Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 185 Eagle Eats Dragon

The place where the plesiosaur attacked this time was a fishing village in Mozambique. At night, the fishing village had fallen into a deep sleep.

When the plesiosaur came ashore, no one found it. It came to the house closest to it at the fastest speed. The people here are very poor, and the houses they live in are just wooden houses.

The huge plesiosaur didn't have much effort to crush the house with its body, and the people in the house let out one after another high-pitched screams, which instead exposed their position.

The huge mouth of the plesiosaur moved when it heard the sound, and it leaned down to a place where a tall and thin man was squatting. The presence.

Unfortunately, plesiosaurs can identify the location of their prey by smell.

This man did not accidentally become the food of the plesiosaur, and was swallowed in one bite, and his woman and child were not spared.

The miserable experience of this family awakened the fishing village from its slumber, and then one after another figure emerged from their respective houses.

Then, they saw the behemoth exposed to the moonlight.


"It's a sea monster!!"

The fishermen have naturally heard of the name of the plesiosaur, so when they saw each other, they shouted one by one, and no one thought about resisting this giant beast.

This guy's body is 180 meters long. If you have no concept of this number, think about it, the distance on one side of the school rubber track is only 100 meters.

There is naturally a phone in the fishing village to contact the outside world, so soon, the bald eagle people also got the news.

The first to arrive here is the helicopter.

In fact, the nearby sea area itself has bald eagle warships patrolling, and there are just two warships that are less than 10 kilometers away from this fishing village, so the helicopters came so quickly.

With a loud rumbling sound, seven helicopters came in the shape of arrows towards this side. They saw the plesiosaur that was just about to return to the sea, and they attacked it without hesitation.

Plesiosaurs face much less pressure here, so they are not smart enough. If they are like octopus monsters or giant mosasaurs, they will never go too deep into the land.

But the plesiosaur did not have such vigilance, so it was wrapped in dumplings.

On the helicopter, the cannons spewed flames, and three helicopters intercepted the plesiosaur in front of it, preventing it from entering the sea.

If this guy is allowed to return to the sea, it will be troublesome, and they can basically declare that their arrest operation has failed.

The other four helicopters were constantly strafing bullets.

The scales of the plesiosaur did not lose to the mosasaur, and during the frenzied shooting of the machine gun, bursts of sparks shot out.

But the bullet hit the plesiosaur. Although it did not break the defense for the time being, it brought great pain to it.

Roar! !

Plesiosaurs can roar, and the thick and low voice is deterrent. If a person is standing in front of such a giant beast at the moment, and then hears such a roar from the giant beast, it is estimated that he will be scared to pee.

But right now this plesiosaur is under siege, and it roars because of that great pain.

So it's not scary at all, but it makes the bald eagles in the helicopter even more excited.

After another three minutes, the plesiosaur was broken, and several of its scales were disintegrated, and the bullets got into its flesh and blood without obstruction.

Unlike the octopus monster, whether it is a plesiosaur or a giant mosasaur, their muscles are not tough.

More than normal animals may have a higher defense, but it is obviously impossible to stop bullets.

The plesiosaur was not dead, it was crawling on the ground, its belly shrank, panting heavily, there were many bullet holes in its body, and blood was gurgling.

It was also injected with two super-dose anesthesia needles.

Looking at this, it seems that there is really no attack power at all.

After confirming again and again, the bald eagle soldier in the helicopter began to hang from the helicopter with a submachine gun.

They landed on the ground, and then cautiously approached the huge beast that was crawling on the ground in front of them. One person bravely came to the bulging belly of the plesiosaur, and touched its scales with his hands.

"Looks like it's really no threat."

The big-headed soldier turned his head, shrugged at his companion, and said.

The few companions opposite him also smiled, and then their nervousness began to relax, and they walked towards the opposite side in unison. However, at this moment, their footsteps stopped in unison, and at the same time, their faces changed wildly. .

"Be careful!!"

"John, come here!!"

While yelling, these soldiers held the submachine guns in their hands and were ready to shoot.

I saw the plesiosaur crawling across from it, suddenly propped up, turned around abruptly, bit his head, and swallowed the big-headed soldier directly into his stomach.

Bang bang bang.

The tongue of the submachine gun spewed out, and the plesiosaur did not dodge, nor continued to attack the remaining soldiers, but fell heavily to the ground, causing the ground to vibrate violently.

A few soldiers, look at me, I look at you, at this time, I dare not go forward easily.

About ten minutes later, the relevant scientists have come over, and they have also seen huge monsters crawling on the ground, and they are very excited one by one.

"My God, it's the most beautiful animal in the world!"

"Big guy, we finally caught you!"

The scientists first asked the soldiers to fire a few shots at the plesiosaur, and after finding that the latter was still motionless, they began to approach the plesiosaur.

"We have to stop the bleeding first."

The medical professor who came here said so.

They are not afraid of the death of this plesiosaur, because from what is known, the vitality of these large creatures is very tenacious.

Not to mention that these medical staff have rushed over now.

The wounds of the plesiosaur were all on the back, so it was easy to deal with. Anyway, it didn't take long for this guy's blood to be stopped.

Next, this big guy has to be transported back to their homeland of the Bald Eagle Country.

Their idea is to put this big guy on a huge freighter and transport it to the Bald Eagle Country.

After the battle plan was determined, everyone began to act.

Under the waist and abdomen of the plesiosaur was penetrated by two huge nylon ropes, and the two ends were fixed on a helicopter.

In addition, its tail and neck are also fixed by nylon ropes.

In this way, relying on six helicopters, the behemoth was lifted up and moved towards the location of the freighter.

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