Then he took out a thousand yuan of ghost coins and gave it to Li Fuju!

Li Fuju saw this Thousand Yuan Dark Coin,

It’s also a bright spot!

He couldn't help but said:

"Brother is awesome!!".

123 The prison captain’s troubles! Lin Yu shows off his financial strength!

A bottle of wine costs 800 yuan.

Of course, these prisoners in the prison cannot afford it!

And the scene where Lin Yu and Li Fu gathered here and whispered, not working,

He was also seen by the prison guard holding an iron whip.

Upon seeing this, the prison guard immediately shouted:

"If you two don't work, what are you doing over there!!"

Hearing the prison guard’s scolding,

Li Fuju trembled with fright.

He quickly said:

"Do it now!!"

With that said, he quickly lifted a huge boulder and walked quickly towards the warehouse!

However, he saw that Lin Yu was standing still, with no intention of moving at all.

He also glanced at Yu Envoy Lin,

He whispered:

"Brother, hurry up and work! The prison guards are here!!"

But Lin Yu just nodded slightly to Li Fuju,

There is no intention of doing any work at all!

"You go ahead, I just want to ask the prison guard something!"

When Li Fuju heard what Lin Yu said, he nodded and said no more.

Keep walking quickly towards the warehouse!

"This big brother is really not simple..."

Li Fuju thought to himself.

Lin Yu is showing all kinds of things now, whether it is his financial resources, strength, or the calm and indifferent temperament on his body,

It all made Li Fuju very clear.

The opponent's strength and background are definitely not simple!

And such a powerful person,

There must be a way to avoid doing this kind of hard work!

As for how he would tell the prison guards, or how to bribe them,

That's not something Li Fuju needs to consider!

The prison guard holding an iron whip,

He had already walked in front of Lin Yu.

Looking at this human being in front of me,

He neither works nor fears himself!

He also snorted coldly!

"Another ungrateful thing!!"

He has seen too many people and ghosts who have just come in, relying on themselves to gain power or influence outside,

I want to continue to show off my power in prison!

Come to think of it, this human being is no exception!

You have to "discipline" yourself! !

And looking at the tall prison guard ghost with a bad look on his face,

Lin Yu was also expected!

It seems that the prison guard is also preparing to "teach" himself a lesson! !

He is also preparing to exchange some ghost coins again and continue to use money to clear the way!

Anyway, these prison guards can be bribed with a few hundred coins, which is just a fraction to me! !

And this time...

Lin Yu couldn't even find an opportunity to "use money"! !

He just put his hand into his arms,

Before the prison guard's iron whip was raised,

There was a "whooshing" sound, accompanied by heavy footsteps!

Follow the sound and look,

Lin Yu and the tall prison guard saw a fat pig rolling over like a chariot of meat bombs at the same time! ! !

In this mine, a cloud of smoke and dust was set off!

And as he rushed over, he shouted loudly!

"Lao Hong - don't worry!!! Don't do anything!!!"

This is of course the fat pig prison guard surnamed Wu whom Lin Yu had met before! !

Lin Yu was a little surprised to see him rushing towards him while crawling on the ground!

This old Wu can be a ghost! !

I originally thought that saying "see him if I have anything to do" was just to be polite to myself.

I didn't expect him to come if something happened! !

I haven’t found him yet!

It’s not unfair to spend this money! ! !

The tall prison guard named "Lao Hong" heard the shouts of his colleagues and

Naturally, he stopped what he was doing!

He looked at Lin Yu with some surprise.

And Lin Yu didn’t say much!

Soon, the fat old Wu hurried to Lin Yu's side,

Along the way, many ghost prisoners were so frightened that they gave way.

He even crushed an old ghost prisoner directly! ! !

Crush that poor old ghost directly into a piece of paper! It took a long time to recover!

This also illustrates how quickly Old Wu rushed over! !

After he arrived, he stood between Lin Yu and Lao Hong.

Then, panting, he waved his hands and said,

"The flood almost washed away the Dragon King Temple, Lao Hong!! This is my brother!! Give me some face!"

"And...this is a 'distinguished guest'...different from those prisoners!"

After listening to Lao Wu's words, prison guard Lao Hong showed an expression of surprise.

"Dignified guest?"

He said with some confusion.

Old Wu looked at the many prisoners and ghosts on the left and right who cast curious glances.

He also lowered his voice,

"When this one makes a move, it's 200 hell coins!"

"And those banknotes are very brand new and full of yin energy. They must be something only a large organization can have..."

"This person must have a purpose for going to jail!"

After hearing this, Lao Hong was slightly moved!

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