"Great Will?"

Fang Yun pondered this word in his mind. This was the key word he extracted from that piece of information. According to what he had learned, the aborigines on this planet lived very harmoniously in this area before. on the mainland.

But in the years that followed, there was some turmoil in the whole world, followed by natural disasters, everyone fell into madness, and then was controlled.

After being controlled, the aborigines began to develop space technology, went to one planet after another to plunder, and assimilated those planets, "infecting" the intelligent creatures on that planet.

This natural disaster did not break out in an instant. The recorded incident is that on a certain day, a staff member received a report saying that there was a group of crazy people in a certain place. They seemed to be doing a certain kind of activity. Because it was too evil, the reporter chose to report the crime.

It didn't take long for people from the police station to come.

"It was on a clearing in a mountain forest. A special pattern was painted with a pigment juice in the middle of the ground, and around this pattern, there were stone statues."

These messages flashed in Fang Yun's mind: "Those people with crazy behavior are dancing around these stone statues, saying inexplicable words, and there are some scary and disgusting things at the scene."

He had already thought of a certain kind of creature in his mind, and he had suspected it before, but now that he has this information, he can be absolutely sure that it is that kind of creature that is playing tricks.

"I directly enslaved the people of the entire Earth Star, but it should still be asleep. Those Earth Star people are not enough to wake it up, so let the aborigines of these Earth Stars go to Alien to infect the intelligent creatures of those planets?"

Fang Yun's body was suspended in the water, and he was basically sure of the truth of the series of things he had figured out, but after understanding the truth, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

In the past, he was afraid of encountering those powerful alien beings, and their high-tech weapons, like two-way foils with the ability to reduce dimensionality.

But he didn't expect that before encountering the alien life that climbed the technology tree, he encountered another extremely high life.

This kind of life does not have all kinds of black technology weapons, and itself is a single existence, but the threat is not lower than those of high-level alien life.

"If I talk about it, I might be one of them."

Although in terms of appearance he would not be classified in that kind of creatures - after all, those creatures are all indescribable monsters.

But Fang Yun is just an enlarged python without all kinds of weird tentacles and organs.

It's just that he is huge and can also affect the minds of people and even beasts. From this point of view, he and those creatures have certain things in common.

"I wonder if I can kill that guy now?"

Fang Yun thought so in his heart, those creatures, among those he saw in his previous life, were called the Old Ones.

This type of existence is also called planetary creatures. Usually, after they come to a certain planet, they will kill or enslave the most powerful creatures on that planet.

Some of them come to these planets actively, while others are passive, and some of them are relatively weak and will be imprisoned on the planet. If they do not grow, they will not be able to return to space.

In addition to this type of creature, there is also a kind of creature, which is called a cosmic creature. The cosmic level is all destructive. For example, it can swallow the universe with its eyes open, or it has some omniscient and omnipotent power, or It itself represents the force of all reproduction in the universe.

Such a powerful existence, this end on the earth star, is definitely not this type of creature.

"The other party should be in a state of sleep now, but I don't know whether it's sleeping because of his injury or because of the experience necessary for his own growth process."

Fang Yun thought about these things in his mind.

The great will that the aborigines of Earth Star said was exactly the old ruler that Fang Yun knew, and now what he was worried about was what state this creature was in.

"If the Old Ones do show up, the Blue Stars don't know what to do?"

Before the arrival of the "great will", the aborigines of Blue Star did not actually have much developed scientific and technological power. Their excellent space shuttle ability only appeared after the "great will" came.

And things like those Kaiju beasts are also not the products of those aborigines.

After the aborigines of Earth Star developed wormhole technology, they have been exploring other planets, but they have basically made no achievements in the category of high-tech weapons.

After they entered other planets by relying on their wormhole technology, they immediately relied on various monsters to invade the other's world until they completely occupied the planet where the other party was located.

In other words, in terms of technological development, except for wormhole travel, the Blue Star people may be a little higher than the aborigines of Earth Star.

When the "great will" comes again, I don't know how many can stand it.

The Blue Star people are obviously also afraid of this "great will", and they just know that the "great will" may reappear in the restricted area, so at this time, the Blue Star people are ready to start the exploration of the restricted area.

"The greatest fortune of man is ignorance. We live on an island called 'ignorance'..."

In fact, when the senior leaders of the Blue Stars decided to explore the restricted area and were really ready to send people into the restricted area to check the situation, there were some experts who gave advice.

"Hey, I have to say, now seems like a good time."

Fang Yun also complimented Blue Star's executives in his heart. Now the "Old Dominator" is obviously in a wrong state, and now is the best time to deal with it.

It's just that, now the Blue Star people haven't even seen each other's hair.

"If only they could find that guy's sleeping place in time."

Fang Yun thought a little bit about attacking in the past. This is definitely a terrifying giant beast that has an influence on the entire earth. It is the so-called "no one else can sleep on the side of the couch".

He came to this planet, and now there is a terrifying creature here, and maybe it will threaten his life. He must hope to solve that guy while the other party is still sleeping.

When the information passed through his mind, Fang Yun sank deeper into the seabed. He was going to temporarily stay in this area for two or three days to see if he could get some new news.

PS: Today's chapter is updated.

I'll make up a chapter tomorrow, I'm a little sleepy, sorry.


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