did they succeed? It’s been more than a month since the queen’s pregnancy was discovered, and the child could be born in another month. It is almost certain that the children in the queen’s belly have developed into babies. Up. Although Lorist was a pure bystander on this, but at this time also felt sad, the hearts of His Royal Highness and Grand Duke Fesabrun were too cruel.

In mid-July, the Antinac Kingdom’s aristocratic coalition led by His Royal Highness II embarked on a journey home. The Fei Sablon family’s armed forces were separated from the Second Royal Highness in the province of Campona. The Grand Duke Fei Sabluen left Bodo. On the road in Olg Province, he must first go to Androff Province. It is another family territory assigned by the Fey Sablon family. Nearly forty collateral relatives of the Fey Sablon family will be canonized. Become a nobleman in this province. This is also the agreement and compensation reached by the Fei Sablon family to send troops to help the battle and the Second Highness.

Since the Queen’s pregnancy scandal came out, the Second Royal Highness has been silent. Apart from prohibiting people from the imperial capital from discussing this matter, the other is to give the Queen’s adulterer, who is rumored to be his illegitimate son, the Knights of Wixus. Under house arrest. Lorist originally thought that His Royal Highness wanted to wait for the child to be treated before he was born, but now he knew that he was waiting for the arrival of Duke Feisabrun.

Obviously, the Second Highness and Grand Duke Feisabrun reached a secret agreement that made the killer. Lorester, a passerby character who plays soy sauce as a spectator, can’t say anything for him, nor can he accuse the Second Royal Highness of being cruel, but this incident must have been overturned, and will only be slowly disgraced as time goes by. Forgetting, perhaps only a short record will be left in the history of the kingdom: a certain year, certain month, a certain day, the queen died of a sudden illness and treatment was ineffective.

"Well, where is the Wixus knight? Has he been dealt with?" Lorist asked.

"No." Tagel replied after looking at the silk over and over twice carefully: "It seems that he is still in the palace, he is still under house arrest, and he has not received any news of being dealt with."


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