"My contracted ghost is different from you ordinary people!"

"What I use is not the ordinary ghost control contract redeemed in the horror space, but a two-way ghost control contract!!"

Lin Yu had never heard of the "two-way ghost control contract" that You Yong mentioned.

You Yong spoke again:

"The two-way ghost control contract means that even on the day I die, I will not really die!"

"Instead, it will directly transform into a ghost!!"

"Speaking of which... I also want to thank that woman!"

"If she hadn't plotted against me and made me feel so resentful,"

"I will not directly possess the power of a ghost!!"

Hearing this, Lin Yu had a clear understanding in his heart.

This is the reason why the evil ghost contracted by You Yong evolved into a fierce ghost.

It was precisely because he was so resentful after being plotted against by his girlfriend,

As a result, after he turned into a ghost, his Yin power also increased dramatically!

After thinking of this, Lin Yu also felt that he had grasped the key to the problem.

So, he continued to speak:

"The ghost control space only has ordinary ghost control contracts. Where did your two-way ghost control contract come from?"

"This should be related to some secrets in the ghost world, right?"

After hearing Lin Yu's words, You Yong's expression became even gloomier.

"Hmph...you are quite perceptive! You can actually tell from my words that my two-way ghost control contract involves a secret!!"

Lin Yu was also stunned after hearing You Yong's words.

He really wanted to complain,

"You also said that the ghost control space only has ordinary ghost control contracts!"

"That's certainly not something you get casually!"

However, Lin Yu did not say anything in the end.

He just confirmed one thing,

There really is something wrong with the mind of this ghost controller named "You Yong"!

Seeing that Lin Yu didn't speak, You Yong also sneered!

"Seeing as you have some strength, you probably know some secrets of the ghost world..."

"However, it is impossible for a lucky person like you who only got some small opportunities by chance to compare with me!"

"After all, I was chosen by a truly terrifying and powerful organization in the ghost world!!!"

"Those powerful ghosts took a fancy to my talent and gave me a two-way ghost control contract!"

"As long as I work for them in the human world and collect intelligence, I will soon get more powerful power!"

"Strength, money... you have whatever you want!"

"Isn't all this... all for that woman?"

"It's a pity... not only does that woman not understand me, but she also thinks that I am becoming more and more deviated from normal people and more and more like a ghost..."

"In the end, she ran away with someone else!!!"

"She also poisoned me directly because I didn't have the slightest defense against her!!"

"Such a woman with a snake-like heart, of course I will kill her immediately after I transform into a ghost, hahahaha...!!"

As he said this, the expression on his face was ferocious and crazy.

Lin Yu's expression turned cold.

Originally, after reading You Yong's information, he still had some slight sympathy for the ghost controller.

After all, in the information, No. 9 Investigation Center has always written that he is kind to others and often helps to participate in supernatural events.

Lin Yu has also been guessing that maybe the change in temperament after becoming a fierce ghost was also an accident!

It was his last resort!

He originally thought of giving this guy a happy ending so that he could be relieved!

But now it seems...

This bastard turned out to be a traitor who took refuge in a ghost! ! !

For the sake of power and money, he actively colluded with ghosts, and in order to survive, he chose a two-way contract in which he would become a ghost after death.

And now that his true nature has been exposed, he is going on a killing spree...

Lin Yu despised him to the extreme...

"What a disgusting piece of trash. No wonder your girlfriend dislikes you..."

"It's entirely your fault that you've fallen into this situation today!"

Hearing Lin Yu's cold words, You Yong also sneered, with a scary expression on his face!

"Hehehe, what will happen to me?"

"My next fate is to return to the ghost world, join that organization, and live a life of debauchery!"

"Much better than you obedient ghost controllers and 'players'!"

"And, do you think...the organization behind me will let you go?"

"Stupid thing. The power of the organization I joined is in the ghost world. You can't even imagine it!!!"

As he said this, dark shadows emerged from his body again,

Just like that fierce ghost escaped at that time!

"Hahaha, this is my natural talent born from the two-way ghost control contract! Two-way teleportation!"

"Although you have some magical abilities and power that I can't match at all, so what?"

"I can run whenever I want!!! I can run as far as I want!!!"

He laughed wildly, with a hint of sinisterness in his voice,

"When I return to the ghost world, I will definitely report it to Master 'Third' to arrest you, bastard!"

"I'm going to spend hundreds... no, thousands of hell coins to reward you!!"

"When the time comes, you will definitely die in an ugly way!!!"

After hearing his words, Lin Yu sighed helplessly.

Then, he put his hand into 1.8's arms.

"You can't leave yet."

"You said so many 'secrets' and I haven't finished asking you yet!"

Seeing Lin Yu's actions, You Yong was startled at first, with a very nervous face.

But soon, he remembered something and became arrogant again!

"You can't stop me!!"

"Even if you have a powerful and high-quality vagina that can imprison ghosts, it may not be very effective for me..."

Lin Yu sneered,


He took out a stack of scarlet cards from his arms.

"That's okay, let's play a game of cards with me first!"


Scarlet cards danced between his fingers!

The powerful power of rules enveloped You Yong's direction! ! !

An irresistible force forcibly interrupted You Yong's "teleportation".

You Yong can even feel...

The power of this playing card is even because the Yin Qi of the evil ghost has the same source as itself, so the Yin Qi of the evil ghost is also locked!

Lin Yu looked at the changing expression on You Yong's face,

A smile appeared.

High-quality vaginal devices may not work?

Then... just use the super product! ! ! .

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