The old ghost said this with a very confident tone.

Lin Yu also knew that although the other party's personality was a bit out of character,

But when it comes to casting, he is very serious and will never talk nonsense.

So, I nodded!

"I see!!"

"In other words, enemies usually mistakenly think that the strength of the gun barrel is weak,"

"However, there is no such weakness for this spear...right?"

Old ghost Ding Liang nodded after hearing this!

"Yes, Lord, and more than that..."

"In the gun body, I also added the 'soul-eating golden thread' you took out!!!"

"This thing not only perfectly suppresses all the side effects of vaginal materials,"

"And... also brings a hidden attribute!!!"

Lin Yu was a little curious after hearing this.

"What attribute is it?"

When old ghost Ding Liang heard Lin Yu ask this question, he became a little too cautious!

"Lord, didn't I tell you before that this soul-eating golden thread is transformed from a hair of the Ghost King of All Dharma!!"

"And do you know what the special skill of the Wanfa Ghost King is?"

Lin Yu naturally didn't know, he shook his head slightly!

"I don't know something about this...I'm not familiar with the Ghost King of Ten Thousand Arts!"

Facing the old ghost Ding Liang, Lin Yu naturally didn't want to hide anything.

"However, judging from the name, this ghost king should be famous for his changeable methods!!"

Lin Yu said this, and old ghost Ding Liang also nodded!

"The Lord is indeed smart!!"

"This Ghost King of Ten Thousand Dharmas, before he became the Ghost King, his nickname was 'Old Ghost of Ten Thousand Dharmas'!!"

"It is rumored that his biggest trick at the time was to be able to recreate his opponent's moves in a weird way!"

"He claims to be proficient in all kinds of methods!!!"

"And this soul-eating golden thread also has this magical power sealed inside it!!!"

"Old ghost, I have done some research in the past few days and found out,"

“The name ‘Ten Thousand Methods’ is indeed a false name used to conceal its true methods!!”

"Its magical power actually relies on its own yin power to store the 'yin power' of others...and it can perfectly replicate its state in one go!!"

"Actually, it absorbs other people's attacks and then fights back!!"

"And after adding the soul-eating golden thread to this spear... Lord,"

"If you encounter a long-range, purely negative attack in the future,"

"You can use this spear to retaliate against others in the same way!!"

When old ghost Ding Liang said this, Lin Yu was also quite surprised!

"You can actually attack the opponent with his own methods..."

This counterattack is more than a hundred times more powerful than my own resentful skull necklace! !

Although there are still some restrictions, it must be a move composed of pure Yin Qi to do this! !

But it’s already powerful enough! !

"What a good gun..."

Lin Yu sighed,

The old ghost also continued to smile slightly!

"Lord, it's not just that!"

Hearing Ding Liang's words, even Lin Yu was a little shocked!

"It's more than that?!"

Old ghost Ding Liang nodded,

"Yes, next, my lord... is the most powerful part of this gun!!!"

"Do you still remember the 'Yin Ling Yuan Liquid' you gave me?"

"After these few days of research and creation, I not only figured out the function of the soul-eating golden wire,"

"I also figured out what this Yin Ling Yuan Liquid... is!!"

Speaking of this, old ghost Ding Liang couldn't help but sigh!

"My Lord... I can only say that this 'Yin Ling Yuan Liquid' is more precious than all the Yin materials you have brought out before combined!!"

"I'm afraid if you put this kind of thing in front of any ghost king... the other party will be moved!!"

The old ghost Ding Liang said this,

Lin Yu also showed an moved expression.

Although he knows that the products produced by the system must be high-quality...

From the Jiuyou Soul Purifying Wine to the previous Yin materials and spells,

It all shows this!

But even the old ghost Ding Liang said so,

The effect of this "Yin Ling Yuan Liquid" is probably not simple! !

"Old Dingtou, stop being so pretentious..."

"What exactly does this 'Yin Ling Yuan Liquid' do!!"

After hearing this, old ghost Ding Liang nodded again.

"It is so...Lord," 3.0

"Now feel carefully the quality and aura of this spear!"

The old ghost Ding Liang said this,

Lin Yu also immediately followed the instructions and felt the breath of this spear with his whole body.

He could tell that the grade of this spear should be Super Grade 3, and it was slightly inferior to the Trick Poker...

Just when Lin Yu was making this judgment...

The breath of the spear suddenly changed slightly! !

Its Yin power fluctuated on its own! !

Lin Yu's first reaction was that the old ghost was controlling the spear.

But soon, this idea was rejected! ! !

Because the old ghost obviously didn't release any negative energy to interfere with this spear! !

Lin Yu's face showed a surprised expression,

This long spear seemed to be reacting to the spiritual power of my own "exploration" of it! ! !

"It's like...having its own consciousness!!"

Lin Yu said with some surprise! !

After hearing this, old ghost Ding Liang also laughed!

"My lord, it doesn't seem to be 'conscious'..."

"But it really happened!!!"

"The function of Yin Ling Yuan Liquid is to give soul to Yin organs!!!"

(PS: My family, my gastroenteritis is a little serious and I have a fever. Today’s chapter is half typed and half voice input. I asked my friends to help me correct the typos and typesetting... There is only one update, so please forgive me!!! I will definitely continue to work hard to update after my health recovers!! Please also ask my family for your understanding!!! Thank you readers for your understanding!!!).

132 The spear recognizes its master! Blood-drinking Xuanlu! !

"it turns out......"

"Is it to give a soul to the vagina!?"

I heard what Ding Liang said,

Lin Yu couldn't help but feel shocked in his heart!

He had already clearly felt the strange wave coming from the spear just now...

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