
A smell of blood spreads,

Looking at the bloody thing on the ground, many people felt nauseated!

The "sword" behind Lin Yu also changed his face slightly and quickly covered his mouth!

I almost vomited!

However, Dahe and Kuaiyu didn't react at all.

He just looked at this scene with a very serious expression!

Han Long on the other side also looked a little serious!

Although he was very arrogant before,

But I came here today to solve the supernatural incident.

Therefore, he is also thinking about the killing patterns of ghosts!

"Boss, this-"

twenty three

Behind Han Long, a man was about to speak, but he raised his hand to stop him!

"Shh! Don't talk yet!"

Han Long shouted!

Then, he looked around in fear,

Be very cautious and guard against attacks from evil spirits!

But the ghost didn't appear!

"Strange...could it be that the killing pattern of ghosts is not talking?"

Han Long said with some confusion.

The man who is now dead,

Just after I finished speaking, I was attacked by a ghost!

And this man is just a second-level ghost controller,

Facing the attack of the evil ghost, there is no way to fight back!

Han Long didn't react either.

Didn't resist the attack of the evil spirit in time!

Because that fierce ghost is too fast,

Moreover, it is mysterious and unpredictable, and the speed and timing of its appearance are very strange!

Even though Han Long was a fourth-level ghost master, he couldn't save the dead man!

"Woo... It's a bit scary!" A woman in the civilian team said with some fear.

There was obvious fear in her eyes!

And after the woman finished speaking,

A man next to her patted her shoulder and comforted:

"Don't be afraid, with the boss here, we will definitely be able to -"

However...the words have not yet finished!

When no one was prepared,

Behind this man, a terrifying Yin force instantly condensed!

A ghost with a pale face and a shocking huge scar on his neck appeared behind him!

The ghost just stretched out its pale hand and quickly touched the man's back, then immediately turned into a stream of Yin Qi and disappeared!

At this time, Han Long and others had just reacted.

I saw the Yin Qi that had dissipated!

"A ghost has appeared?!"

Han Long looked ahead in surprise.

The face of the man who was touched suddenly became stiff.

His eyes were dull, staring straight ahead!

The next second——

He suddenly straightened up and fell to the ground with a "bang"!

Then, his abdomen began to bulge slowly, and a "gurgling" sound came from inside!

In the end, a large pool of blood spurted out from his mouth, mixed with a large amount of broken internal organs! !


This third-level ghost master died in just a few seconds! !

Just being touched by the evil ghost, he died without any ability to fight back! !

The woman closest to him screamed and fell to the ground in fright!

Just when everyone thought that this woman might also be attacked by a ghost,

But found,

Even if she screams like this,

But it didn't attract any attacks from the evil spirits!

Han Long's expression suddenly changed.

He glanced at everyone uncertainly, pointed at the man who had just died on the ground and said:

"What did he do to attract the evil ghost?"

"Who saw it? What did he do before the ghost appeared??"

Han Long asked somewhat urgently.

They did not seize the opportunity during these two sudden attacks by the evil spirits!

Their team of six had just entered Fuyun Mall, and two people had already died! !

If this continues, the danger will only grow! More and more people will die! !

Everyone shook their heads in horror.

The man who had just died did not seem to have done anything surprising.

Lin Yu, who was in the distance, watched what happened on Han Long's side and did not act rashly.

Just based on the scene where the ghost appeared just now,

It is impossible to judge the murderous pattern of this fierce ghost!

The man just now just patted the woman on the shoulder and comforted her,

Just like that, he was attacked by a ghost!

And before,

Han Long was also talking to others, but was not attacked!

It seems like...

"Talk" may not be what triggers the murder pattern!

Judging according to this rule,

What may have triggered the killing pattern was that the man patted the woman on the shoulder before speaking!

"Great Emperor, what do you think?"

"That Han Long also spoke before, but was not attacked, but as soon as the man spoke, he was attacked!"

"How is this going?"

Dahe on the side asked in a low voice, and also raised his own questions.

Lin Yu glanced at him, thought for a while and said:

"Before the man spoke, he patted the woman on the shoulder."

"The pattern of killing...could it be tapping someone on the shoulder?"

"Maybe if you tap someone on the shoulder, you will be attacked by a ghost?"


Lin Yu actually stretched out his hand and patted Dahe on the shoulder!

Dahe was stunned for a moment when he took the picture!

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