Lin Yu thought it was Hei San who had returned. When he opened the door, he was surprised to see the familiar sallow-looking guy.

"It's you."

"Hey, buddy, you're so secretive."

Letting the sallow-looking ghost into the room, Lin Yu showed a smile on his face.

"I still don't know what to call you?"

"You can just call me Fatty."

Lin Yu was stunned and looked at him in surprise. With a figure like a refugee, it was too inappropriate for his fame.

Seeing Lin Yu's doubts, the old fat man laughed.

"I came up with this name myself. I can't get fat and am as skinny as a bamboo pole. I envy those fat ghosts, so I named myself Lao Fat."

Lin Yu laughed and said, "Very good."

The fat old man was not polite to him and started eating the stew on the table.

Yes, it’s stew.

Fresh fruits are extremely rare in the Thriller World. Because of the corrosive air, fresh fruits cannot be stored at all and can easily deteriorate.

So the fruit on the table in the real world becomes stew in the horror world.

Or jerky.

"This tastes good. Dude, what's your relationship with Master Heisan? This guest room is only for distinguished guests."

"should be."

Lin Yu thought about it for a moment and said, "It's a customer-customer relationship. You, Mr. Black Three, want to do business with me."

"Making a deal with the Kuroshio Fleet?"

The old fat man's face was full of surprise, as if he couldn't believe that Lin Yu would be such a brave man.

"By the way, do you know what our Kuroshio Fleet sells?"

Lin Yu spread his hands, feeling helpless.

"Heisan showed me some gadgets."

The old fat man was very good at reading and could tell Lin Yu's thoughts at just one glance.

"You don't need that stuff."


Lin Yu admitted bluntly: "I told him that I need middle-grade and top-grade vaginal materials and vaginal organs."

The old fat man was amused by his words.

"Brother, to tell you the truth, the Kuroshio Fleet also needs these."

After he finished speaking, he laughed, the kind of laugh that made him laugh.

If he hadn't known that what he was telling was not a joke, Lin Yu wouldn't have known that what he said was so funny.

After the old fat man laughed, he did not forget to explain to him: "The Kuroshio Fleet is different from the Qingming Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce has what you want, but the Kuroshio Fleet, except for bodyguards and insurance, is mainly engaged in letting people Ghostly happy stuff.”

Lin Yu's eyes sharpened and he looked at the old fat man.

Waiting for his next words.

But the old fat man suddenly stopped talking, and he was a little annoyed.

"I said something I shouldn't have said again. Brother, don't let it slip in front of Master Heisan. Otherwise, I'll be in trouble. It's time for me to go back to work. Let's go."

After watching the fat man leave, Lin Yu sat for a while, then stood up and closed the door.

Something to make ghosts happy.

Lin Yu thought of something in the real world.

It was afternoon in the horror world when I came.

Until the evening, Heisan didn't come.

The ghost in a guard uniform brought him food, which was stew, with a small plate of magic beans beside it.

He had eaten it before in the Nine Layers of Hell Prison.

After a simple dinner, Lin Yu walked out of the room with the dinner plate.

He remembered the route Hei San took him to, but he was not going to those places.

He wanted to test whether he could enter the places where the gangsters had not taken him to..

When he reached the first vertical corner, Lin Yu hesitated for a moment and walked in.

After walking about two meters, a guard ghost stopped him.

"What are you doing here?"

Lin Yu picked up the dinner plate with confusion on his face: "Isn't this the place to return the dinner plates?"

The guarding ghost took a look and recognized that this was a dinner plate used to deliver meals to distinguished guests. Is this an honored guest?

His attitude softened a bit, but was still stern.

"No, there will be ghosts guarding you after eating. You can't enter here without a token. Please go back."

Lin Yu nodded, turned around and walked back.

The purpose of the test has been achieved. You can't go to other places for the time being. The excuse of the dinner plate is enough if you use it more. If you use it more, the secret will be exposed.

However, a token is required to enter the place just now.

He didn't see the token on Hei San.

As for the token, I can use the old fat man's words.

It was noon when Hei San came again, and he brought two pieces of news.

"Great Emperor, our Lord Heiyun invites you to dinner. We have good things to trade with you."

Lin Yu pretended to be surprised, stood up and said, "Let's go then, I can't wait any longer."

He looked eager, and Heisan's eyes flashed with calculation.

Leading the way with a smile.

Walking to the place where he deliberately tested yesterday, yesterday's guarding ghost stood up again.

Heisan took out a token from his arms. The guard ghost saw the token and stepped back.

Lin Yu saw this and pretended to be surprised: "Do you also need a token to enter? I came here yesterday to return the dinner plate at 3.0, and the guard stopped me and said he needed a token. I thought You don’t need this thing in your capacity.”

Hei San was a little unhappy. Unlike him, he deliberately took out the token and showed it to Lin Yu.

"This token is for internal use. I can go anywhere with this token. Besides, now there are vaginas that can be used to disguise oneself. Of course, it can't be done by just looking at the face. So the guards of our fleet only recognize the token and not the person." .”

I see.

Lin Yu's heart moved.

Push the door open.

There is a round table in the room, and a female ghost wearing a black tights sits at the head.

Behind her stood two tall fierce ghosts.

And this female ghost is also a fierce ghost.

"Lord Heiyun, this is Emperor Fengdu. Great Emperor, this is the third master of our Kuroshio Fleet, Lord Heiyun."

177 The ring that cannot be judged! Lin Yu who was deceived?

Lin Yu politely said: "The Third Master."

He didn't plan to shout "Lord Heiyun" or something like that, lest he gain other people's ambition and destroy his prestige.

"Emperor Fengdu."

Heiyun smiled with unknown meaning. She leaned on the chair and pointed to the place next to her.

After Lin Yu sat down, she immediately asked: "I heard that you want to do business with our fleet?"

Lin Yu looked puzzled and looked at Hei San specifically.

"The third master should know where Heisan and I met. Heisan invited me to come to the Kuroshio Fleet as a guest and buy some needed things."

The implication is that you invited me to do business, not that I came here in a hurry.

Of course Heiyun could understand what he meant, and glanced at Hei San with unknown meaning. This glance made Hei San panic.

He was about to explain, but was interrupted by black clouds.

"Heisan told me that our fleet does not sell mid- to high-grade vaginal weapons, however."

As soon as Lin Yu showed a disappointed expression, he interested her in the next sentence.

"When our fleet bodyguard Qingming Caravan went to the core circle of 02, we had no intention of buying a Yin weapon. However, the grade of this Yin weapon cannot be tested. If you are interested, I can consider selling it to you."

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