"I know, that's it, hang up."

Hei Yue finished speaking in a stiff tone, then pressed the button to hang up.

She was afraid that if she continued talking, she would not be able to help feeling jealous and jealous.

Ghosts more powerful than fierce ghosts are used as bodyguards.

What a waste of natural resources!

Looking at the hung up phone, Lin Yu was a little surprised.

I thought Bai Ye had something to do with him, but it seemed that he really just cared and expressed condolences.

Spent a day at the villa.

Before going to bed at night, Lin Yu received a message from a high school classmate.

"Lin Yu, are you still there?"

This was a question that didn't deserve a beating. Lin Yu said without changing his expression: "He is dead. I have something to burn."

He has a good relationship with this classmate, so he jokes with him.

As soon as the message was sent, I received several messages from Zhang Zhen.

"You are really still here. It scared me to death. I heard Miao Tingting say that you were selected to be the fifth batch of newcomers to enter the horror world. I thought you..."

"Great, great, I knew you could do it."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Will you go to the class reunion tomorrow night?"

classmate reunion?

Lin Yu was a little surprised and asked Zhang Zhen: "Where is it? I won't go if it's too far."

"It's not far. I know your home is in Hecheng. This class reunion was organized by the squad leader. He said it was in Jiangcheng. If you want to go, I will go too."

Zhang Zhen is from Jiangcheng.

Lin Yu thought for a while, there was nothing needed to do tomorrow, he could just go.

"Well, I'll go there tomorrow."

Zhang Zhendao: "Then you come here early and I'll pick you up. Let's catch up on old times. We haven't seen each other for several years."

Lin Yu did not refuse.

Putting down the phone, he remembered his high school days.

His high school life was not a good one.

Because he is an orphan, he receives state subsidies for schooling.

He is an adult at heart and doesn't think it's a big deal.

In addition, he just wants to study hard and make money, so he is not gregarious in the class.

The reason why I have a good relationship with Zhang Zhen is because they are roommates.

At that time, because of his unique behavior, he caused dissatisfaction among a large number of male students in the class.

He was isolated.

Lin Yu didn't care and continued to walk alone, thinking that if he didn't provoke them, they wouldn't provoke him.

However, he underestimated the dissatisfaction of his classmates.

One day after school he got stuck in traffic, so he got into a fight with them.

I happened to be seen by the dean.

His classmates were all called parents. Because of this incident, those classmates hated him even more and made trouble for him from time to time.

Just because Lin Yu doesn't like to cause trouble doesn't mean he's afraid of trouble.

Those classmates were often beaten by him.

So three years passed.

He successfully entered the university of his choice.

Then I worked, and then I was selected to enter the world of horror.

until now.

The well-established biological clock tells him to wake up on time.

Lin Yu didn't plan to go so early, as the class reunion would be held in the evening.

The address has been sent to the group. Zhang Zhen dragged him into the group of high school classmates. 0..

Restaurant on the Cloud.

Lin Yu felt that the name was familiar, and suddenly thought that Li Nian had invited him to dinner at this restaurant.

After all, there are also rich second-generation people from very good families among those classmates.

It’s no surprise that I got a reservation at this restaurant.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

Just when I thought of Li Nian, I saw a message from her.

"Brother Lin, are you busy?"

The conversation interface shows that the other party is typing.

Lin Yu thought for a while and restored her first.

"not at home."

The input paused for a while and then was displayed again.

"Brother Lin, it's great that you have come out of the horror world. I just wanted to ask if you are here."

Lin Yu remembered that Li Nian's number was in yesterday's missed call.

Forgot to tell her.

"Sorry, I came out yesterday and forgot to tell you."

"It's okay, Brother Lin. I heard from Mr. Bai Ye that there is a ghost in the horror world who has issued a reward for you? Are you in danger?"

"It's okay. They can't do anything to me. Don't worry. By the way, I'm going to Jiangcheng in the afternoon. We can have dinner together if we have time."

"Really? Brother Lin, let's have dinner together that night."

In Jiangcheng, in the beautiful princess room, Li Nian was lying on the bed rolling over.

Lin Yu took the initiative to invite her to have dinner with her. It was great and she was so happy.

Li Nian nodded quickly when the message came back from his phone.

"Not tonight, I have to attend a class reunion tonight, maybe tomorrow."

Li Nian was a little disappointed, but still happily agreed.

3.0 After staying at home until the afternoon, Lin Yu drove to Jiangcheng.

I sent a message to Zhang Zhen in the car.

Got a reply quickly.

"Did you come here by car or by car? Where should I find you?"

"Drive, you name a place and I'll go there."

Zhang Zhen found a cafe.

Lin Yu found the address and rushed there.

Opening the door, you can see Zhang Zhen sitting in the elegant seat.

He specially sat in a conspicuous place, saying that he was afraid that he would not be able to find him.

The two hadn't seen each other since they graduated from high school, and six years had been enough to change a lot.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhen's appearance didn't change much.

Lin Yu walked over and met Zhang Zhen's surprised eyes.

"Lin Yu, you have changed so much. You have become a lot more handsome."

"You're good too."

The two sat down opposite each other.

We chatted a bit about work.

202 Showing off? How many vaginas do you have?

Zhang Zhen passed the civil service examination. His father worked in the government and could help him move up the ladder. The rest was up to him.

He is married and now the father of a little boy.

After speaking, Zhang Zhen was a little curious about Lin Yu's current work.

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