They already had absolute trust and admiration for Lin Yu's strength!

Even if you are a sixth-level ghost controller,

So what?

It’s not like I haven’t mastered the fierce ghost yet!

Although what Heilong and others said is true,

However, the Yin weapon on the sixth-level ghost controller,

But it cannot be underestimated!

No one knows,

Is there something in that skinny man that can lift the limitation of strength?

Lin Yu himself naturally doesn't have to worry.

But Black Dragon and Wentian are only at the second level, and Shangqing is at the third level.

You will still be in danger!

Therefore, Lin Yu also reminded:

"You still have to be careful in the supernatural dungeon."

"Since he is a sixth-level ghost controller, maybe he also has a Yin weapon that can lift the restrictions on his strength!"

And hearing his words,

The three of them nodded immediately.

"Brother Dadi, we understand!"

And at this moment,

After a few quick exchanges between Charles and Kane below,

Kane's expression became more solemn!

And it's a bit...incredible!

Those people from Sakura Country, Bangzi Country, and Jason,

I also saw the change in Kane's expression.

"Charles should have told the captain about the situation of those Daxia people..."

Jason whispered.

He could understand why the captain had such an expression.

"Based on the captain's experience in the dungeon..."

"Have good dealings with the prison guards, the captain must be able to think of it!"

"But the captain probably didn't expect that those people in Daxia would have such a relationship with the prison guards...!"

"That's why it feels incredible..."

Not long after,

The exchange between Charles and Kane ends,

It looked like something had been discussed.

Charles finally nodded slightly to captain Kane,

Then he walked back this way.

And when he passed a bald evil ghost,

The evil ghost raised his head, grinned and said to him:

"If you don't eat well, why are you wandering back and forth?"

The voice of evil spirits is not quiet,

The prisoners all around could hear it clearly.

So the eyes are also focused on it!

And I heard what the evil spirits said

It stands to reason that Charles, who should not respond and avoid causing trouble,

But he suddenly stopped.

He turned his head and stared directly at the bald devil,

After the bald evil ghost saw his gaze,

The movement of eating in my hands also stopped.

He looked at Charles sideways and said:

"What's wrong?"

"Are you not convinced?"

Several ghosts next to this evil ghost,

He also immediately looked at Charles with provocative eyes.

Charles paused for a moment and ignored the ghosts for the time being.

Instead, he winked at Jason and the others in front.

Showed the area above!

Jason saw Charles's signal,

He showed a puzzled expression.

"What does it mean......?"

"What did he talk to the captain about?"

Others saw Charles's signal,

They are also very confused,

"What is Chasan hinting at us?"

"Are you asking us to kill him directly?"

"Didn't you just say's best not to directly conflict with those people from Xia Kingdom?"

Just when everyone was doubting,

Charles suddenly spoke to the provocative evil spirit next to him:

"Whether I eat or not is none of your business?"

"Don't mind your own business!"

Hearing Charles' response,

These ghosts slapped the table and stood up suddenly!

boom! !

"You ignorant human being, are you impatient with life??"

Several ghosts immediately released bursts of Yin Qi!

Pushing towards Charles!

And Charles was not to be outdone,

Release the spiritual response of the third-level ghost master!

Although the strength of both sides,

They have all been reduced to one-tenth of their respective proportions!

But the forces of both sides collided,

It still caused a sensation instantly!

An invisible wave of air spread out,

The nearby tables and chairs fell to the ground!

Seeing a conflict between the two sides,

Jason also immediately got up and rushed over!

Other ghost controllers from Bangzi Country and Sakura Country also came closer.


There is some chaos in the restaurant!

"`¨Hey! Over there!"

"What are you doing!?"

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