"This damn Xia people..."

"Obviously I only have the third level of strength, but I was forced to use all the powerful ghosts and top-grade vaginal weapons!!!"

"I have to kill him here!!!"

"Otherwise...the consequences will be unimaginable!!"

"Xia Kingdom...what kind of existence appeared??".

147 Kane’s top-grade vagina! Lin Yu's... Blood-Drinking Xuanlu!

Kane's heart was shocked. Lin Yu's strength and so many vaginas that made him numb gave him a great sense of crisis.

With the strength of a third-level ghost controller, he can support so many Yin weapons with ease.

Even though Kane didn't want to admit it, he knew very well in his heart how good Lin Yu performed.

Letting such a talented ghost master go back will definitely be a big threat in the future.

"Xia Guoren, you shouldn't be so arrogant. Today is the day you die."

As long as he dies, these vaginas belong to him.

The vaginal instruments Lin Yu took out were all of high quality, and Kane couldn't help but be tempted.

He holds the Demon Sword, his most powerful yin weapon.

It is a peerless top-grade vaginal instrument.

The vagina he had finally snatched had cost a lot of people.

But now it seems that it is worth it.

As long as Lin Yu is killed, the magic sword will not be his only high-grade vaginal weapon.

Kane stared greedily at the vagina on Lin Yu's body, approaching step by step with his sword.

Even the fierce ghost wrapped in white bandages ignored it.

As it approached, the powerful negative power of the magic sword rushed towards him.

Black Dragon took a breath and looked at the two people behind him with a sad face.

"Do you think we are all going to give up on this today?"

Facing this purple sword, he had no idea of ​​resisting at all.

Because I can't resist 02 at all.

"No matter how powerful the emperor is, can he come up with a vagina that is more powerful than a top-grade vagina? It's simply impossible."

Wentian and Qing looked at each other and saw the meaning in each other's eyes.

Impossible for others.

But for Lin Yu, there's really no telling.


Lin Yu felt the terrifying power of this sword more directly.

It seems that this is Kane's final trump card.

If placed in front of others, Kane would undoubtedly be the final winner.

But, should I say it, Kane was a bit unlucky to meet him.

"Since you use a sword, I'll use a gun."

Lin Yu smiled with a smile on his lips. After speaking, a blood-weeping silver gun appeared in his hand.

The moment the silver gun appeared, a huge lunar calendar roared out.

The first of them is Kane, who is closest to him.

The lunar calendar hit Kane like a hurricane, like a sharp blade.

Kane's exposed skin was hit with tiny blood stains by the lunar calendar.

But he didn't seem to feel it, staring at the silver gun in Lin Yu's hand, Drinking Blood Xuanlu.

"This is a super-grade vagina."

The word "Super Grade" shocked everyone present.

Black Dragon stared at the silver gun and swallowed hard.

He was gasping for breath like he was having a heart attack.

The power of the super vagina made it difficult for him to breathe, but this did not affect his excitement at all.

"A super-grade vagina. I actually saw a super-grade vagina. I can rest in peace even if I die."

Wentian and Shangqing also had expressions of shock and excitement.

Super quality vagina.

"I thought that top-grade vaginas had reached their peak, and super-grade vaginas were only rumored to exist. I didn't expect that I would be able to see them today."

Shangqing's eyes were complicated.

Facing the super-grade vagina, it would be a lie not to be excited.

But this made him more curious about how Lin Yu got it.

It really makes people envious and jealous!

Unlike the excitement of the three Black Dragons, Kane was completely stunned.

"No, it's impossible. This is fake. How can there be a super product? How can you have a super product? I don't believe it."

Even if he didn't want to believe it, he had to admit that this was a super-grade vagina.

Truly superb.

"Still fighting?"

Lin Yu frowned, he was tired of waiting.

Kane is not stupid, he is definitely a being to be killed at such a big age.

Although his spiritual power was higher than Lin Yu's, what Lin Yu held was a super-grade Yin weapon.

He had only heard of its existence.

"That's not fair. I'm using a top-grade vagina. If I want to hit you, it's your turn to hit me with your top-grade penis."

Kane yelled with an ugly expression.

Lin Yu was amused by his words: "Brother, do you think this is a joke? Speaking of fairness, I am only a third-level ghost controller, and you are a sixth-level one. If you want to be fair, should you retire to the third level? Fight me?"


Kane's face was twisted with anger, but he still managed not to say anything extreme.

The scene was at a stalemate for a while.

When Lin Yu came out, Kane was already thinking of quitting.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have taken out the Blood Drinking Xuanlu so quickly.

"What are you doing here?"

There were footsteps, followed by the prison guard's voice.

It seems that this fight cannot be won.

Lin Yu put away the Blood-Drinking Xuanlu and turned to look at the visitor.

As the only prison guard, there is no doubt about his strength in being able to control these thorns in the prison.

Lin Yu knows better than Kane about establishing a good relationship with the prison guards.

"Have a friendly exchange with these inmates from the Lighthouse Country, Kane, don't you think so?"

Lin Yu raised the corners of his lips.

He looked at Kane and nodded with an ugly expression.

He clearly knew how powerful the prison guards were, otherwise he wouldn't have planned a quick fight just because the prison guards came and took out the magic sword.

But who would have thought that Lin Yu would actually take out a super-grade vaginal instrument.

Thinking of this, Kane's face turned even more ugly.

It was like being held down and beaten.

The prison guard looked at the two of them. Lin Yu still looked lazy and indifferent.

It’s just Kane’s expression.

Is this really a friendly exchange?

He doesn't care whether you are friendly or not, as long as you don't gather in groups to cause trouble under his nose.

"Okay, let's go back after the exchange. It's time to eat soon."

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