Everyone present saw that Lin Yu had reacted immediately,

He didn't even look back, he just quickly raised his hand,

Shooting a nail at an extremely fast speed!

The nails are extremely fast and impartial,

Accurately nailed through Li Gui's chest! !


I saw Li Gui let out a miserable howl after being nailed through! !

The Yin energy in his body suddenly began to fluctuate violently!

Then, as this fierce ghost struggled, the condensed Yin Qi slowly dissipated!

But this fierce ghost is not dead yet!

A nail of Luohu's Seven Evils pinned him, but it was not enough to directly kill this evil ghost!

But he can still stop his action!

Seeing the evil ghost disappear and the crisis dissipated,

Everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief as if he had received an amnesty!

Dahe, Lijian and Kuaiyu,

Seeing how Lin Yu blocked the attack of the fierce ghost so easily,

I already fully understood in my heart,

Why is it that when Emperor Fengdu talks about Li Gui, there is no fluctuation from beginning to end!

With his strength, facing the attack of the evil ghost,

Unexpectedly, he was able to repel the evil ghost just by raising his hand very casually!

No wonder... from beginning to end, there was no tension or worry on his face!

And Dahe and others suddenly became more confident!

With Emperor Fengdu here, it is not difficult to solve this supernatural incident!

And the three folk ghost masters on the other side,

Seeing Lin Yu repelling the evil ghost so easily,

His eyes were already full of shock!

In their view,

This person may not even be a fourth-level ghost controller!

But why...can he defeat the evil ghost so easily?

Even their boss, Han Long, the fourth-level ghost controller, can't do this!

Speaking of Han Long... they felt a little contempt in their hearts!

Because Han Long has always claimed that he controlled a fierce ghost!

This also makes them extremely awed!

But who knows...this guy simply lied to them!

He obviously only controlled an evil ghost, and it was a not very strong evil ghost at all!

Thinking of this, I looked at the young man opposite who had been ridiculed by them before...

Make a decision! !

The emotions in their hearts suddenly became a little complicated!

In the current situation, I want to survive...

We can only rely on this mysterious and powerful young man!

Therefore, they also moved closer to Lin Yu and the others!

But the important thing now is,

What is the killing pattern of Li Gui?

If you don't know this,

Then all of them will still be in crisis!

Only by figuring out the killing patterns of this evil ghost,

Only then can they be completely safe!

Therefore, Dahe also cautiously asked:

"Great Emperor, the murderous rules of evil ghosts...~〃..."

Lin Yu raised his hand slightly and said in a deep voice:

"From now on, all women should be silent!"

Kuaiyu and the woman, on the other hand, had stern looks on their faces!

What Lin Yu is talking about now... is probably the killing pattern of Li Gui!

But why...women can't speak?

Kuaiyu and the woman had some doubts in their eyes.

Lin Yu continued:

"At the beginning, I excluded the rule of 'speaking'!"

"Because if you speak normally, you will not necessarily be attacked by evil spirits!"

"But then I discovered that every time someone was attacked by a ghost, they happened to be attacked after speaking!"

"Is 'speaking' and 'being attacked' just a coincidence?"

"Not really!"

"Every time the person who was attacked... was attacked by a demon after talking to someone of the opposite sex!!"

And when he said this, Kuaiyu's eyes moved slightly!

She recalled in her mind the scene before Lin Yu was attacked,

"Just now Emperor Fengdu... was indeed attacked by a demon immediately after he replied to me!"

The other woman also looked slightly stern, as if she remembered something!

But she was covering her mouth with both hands, not daring to make a sound!

Afraid of being attacked by evil spirits again!

The man next to her also changed his color immediately when he saw the woman's expression!

"I understand...this ghost didn't get out of control because You Yong died!!"

"You Yong may not be dead. He deliberately controlled ghosts to kill people!!"

He shouted in terror, Lin Yu listened to his words,

He also frowned.

"You Yong? Is that the ghost controller who died in 'Ghosts Out of Control' this time?"

Dahe listened and nodded heavily.

"Yes, the dead ghost controller was the third-level civilian ghost controller You Yong!"

"We have cooperated with our officials several times..."

Lin Yu listened and nodded slightly.

It seems that the No. 9 Center does not know as much about this ghost controller named "You Yong" as these folk ghost controllers!

Come to think of it, these folk ghost masters seem to have their own small circle.

And not all the people in Center 9 are very friendly!

He looked at the panicked ghost master,


"About this 'Youyong'...what do you know?"

"Tell me the truth! This is very important for everyone's safety and your own!"

I just witnessed the boss Han Long being killed instantly, and saw the ghost controller hired by the No. 9 Investigation Center defeat the evil ghost.

These current folk ghost masters are also full of trust in Lin Yu!

Therefore, the panicked man calmed down and said,

"It's like this. You Yong is the third batch of closed beta players. He is the strongest among us!"

"Although he is only at the third level, even our boss Han Long does not dare to provoke him!"

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