This is why the warden is said to be invincible!

Therefore, it is impossible to confront the warden head-on!

Black Moon also spoke at this time:

"The message I foresaw said,"

"In the prison, the ghost coins may be useful sometimes!"

"Nether Coin...?"

Hei Yue said and looked at Lin Yu involuntarily.

And speaking of Ming coins,

There is someone here... who seems to have no shortage of ghost coins?

At the same time, Bai Ye and Li Nian also looked at Lin Yu.

The other three people, seeing this scene,

It seems that he also remembered something,

He also looked at Lin Yu!

When Lin Yu saw everyone's gaze,

He also said helplessly:

"Don't look at me like that."

"Although I have a little money... but the prediction card also said that it may be useful only at certain times!"

Heiyue, Wentian, Heilong, and Shangqing, the three newcomers, were relieved to hear Lin Yu's explanation!

The expressions on Li Nian and Bai Ye's faces became even more exciting!

Obviously, they were dissatisfied with Lin Yu's statement.

I don’t believe it!

"A little bit?"

"I'm afraid it's not 100 million points!"

The two women cursed in their hearts at the same time!

And then,

Bai Ye integrated the information.

She said:

"Since the cells are not for single people!!"

"Then be careful, you may encounter ghost masters from other countries at the beginning!!"

"Someone may start in the same cell as ghost masters from other countries!"

"Although the rules say you are not allowed to attack other prisoners at will!"

“But we must be careful about the actions of ghost masters from other countries!!”

Everyone also nodded.

“Then it’s about being mindful of free time.”

"This time should be the time when we can meet up!!"

"Then the mission of this copy is to escape from the prison within a week!!"

"If you have the chance, you should also find out more information!!"

After some discussion, everyone

I also have a rough idea of ​​this copy!

They have to do it within the stipulated time,

Complete the dungeon mission and escape from the prison!

We must also kill ghost masters from other countries as much as possible! !

While thinking of ways to deal with other ghosts in the dungeon,

Also beware of the threats from other ghost masters!

"` ¨Do you have any questions?"

"If there's no problem, you can go back and make preparations!"

Bai Ye said.

The basics have been covered!

The rest is just waiting for the day when you enter the dungeon!

And everyone also shook their heads.

The Taoist priest Shangqing said,

"Well everyone, I'm going back to make preparations first!"

Wentian and Heilong also glanced at Lin Yu,

Wentian said:

"This time there are Sirs Bai Ye and Hei Yue, as well as the rumored Emperor Fengdu. I think he must be stable!"

Black Moon also said with some excitement:

"Hehe! With the addition of Emperor Fengdu, we will definitely let those foreigners see the power of Daxia this time!!"

After understanding all the matters related to this copy,

And after seeing the team lineup this time,

Everyone’s heart is filled with a lot of confidence!

after all……

The rumored Emperor Fengdu will also participate in this copy! ! !

Regarding the strength of Emperor Fengdu,

A few of them just watched others discuss it on the forum!

But I have never seen it with my own eyes! !

And this time,

They can finally see it,

The terrifying strength of Emperor Fengdu! !

at last,

People left one after another.

Lin Yu also left the horror space,

Back to the hotel!

For Lin Yu,

There is nothing to prepare now!

The only one who is preparing (Liao Nuo Hao),

This is the weapon that the master craftsman Ding Liang is forging for him! !

Lin Yu also asked Ding Liang before,

What progress is being made now?

According to Ding Liang’s words,

Probably before and after entering the copy,

The forging will be successful! ! !

Lin Yu is also looking forward to it very much,

This yin weapon of mine is forged from various high-grade yin materials.

What intensity can be achieved! !

A few days later…

When Monday morning arrived,

The bloody countdown in front of me also appeared!

Lin Yu didn't have much fluctuation in his heart.

After experiencing a battle with two fierce ghosts,

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