Fang Yun looked at the terrifying giant beast standing in front of him, his muscles were tense, as long as the other party had a slight change, he would urge the "thunder and electric storm" to attack.

Opposite it, is a beast like a mountain.

On the whole, its body is like a spider, with a relatively small head and an oval and huge abdomen, but at the top of its head, there are two huge claws, like the claws of a crab.

In addition, this alien beast does not have the legs of a spider, but surging octopus tentacles. From this point of view, this alien beast seems to be a mixture of various creatures.

"It's similar in appearance to the creature on Blue Star, but it seems to be much smaller."

Fang Yun guessed that the creature on the Blue Star was probably the clone of this alien beast, because relatively speaking, the creature on the Blue Star had no attack power, but was huge in size and tenacious in vitality.

But the size of this alien beast is smaller than the creature on the Blue Star. Fang Yun also did not expect this. The size of this alien beast is only about 20 kilometers.

Of course, this body type is also extremely terrifying.

"Damn, these two pathogens merged."

Inside the Elfria in the sky, Chris looked at the scene on the screen and shouted, and next to him, Captain Rocker also shouted: "Prepare the supercharged laser cannon, hit me hard! "


After a few operations by Chris in front of the console, he suddenly looked annoyed at Locker, "The supercharged laser cannon device is damaged and cannot be activated."

The supercharged laser cannon is the main attack method of the Elfria, and it takes a lot of energy to fire each time.

But the energy carried by the Elfria itself is also very huge, which can support the launch of the supercharged laser cannon five times by the spacecraft.

After a round of launching like this, the two pathogens may still not be able to be killed in the end, but it is enough for them to drink a pot. In addition, it can severely damage the natives on this planet.


Locker frowned, and just wanted to ask what was going on, but then he waved his fist heavily.

He had already figured out why.

When a spaceship is performing a space jump, it must generally be in an open space. Otherwise, the gravitational well generated by the nearby planet will bring a huge load to the spaceship, and will also consume a lot of energy.

Therefore, space jumps will only be performed in the atmosphere of the planet or near the planet if it is compelled to do so.

When they performed the space jump earlier, they didn't expect that they would be pulled out.

After all, how could a technology like a gravity well generator appear on such a planet?

But what they didn't expect is that the pathogens here have skills similar to this technology, preventing them from making space jumps.

"Damn, all the firepower that can be activated now is activated, and it will blow me hard."

Locker has given up the idea of ​​wounding the two pathogens, and now he just wants to make this planet pay a little price.

However, they were about to accumulate firepower, but another accident occurred.


The spider-like monster that appeared below suddenly screamed, and the sharp sound waves swept away, and the crew of the Tianhe Civilization in the Elfria was hit at once.


At this moment, everyone fell to the ground with their heads in their arms, and cried out in pain. They felt as if their heads had been stabbed hard with a long needle.

"Oh shit!"

Below, Fang Yun also shouted after this shout. This kind of sound attack also caused him great pain, so he also started to roar.

Roar! !

Fang Yun's voice was even deeper and thicker.

After shouting loudly, his voice blocked the spider's cry to a certain extent.

It made the pain in his head a lot less.

However, his voice caused a lot of trouble to the Elfria in the sky.

Two waves of sound were passed into the ears of the crew of Tianhe Civilization, causing them to roll on the ground incessantly.

"Damn, turn on the sonic isolation shield!"

Locker shouted, and then resisted the pain in his mind, then came to the console, pressed a few buttons, and suddenly, a transparent barrier was propped up around the Elfria. shield.

The world is suddenly clean.

The Tianhe crew members inside the spaceship all let out a long sigh of relief, each of them collapsed as if they had just experienced an ultra-long distance run.

But the next moment, one by one, staggered to their feet, and then performed their respective duties.


At this moment, the giant spider-like beast below attacked them again, only to see its golden giant claw standing in front of it suddenly lifted.

The next moment, above their spaceship, another huge claw appeared.

"Dodge! Dodge for me!"

The people in the control room screamed, but at this critical moment, the giant python below suddenly opened its mouth to spit towards them, and as soon as it reached the bright beam, it was lasing.

The Elfria was hit.

This is the "laser ray" motivated by Fang Yun. The terrifying beam with a diameter of more than 300 meters fell on the cabin on the right side of the Elfria, which happened to be the power cabin.

Only a loud "bang" was heard, and a huge flame burst out there, and then the entire spacecraft shook violently.

"Damn, it's a laser attack."

In the control room, Locker and the others swayed. The previous attack by Fang Yun was comparable to their laser cannon. Under normal circumstances, they would have activated the deflector shield long ago. One wave made them all overwhelmed.

During the fire, the Elfria began to sway.


It was at this time that the giant golden claw landed on the Elfria, and then the spaceship disintegrated with a crackling sound.

"Do not!!"

In the spaceship, Rocker and the others were shouting, but it didn't help, the spaceship shattered, and these imperial shipmen, when the spaceship was completely torn apart, were hit by various explosions and died.

"The outer material of this spaceship must be extremely defensive, and it is normal that my laser rays were not able to blow up this spaceship at one time."

Fang Yun looked at the fire that fell from the sky, thinking in his heart.

His most powerful attacks are the enhanced thunder and magnetic storms and anti-gravity fields. In addition, his melee combat is also a big killer.

His own defense also has a super blood-returning ability, giving him the opportunity to get close to the target.

And just when Fang Yun was thinking about this, he suddenly discovered that the hybrid creature on the opposite side was looking towards this side.


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