This young man... actually has a superb vagina? ?

Super quality vagina...

That's not even his own boss... No! Not to mention the boss, that might be something that even the organization he joins doesn’t have! !

Why does this young man have such a terrifying vagina? ?

"Could it be that... he has a background in the ghost world that is not weaker than mine?"

But time no longer allows You Yong to continue thinking.

This power of rules enveloped him,

Already forcing him towards trick poker!

"Huh... isn't it just playing cards? How can I be afraid of you?"

"I used to be a master at playing cards!"

Although You Yong was a little frightened,

But he still pretended to be calm and walked in front of Lin Yu.

Seeing You Yong’s frightened but helpless expression,

Lin Yu also felt a little emotional about the power of trick poker!

"As expected of a top-notch vagina!!"

"The powerful power of the rules above can easily prevent even this kind of ghost with weird escape methods from escaping!"

at this time,

The trick poker exudes a powerful yin energy!

This yin energy formed a table and was placed between the two of them!

"Okay, let's get started." Lin Yu said lightly.

The cards in hand began to be shuffled.

Seeing his actions, You Yong said with some surprise,

"How to play, what are the rules?"

"Hmph, let me tell you first, I am a master at playing cards!"

Lin Yu smiled faintly,

"It's very simple. Compare the size! A handful of one thousand nether coins!"

After hearing the rules mentioned by Lin Yu, You Yong's expression changed slightly.

"A thousand in a handful? Or a ghost coin?"

Lin Yu nodded,

"of course!"

"For a ghost master, what is the significance of ordinary Daxia coins?"

"Of course it only makes sense to play with the underworld coins!"

You Yong said quickly:

"But one thousand nether coins is too much, right??"

Lin Yu looked at him with a half-smile and said:

"How much is one thousand nether coins?"

"Didn't you just say that you wanted to report it to your 'third' master and offer a reward of several thousand nether coins for my arrest?"

"Why is it too much now?"

"You can spend thousands of ghost coins to reward me. These coins are just a drop in the bucket for you, right?"

Looking at Lin Yu's eyes, You Yong's face was very stiff!

But there was nothing he could do!

Lin Yu said this, and You Yong had no choice but to acquiesce.

The rules are set by Lin Yu and You Yong has no right to change them!

He can only accept it!

Lin Yu shuffled the cards and then began to deal the cards.

During the process of shuffling and dealing the cards,

You Yong's eyes were fixed on Lin Yu's movements!

Afraid that Lin Yu would cheat!

In the past, in various poker games, many times those seemingly luck-based poker games were actually fraudulent!

You Yong can naturally see through it at a glance!

But he stared at Lin Yu carefully for a while,

I didn’t find that Lin Yu had done anything!

Everything seems normal,

That’s fair too!

"Is he really just playing cards with me?"

You Yongyong couldn't help but said with some doubts.

In his opinion,

Lin Yu did not cheat when dealing the cards, and the rules were explained clearly in advance.

Although a thousand Ming coins are very expensive, and he can't change it!

But overall, there doesn't seem to be anything unusual!

Thinking of this, You Yong seemed to be less nervous!

"Ha, it turns out it's just an ordinary game of luck!"

"Then you'll have some juice to eat!"

"My luck is not blocked!"

You Yong stared at Lin Yu fiercely,

You Yong is also very confident about his luck!

My luck has always been very good! !

Although the guy in front of me took out a top-grade vagina,

But now it seems that in addition to limiting myself here,

There’s nothing special about it!

Wait until you beat him in a few games and see if he still dares to play with me, a master of card playing!

At this point, the dealing of cards is completed.

Three cards per person.

And in the opening money,

You Yong said with a sinister smile:

"Wait a minute!"

"What should we do if we don't have enough Ming coins?"

Looking at You Yong's expression, Lin Yu also smiled slightly and said:

"Yin organ, Yin material, soul..."

“These things can naturally be used to pay off debts!”

You Yong nodded, "That's good!"

"No one is allowed to default on their debts!"

You Yong now looks like he has a winning chance!

"Since it's just an ordinary card game, it's not difficult at all for me!"

In the past, in various card games,

He is very good at poker games that involve skill and mentality.

He also has strong vision and skills in those poker games that appear to be a matter of luck but are actually fraudulent.

Can be easily seen through!

Therefore, when seeing that Lin Yu was indeed not a cheater,

He was also sure that this card game was fair.

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