Return to the first floor.

Shangyuan and the others had already finished eating, and Heilong was dancing with them and describing his scene on the other side.

"You don't know how much the restaurant manager respects the emperor. When the fierce ghost heard that the restaurant manager was going to deal with him, his face turned pale with fright. He turned around and was about to run away. However, he was stopped by the restaurant owner. That restaurant owner is a fierce ghost. ”.

192 Level 3 copy! No danger?

Shangyuan was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and the way he looked at Lin Yu was different.

He swallowed and suddenly envied his junior brother and the others.

In his understanding, Lin Yu was the captain of the three Shangqing people.

It's so cool to have such a rich captain.

"Black Dragon, stop talking."

Lin Yu felt that if he didn't stop him, the black dragon would blow him to the sky.

Black Dragon chuckled twice before shutting up.

Lin Yu sat across from Shangyuan and asked him about this copy.

"What level of region does this copy belong to?"

"Level three."

After Shangyuan finished speaking, he smacked his lips and explained to Lin Yu: "Actually, this dungeon is not dangerous. It shouldn't be set at such a high level. The reason why it is set at such a high level is because so far, there are no ghost controllers who have come to this dungeon to do tasks. The one who successfully breached it.”

"That's why it's so high."

He laughed twice and rubbed his hands: "Although this copy is a bit difficult, the points are still very high. It is said that there is a vagina, I don't know if it is true or not, I just want to try my luck."

Lin Yu was speechless after hearing this. He thought that Senior Brother Shangqing was very reliable, but now it seems that he is very unreliable.

"Then how are you going to find clue 02? Are you just spending time here?"

"Of course not."

Shangyuan said quite proudly: "I have already made a plan. I will take you to the village in front later to ask if anyone knows what happened to this house. Which of you wants to go?"

Heilong and Wentian were both uninterested. Shangqing hesitated and raised his hand.

"I'll go."

Shangyuan nodded, and the glasses told him to stay and watch.

Lin Yu saw this and said, "Add me one more."

The man who hadn't heard anything since he came in also raised his hand.

Only then did Lin Yu see his appearance clearly.

An extremely ordinary face, with a solidified scar on his right cheek.

It added a bit of evil intent to him.

Shangyuan nodded to him and said: "Then it will be the four of us. You and Yuanmei will keep the glasses."

On the way, Lin Yu asked Shangyuan which village he was going to.

Shangyuan pointed with his hand: "As for the one in front, you should have the impression that the ghost village is opposite the bus station, which is the closest village to here."

The strange thing is that this place is deserted.

How could anyone build a villa in a place like this!

Shangyuan said they could take a shortcut to the village and took them down the hillside.

The hillside was not high, so a few people climbed up it quickly. Only when they got down did they realize that the other side of the hillside was very steep, with almost no slope, and they went down quickly.

Shangyuan was also confused, he didn't expect it to be like this.

This is how to do?

"How about we slide down?"

Shangyuan said and looked at Lin Yu.

He was looking at a bump at the foot of the hillside, which looked like a small grave.

Hearing Shangyuan's words, he nodded and said, "You can try, I'll go down first."

Lin Yu has been skating before. The back of this hillside is flat and smooth, and you can slide down it like an ice skate.

He took good posture, slid down, leaned back to stabilize his body, and with the help of his spiritual power to balance, he slid down in a few seconds.

Shangyuan and others were stunned for a moment and looked at each other a few times. Shangqing said first: "I'll give it a try."

Ice skating also exists in this parallel world. After seeing Lin Yu's movements, several people knew it was ice skating.

However, Shangqing had not played much, so he was reminded by Lin Yu to use his spiritual power, and then he stumbled down.

Several people slid down the hillside one after another and saw Lin Yu standing on a raised bumpkin.

"Emperor, is there any problem with this?"

"Do you think this looks like a graveyard in the backyard?"

When he said this, Shangyuan also gathered around, looked at it and nodded: "It really looks like it, but it can't be. Who buried it here? There isn't even a tombstone. It is probably formed naturally. Let's go quickly. I'm delaying." It’s too late.”

Walk to the village.

From the outside, it seemed that the economic conditions of the village were not good. The houses were all red brick houses and some mud-tile houses. There were no ghosts in the middle of the village. Lin Yu was very puzzled.

"Are you sure there is a ghost in this village?"

"Yes, I've met before. Just wait for me to knock on the door."

Shangyuan found a house and knocked on the door. After a while, a gloomy voice came.

"Who is it? Hey, this smells like a human being."

Shangyuan's hand froze as he knocked on the door. He forgot one thing.

He is a human being, and the village in the horror world is a ghost village.

So, he took a deep breath.

Is it really appropriate for them to come all the way to find ghosts and understand the situation?

But it was too late to think about this now, the door was opened.

The one who opened the door was a resentful ghost with an ugly appearance and a big hunchback on its back.

He glanced at Shangyuan and seemed to realize that his strength was not something he could resist. He stretched out his hand to close the door, but Shangyuan blocked the door.

"What about that? Uncle Ghost, please don't close the door first. I'm here to ask you something."

The old ghost looked wary, and when he saw that he couldn't close the door, he simply took two steps back.

"What are you asking? What are you humans doing in our ghost village? We didn't provoke you."

As he retreated, the old ghost also saw the person behind Shangyuan, and his expression changed.

"We're not here to cause trouble, we're just here to ask something."

Shangyuan tried to explain, but the old ghost looked unbelieving, but he couldn't close the door or hit him. The old ghost hesitated for a moment and said, "You can ask me what's going on. I may not know."

It was rare to see people and ghosts getting along so well, and Shangqing's eyes were filled with curiosity.

Shangyuan was also unambiguous and asked about the Youyuan House.

When the old ghost heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

"I don't know. You can ask other ghosts."

After saying that, he was about to close the door 393. Just as Shangyuan was about to let go, Lin Yu stepped forward and blocked the door.

"How much do you know? I'll give you a thousand nether coins for every clue."

As the saying goes, money can make the world go round.

This statement is true.

The old ghost stopped pushing the door. He looked at Lin Yu and asked, "Really?"

Lin Yu took out a thousand yuan coin and showed it with actions.

The old ghost's eyes turned red when he looked at Mingbi, who was full of yin energy.

He proudly said to Lin Yu and others: "You have found the right person. No one in this village knows about Youyuan House except me."


Shangyuan asked in shock.

The old ghost snorted coldly and said, "I used to work there as a helper."

These words made Lin Yu believe in him three points.

The old ghost glanced at the Thousand Yuan Ming Coin and asked Lin Yu: "What do you want to know?"

The old ghost is cunning and doesn't intend to start from the beginning. I'll tell you what you asked clearly.

Lin Yu didn't care about this small amount of money, after all, he had trillions.

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