If it wasn't for Tang Guo and the others, their force value was too poor, they would have gained more now. After all, when they were in the central area, the folded space had just been blasted, and they encountered a starship wreckage. According to that trend, their There must be a lot to gain.

Dr. He didn't object to Tang Guo's words. He himself wanted to seek stability and didn't like to be greedy for success. Therefore, Tang Guo's team began to fly out of this blasted space.

However, as in the clichéd plot, their departure was not so smooth. On the third day, Tang Guo's space cargo ship found a strange electromagnetic wave nearby, most likely a fighter jet following him.

"We may be being targeted."

Tang Guo stood in the command room and gave instructions to the twenty fighter jets, "Everyone pay attention, everyone pays attention, enemy attack alert, enemy attack alert."

"All into a free attack state."

In such a situation of not knowing the situation of the other party, the fighters must be given the greatest degree of freedom and let them play freely. As for the space cargo ship... the cargo ship has a deflector shield, and it is also equipped with firepower.

60 laser cannons, two supercharged laser cannons (on Levi's cargo ship), and close-in guns.

"The electromagnetic waves are getting more and more intense, and they are approaching us."

In the command room, Tang Guo's face was ugly. Now she hoped that the other party was just an ordinary pirate or a gold prospector. With their force, they should be able to survive this disaster safely.

But if it was another large consortium or civilization... Tang Guo couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and at this moment, a few streamers appeared in front of them.


At the same time, in their communication equipment, there was a voice shouting in the common language of Tianhe civilization.

"Ladies and gentlemen, stop, you are being targeted by red coral, give up your resistance, and we will let you live."

Hearing the sound from the communication device, Tang Guo's expression changed, "Red coral?"

She has been in the Central Continent for a while, and she knows the name of Red Coral, a space pirate team with a very powerful force value.

"I count three, if your Excellency doesn't stop,

We are about to attack. "

In the communication equipment, such a threatening voice sounded again.

"Hey, let's see if you want to stop."

In a huge spaceship, Jordan Jin was holding a cup of tea and looked at the scene on the screen, only to see that on the screen, it happened to be the scene of Tang Guo and their team marching.

"Master Jordan, now that they hear the name of Red Coral, they are probably scared to pee their pants."

Next to Jordan, one of his subordinates complimented.

"Hey, I hope this team doesn't let me down. The two teams that robbed before had nothing, which was a disappointment."

Jordan complained, and then said with a smile: "I hope they can resist, this young master just happened to be so interested and wants to play with them."

"Hey, Master Jordan, it's not easy for you to play. Just shoot a few turbo laser cannons, and the fleet on the opposite side will collapse directly."

Hearing this, Jordan shook his head. It would be nice if it was that simple. He couldn't attack easily in such a situation. He had to ask questions first.

This is the rule set by his father.

And it was precisely because there were many rules behind his father that he led a team out to prepare for a big fight.

But although he is now free from the shackles of his father, some of its rules still have to be followed, otherwise there will be no good fruit for them to eat after returning.

"Commander Tang, what should we do now?"

In the command room, Tang Guo couldn't help but panic. She looked at the person in the command room who was waiting for her to give her order, took two breaths, and forced herself to calm down.

"Old Zhou, probe the surrounding aircraft."

Tang Guo's mind became clearer and clearer, "It's best to find out the style of the opponent's aircraft, and roughly calculate their strength."

The Red Coral Pirates are not weak. It stands to reason that they should not do this kind of robbery business in such remote areas. They can have better access to water in the central area.

In addition, based on previous observations, it seems that there are not many aircraft nearby. This should not be a large army of red corals, or someone pretending to be red corals.

"Commander Tang, the other party has a total of 18 aircraft, one of which is a large spaceship."

The people in the command room also became a lot calmer. "There are two types of fighter planes, the blue birds and white swans from the Quart shipyard of the Tianhe Empire, ten blue birds and seven white swans."

"These two fighter planes, the Bluebird is a lighter type, with four laser cannons on it, and the energy can be used by these four laser cannons for hundreds of rounds of bombing."

"The White Swan is a heavy-duty assault fighter. It is equipped with two supercharged laser cannons, and the energy can be used to bombard the two supercharged laser cannons twenty times."

Hearing what Lao Zhou said, Tang Guo suddenly fell into a state of thinking.

Especially the other party's white swan put a lot of pressure on Tang Guo.

"Commander Tang?"

The people in the command room all looked at Tang Guo. After circling twice, Tang Guo suddenly raised his head to look at everyone, "Old Zhou, let our people get ready for battle."

Hearing Tang Guo's words, everyone in the command room laughed.

The Blue Star people have encountered too many things, the invasion of mutant ancient creatures, Kaiju beasts, infected Na'vi people, pathogens, and then the Tianhe civilization...

Under such circumstances, they survived under pressure, and they have long tempered their xinxing to be as strong as steel. As long as it does not cause irreversible consequences, when facing a crisis, they usually choose - fuck him Damn!

"Speak to the other party and immediately get out of the way to block the road, otherwise, don't blame us for breaking through with firepower."

When she said this, her face was full of seriousness, and there was a look of determination in her eyes.

If she was asked to give away this harvest obediently, she couldn't do it. She naturally understood the reason why Qingshan was not afraid of running out of firewood, but sometimes the reason was not clear.

If the other party really fights with them, she believes that she can also let the other party break two teeth and let them know that their Blue Star people are not easy to mess with.

The twenty fighter planes around the space cargo ship dispersed immediately after a slight sway, followed by an electromagnetic wave message that also swayed toward the opposite side.


Jordan in the command cabin, after hearing the message from Tang Guorang Lao Zhou at this moment, a look of surprise appeared on his face, he was surprised, and then burst into laughter, "Everyone pay attention, give I hit hard!"

"Destroy all those fighter planes to me, and leave the space cargo ship. I want to go and see who has the courage to choose to oppose us after hearing the name of our red coral."

There was a look of interest on Jordan's face, and just after his order was issued, their fighter planes began to fly towards each other and confront the warlord fighter plane.

In the command room of the space cargo ship, Tang Guo became nervous after seeing the opponent's fighter plane attack, not only him, but also the others in the command room.

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