Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 163: Folding Space


D152 overturned in the sea, causing a large wave of high water, and the people on the deck were all swept by the tumbling wave and swept under the sea.

The soldiers on the deck were all well-versed in water, but their water didn't help them get out of trouble at all.

Immediately, an undercurrent formed on the surface of the sea, and then they were involved in it, and some people were even stunned by the waves.

In short, this time D152 suffered heavy losses.

But these giant sea pythons didn't care. After everything was done, it got into the water and swam out into the distance.

"Dare to come over after a loss, these daring guys."

Fang Yun sneered in his heart, laughing at the incompetence of this group of humans.

He is very powerful now, and although there are many weapons that can threaten him, these weapons basically can't escape him in the water.

But he was also a little unhappy.

In fact, he just wants to be a python quietly, eat prey every day, then grow up, and finally see if he can find a chance to go back and see his family.

But the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

He didn't like this kind of fighting game, but it was a pity that every time someone came to provoke him.

"I have to be strong enough to make people feel scared when they see me, maybe that's a lot less 'mosquito' to harass me."

This is Fang Yun's idea, but how far does he have to grow to be able to do this?

One hundred meters?

A kilometer?

Or, as big as the Himalayas?

But it is very difficult for him to grow to that point.

Because the required biological energy must be a rather terrifying level.

Thinking of this, Fang Yun's heart became a little irritable.

It suddenly occurred to him that he still has no way to return to Earth, and he does not know that he will not be able to fulfill his dream until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon.

With a slight frustration in his heart, Fang Yun twisted forward.

At this moment, he has come to the sea area where the alien civilization ruins are located, and his figure begins to sink rapidly.

He knew that on the bottom of the sea was the ruins of that alien civilization.

The surrounding sea water became extremely gloomy until it was pitch black, but after a while, a bright place appeared under the sea water.


Fang Yun was overjoyed and headed straight for the bright spot.

Gradually, a ruin appeared in Fang Yun's eyes.

Pyramids, Sphinxes.

When he came to this area, his mind calmed down inexplicably.

With a slight flick of his tail, he swam to a position about 100 meters next to the tallest sphinx, just when he wanted to step forward.

From the eyes of the sphinx, a group of white light suddenly burst out, forming a huge light curtain.

Then, under Fang Yun's astonished gaze, a huge black shadow emerged from the light curtain.

This is a huge creature similar to a whale.

Like the sperm whale, it has a huge head, but it has teeth that are far more terrifying than the sperm whale.

Its mouth is also bigger, and when it emerges from the light curtain at this moment, the huge mouth opens and looks extraordinarily infiltrating.

Its huge body twisted hard, as if it was doing something difficult.

Fang Yun hid in the dark on one side, quietly paying attention to everything in front of him.

"Melville's Whale? The guy known as the most terrifying whale ever?"

After hearing the sound of the system, Fang Yun couldn't help being surprised. Judging from the basic information given by the system, this Melville whale was not a mutant.

However, it can provide as many as 40,000 biological energy, which is extremely terrifying.

"The previous mutant anglerfish and mutant megalodon sharks all emerged from this light curtain?"

Fang Yun suddenly thought of something,

I think that's for sure.

And this also explains why humans in this world have not found traces of mutant anglerfish and mutant megalodon in the past.

Maybe they just emerged from this light curtain.

So, what kind of world is in that light curtain?

Is there really an alien civilization?

When Fang Yun was thinking about this, the Melville whale finally got out of the light curtain, but sadly, before it had time to get excited, a huge shadow shrouded its head. .

Melville's whale is very big, about 20 meters, but compared with Fang Yun, it is a lot worse.

He now has a body length of 42 meters and a diameter of 1.5 meters, which looks extremely scary.

The moment the Melville whale saw Fang Yun, it was timid and ran away immediately.

However, it is not only not as big as Fang Yun, but also not as fast as Fang Yun. After a few seconds, a huge python was wrapped around its body.

Fang Yun's huge muscle group began to exert force, and after killing the Melville whale, he began to swallow it one by one.

"Behind that light curtain, are there many creatures from ancient times?"

Fang Yun Shi Shi Ran returned to the Sphinx, and his heart couldn't help but move.

Looking at this situation, there is a world inside the light curtain, perhaps a folding space, and in that space, there are various ancient creatures in the history of Blue Star.

There are even some mutant creatures.

"If I can enter that world, I don't have to worry about the prey."

Fang Yun pondered in his heart, judging from the situation of the Melville whale, they can come out of that folding space, can he also go in?

After arriving there, Fang Yun stared at the statue in front of him, and no accident, a light curtain appeared in his field of vision.

There are scenes flashing above.

The first thing that appeared was a vast and boundless ocean, and then the camera slowly moved forward, and a small black dot appeared in front of Fang Yun's eyes.

The black spot gradually enlarged, showing the appearance of an island.

"Is that all you can see?"

The scene he could observe was only the scene of a corner of the island, but the island was huge, just like a continent.

At this moment, a cluster of tree crowns in the picture trembled, and then a huge head emerged from it.

After seeing such a scene, Fang Yun's pupils suddenly shrank.

I could see that what appeared in the picture was an incomparably huge creature. At this moment, it completely got out of the branch.

It has four limbs, but the forelimbs are relatively short, and it walks on the ground with thick hind limbs, standing tall and domineering.

"This is... a dinosaur?"

Fang Yun said something in his heart, but after thinking about it, since there is a Melville whale in this folded space, there is nothing to be surprised by the appearance of ancient creatures like dinosaurs.

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