Some of them are information collected by the specialized intelligence personnel of the No. 9 Investigation Center!

Adding the two together, Tianshu can almost get the whole truth!

"When the elite team arrived at the scene, Emperor Fengdu was actually playing poker with two ghosts...?"

Looking at this report,

Rao is well-informed and has a high position. He has become the player's favorite since the second closed beta.

They were all a little dazed!

Of course he had heard about Emperor Fengdu!

Lin Yu’s previous work at the fourth offline trade fair,

Tianshu had already heard of it.

Recently, the deeds of Emperor Fengdu have become popular on the Daxia Ghost Controllers Forum because they are so exaggerated!

·· ·········Request flowers 0 ······

Although Tianshu doesn't like visiting forums very much...

But if such a hot and powerful ghost controller appears, he will still notice it!

After all, Bai Ye has been showing up at the forum,

It also made Emperor Fengdu, a supreme master,

Once again, it was shrouded in a veil of mystery!

"Being able to deal with two fierce ghosts so easily is not a problem for him."

"But... the deck of cards mentioned in the information makes me a little concerned!"

Tianshu carefully looked at the information in his hand.

According to reports from the elite team and Dahe and other ghost masters,

The situation at the scene is,

The two ghosts seemed to have no choice but to play cards with Emperor Fengdu!

At the same time, these ghost masters also mentioned,

There is an extremely terrifying unknown power on that deck of cards! !

"According to their description...this unknown force is probably the power of rules!"

0 0...

Tianshu was also a little surprised.

"A vagina that can give birth to the power of rules must be at least a super-grade vagina!"

"And... Emperor Fengdu also controls a fierce ghost."

"A person who controls a fierce ghost and owns a super-grade Yin weapon...should be at least a seventh-level ghost controller!"

Tianshu guessed in his mind,

"It seems...this Emperor Fengdu is from the second batch like me!"

"It may also be the third batch..."

"But no matter which batch he is from, he should be the type who has always hidden his identity..."

But then, Tianshu suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"No, he is a seventh-level ghost controller and above to deal with two powerful ghosts... He is really overqualified, right?"

"Heiyue and Baiye contacted's okay to forget that the two little girls are not very sensible,"

"Why is this Emperor Fengdu really here?"

"He must have no need for my vagina. Is it because... he is short of money?"

After all, Emperor Fengdu’s recent activities in real life seem to be all about seeking wealth!

In fact, White Night and Black Moon had similar thoughts!

But after this thought flashed past, Tianshu quickly shook his head,

He rejected his conjecture,

No, like this kind of master,

Even if he is really short of money, as long as he still doesn't want to expose himself, there are ten thousand ways to get money in a low-key way!


This "Emperor Fengdu" is probably actively trying to expose himself.

Moreover, his real purpose in participating in this mission with only two evil ghosts...

"Do you want to contact our No. 9 Investigation Center?" Six.

111 Li Nian’s invitation! Large adversarial copy? !

Tianshu is thinking,

Various reasons why Emperor Fengdu was exposed!

However, "wanting to proactively contact the No. 9 Investigation Center" is almost the same.

Lin Yu's participation in this supernatural incident indeed had such thoughts!

He does not want to join the No. 9 Investigation Center;

Rather, through simple contact,

Look at the strength and heritage of No. 9 Investigation Center.

After all, Investigation Center No. 9 is also the largest ghost control organization in Daxia!

You need to know more or less.

After Lin Yuzai came into contact with this incident,

We also have a rough idea of ​​the overall strength of the current ghost controllers!

In the context of frequent supernatural incidents around the world,

The Ghost Controller is seriously short of manpower!

Moreover, among ghost controllers, the fourth and fifth levels seem to be an obvious threshold!

If we say there are a normal number of ghost masters of level four and below.

So starting from level five,

The number of ghost masters above level five has been greatly reduced!

But Lin Yu thought about it,

Naturally, we can understand this.

Only the spiritual power and spiritual knowledge of a fifth-level ghost controller can match the level of ghosts!

in other words,

That is, after the ghost controller reaches the fifth level,

Only then will he consider starting to control the devil!

And this boundary is obviously also the boundary of strength!

This is why the number of ghost masters above level five is so few as "2,40"! !

Only the fifth-level ghost controllers can start to compete with the fierce ghosts!

So this is also the reason why this incident was directly classified as a "prefecture-level" supernatural incident!

In the end, Lin Yu deduced that this supernatural incident was actually not just a ghost.

But there are two!

Only then did Center No. 9 urgently form an "elite team"!

But even so,

There are only two fourth-level ghost masters and three third-level ghost masters in the elite team!

There is no way, those ghost controllers above level five also have incidents to deal with!

This is why it is said,

In the context of frequent supernatural incidents around the world,

The number of ghost masters is seriously insufficient!

at this time,

Lin Yu's cell phone rang suddenly.

Lin Yu took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

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