As for the amount.

Lin Yu asked Heilong: "How much is the reward for hunting me down?"

"thirty million."

"Well, then I'll pay 50 million. I'll add a sentence later, and I'll pay 30 million to anyone who has the ability to find and kill the person behind my bounty order."

80 million was just thrown away.

If he hadn't checked Bai Ye's payment for him.

Lin Yu will definitely hesitate.

This is not a ghost coin, but speaking of it, he has a lot of ghost coins. If he runs out of money, he can go to the trading point to trade.

Take care of this.

Lin Yu asked the Heilong trio to accompany him to buy a car.

Taking a taxi all the time is too inconvenient.

After spending an afternoon buying the car, Lin Yu drove directly home.

Heilong liked cars and couldn't stop looking at Lin Yu's new car.

Wentian looked at his stupid look and sneered: "You are like a dog that has found a bone. Be careful not to get it on the emperor's new car."

"You are the dog, you skinny monkey, seeking death."

The black dragon pounced on him, and the two men started fighting in the yard.

Lin Yu looked at the two of them and heard Shangqing's question: "Great Emperor, will you do it randomly or in a team for next week's mandatory dungeon?"

"Do you have a place?"

186 Joint team! Weird white-faced girl!

Shangqing nodded, "A fellow senior of mine asked me to find some people to join us, saying it was a large-scale reveal dungeon."

Hearing this, Lin Yu thought of his last dungeon, which was about revealing the secret.

However, he used money to complete it ahead of schedule.

"If this dungeon can be completed, there will be a very generous point reward. Moreover, it is said that there are high-grade vaginal instruments left in that dungeon."

Lin Yu sneered at this last sentence.

High-grade vaginas are not candy that can be picked up casually.

"Did you tell those two?"

Lin Yu pointed at the two black dragons.

Shangqing nodded, "They agreed and asked me to come over and ask you."

In fact, Shangqing didn't have much hope that Lin Yu would agree.

He could tell that Lin Yu was a solitary person.


After hearing this reply, Shangqing was stunned for a moment before he realized what he was saying.

"Okay, I will contact senior brother "390" right now."

At night, Lin Yu was lying on the bed. Tomorrow was Monday, and the mandatory dungeon mission was about to begin.

In the horror world.

Lin Yu and Shangqing stood in front of the Tower of the Underworld. Black Dragon was eager to try, but Wentian ridiculed him and said that his attempt would be in vain.

He was pulled in by the angry black dragon.

Lin Yu couldn't help but curl his lips, and heard Shangqing shout: "Brother, I'm here."

He followed the sound and saw a tall man with taut muscles walking over.

The man looked rough and gave Shangqing a bear hug when he came up. Lin Yu, who was standing next to him, clearly heard a muffled groan.

"Junior brother, long time no see. You have advanced. Not bad. You are indeed the best person in our sect."

"Senior brother."

Shangqing said with difficulty: "Let me go first."

The tall man quickly let go of his hand, and Shangqing took two steps back and took a breath.

"Senior brother, please don't laugh at me. I'm nothing. If you want to be powerful, the person next to me is the real boss."

Being considered a boss by his junior brother, the tall man looked at Lin Yu curiously and stretched out his hand.

"Hello, I am Shangyuan, senior fellow apprentice of Shangqing. What do you call me fellow Taoist?"

Lin Yu politely stretched out his hand, shook it briefly, and said, "Just call me Emperor Fengdu."

Shangyuan's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but admire: "This name is domineering, I will call you the Great Emperor."


Lin Yu nodded, Shangyuan looked at him, and looked at Shang Qing in confusion: "Junior brother, isn't the Emperor a fourth-level ghost controller like you? Why is he so much more powerful than you?"

Don't blame Shangyuan for being confused. Among ghost masters, strength is closely linked to level. Just like Shangyuan, he is a fifth-level ghost master.

This kind of strength is considered a big one among folk ghost masters.

So he really didn't know how powerful Lin Yu was.

"Senior brother, the emperor's strength exceeds his level. The emperor once fought two fierce ghosts with the level of a third-level ghost controller, and killed those two fierce ghosts."


Shangyuan's pupils were shocked and his face was full of disbelief.

The third level ghost master kills the fierce ghost level, still two.

"Junior brother, you are not lying to me, are you?"

Shangqing immediately denied it: "It's true. If you don't believe it, ask the emperor."

Shangyuan looked over in confusion, and Lin Yu shook his head and said, "He exaggerated. I killed the ghost with my contract."

"It's really killing. You are so powerful. You are worthy of being praised by even my junior brothers."

Shangyuan's focus is not on ghosts, based on his common sense.

When Lin Yu was in the third level, the ghosts he contracted with were at best fierce ghosts.

Lin Yu didn't explain it either. People always have to have a sense of mystery.

After saying that, the two black dragons also came out.

Lin Yu looked up at the light board.

The rankings of the two people quickly appeared on it.

Black Dragon: Thirty-five seconds

Wentian: Thirty-six seconds.

The two ranked eighth and ninth respectively.

"It's still far worse than the Great Emperor."

Black Dragon sighed, looked at Shang Yuan, and then at Shang Qing.

Everyone was shocked.

"Shangqing, is this your senior brother?"

The only similarity between the two is that they have two bald heads.

Moreover, the image difference between Shangyuan and Qing Dynasty is too big.

"Yes, my senior brother Shangyuan."

Shangyuan stepped forward enthusiastically and gave both of them a bear hug.

Heilong rolled his eyes as he was hugged, gritted his teeth and said, "Shangqing, your senior brother is so enthusiastic."

Haha, the enthusiasm is a bit suffocating.

After finishing the small talk, a few people got down to business.

"There are three people here, plus the four of me, plus exactly eight of you, the maximum number of people in this dungeon is eight. The four of us have already obtained the dungeon prediction card."

Shangyuan said, taking out a copy of the prediction card.

[This is where a family of four once lived. They were very happy, until one day, someone came. 】

"The prediction cards of the other three are."

[This is an old house, no one knows what else lives here..]

[Before that person came, my sister and I lived very happily. 】

[My sister holds her hands full of blood and looks at her sister lying in a pool of blood. 】

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