Others have never seen real ghosts, but he has.

Moreover, he saw that the contracted ghost was not as powerful as General Zhu.

Now, Liang Yuan regretted his previous provocation to Lin Yu.

His father had warned him not to offend anyone who could survive in the horror world and contract with ghosts.

If you offend them, you will be killed and there will be no evidence.

204 Attitude change! Fang Qian’s thoughts!

Liang Yuan swallowed his saliva with difficulty and smiled extremely ugly.

"Lin Yu, I was joking with you just now. Don't be the same as me. I, I will apologize to you."

Liang Yuan was indeed arrogant, but only if he could offend that person.

Before, he felt that Lin Yu was the one he could offend. After all, he was powerless and an orphan.

Not like him, he is a rich second generation.

But now, he looked at the ghost who was so powerful that it could strangle him to death with one hand.

Liang Yuan wished he could knock his previous arrogant self to death.

I gave up so quickly.

Lin Yu was a little surprised. He was a little tired from standing, so he simply sat on a chair.

He looked at Liang Yuan indifferently.

"You are more knowledgeable than I thought, but you shouldn't apologize to me."

He looked at Fang Qian, his meaning was obvious.

Liang Yuan's face turned red. He was so arrogant just now and told Fang Qian that he was done with her.

I need to apologize to her now.

Liang Yuan felt his face hurt.

However, he looked at General Zhu who was not far away from him.

Liang Yuan gritted his teeth to hold back the humiliation and apologized to Fang Qian.

"Fang Dabanhua, it was my fault just now. I apologize to you. I'm sorry."

Fang Qian didn't look at him, her eyes were all on Lin Yu.

He helped her.

It was the same thing in high school, and it's the same thing this time.

How could she not be moved by him like this?

Now that he apologized, Lin Yu took Zhu Jiang back.

Watching the tall ghost disappear, low-pitched questions rang out from the silent box.

"Lin Yu, what level is your contracted ghost? He looks so powerful."

Zhang Zhen's voice sounded particularly abrupt in the quiet box.

Lin Yu glanced at him and said calmly: "Fierce ghost level."

Many people know that he contracted a fierce ghost-level monster.

It doesn't hurt to tell them.

Not to mention how wide Zhang Zhen's eyes were, other students were also shocked and speechless.

Only Liang Yuan was full of joy. Fortunately, he did not confront Lin Yu.

Otherwise, he would never want to go out properly.

He never imagined that Lin Yu, an orphan, would encounter such a great opportunity in the horror world.

Contracted a fierce ghost-level ghost.

It must have been some bad luck.

Liang Yuan thought this, and besides being jealous of Lin Yu, he also felt envious.

However, thinking of the terrifying world that people could not avoid, Liang Yuan suddenly had some expectations.

What if he could also encounter such a great opportunity?

When the time comes, I will definitely get back the face I lost today.

The corner of his eye swept over Lin Yu, and Liang Yuan's eyes flashed fiercely.

Because of Zhu Jiang's appearance, the students changed the target of flattery and clinging to him.

Lin Yu couldn't defend himself, and he wasn't prepared to eat it.

He stood up to leave.

Zhang Zhen suddenly stopped him.

"Lin Yu, you finally came here. Please stay at my house today. I have a prepared guest room."

He declined quietly: "No need."

After that, he walked out.

The changes in the attitudes of these classmates made Lin Yu feel sick.

He wanted nothing to do with these people anymore.

The classmates wanted to keep him, but Lin Yu had already decided to leave and they didn't dare to stop him.

After all, they had seen the fierce ghost-level ghost that Lin Yu contracted.

Who dares to stop them? What if they offend Lin Yu and let a ghost eat them?

"Fang Qian, why are you going?"

The female classmate's voice attracted the attention of others. At this time, Fang Qian had already chased out with her bag.

The students' faces showed a smile that everyone knew, and they all said that Lin Yu's peach blossom has arrived.

Lin Yu was stopped by Fang Qian. He was about to go downstairs when he saw her coming over and waited for her for a while.

"What's up?"

As soon as Fang Qian arrived, Lin Yu asked.

Fang Qian's face turned slightly red from walking so fast, which made her already delicate face look a little more shy.

She pursed her lips and said, "I'm here to thank you. If it hadn't been for you, I probably wouldn't have been able to leave."

Thinking of the scene just now, if Lin Yu didn't take action, no one else would help her.

They would only think she was pretentious, and she would not look down on Liang Yuan from such a good family background.

But no one noticed an important point.

That is Liang Yuanfei.

And, she was determined to belong.

Her heart beat faster, Fang Qian pursed her lips and spoke in a low voice.

"I see you haven't eaten much. Let me treat you to a meal as a thank you for saving me just now."


Lin Yu refused directly: "It's a little effort, I'll leave if it's okay."

It was getting late and he was going back to the hotel to rest.

After walking out of the restaurant, Lin Yu found that Fang Qian was still following him.

Stopping and looking back, Fang Qian was looking at him with undisguised fondness in her eyes.

She didn't realize that he would suddenly turn around and make eye contact.

The atmosphere was tense for a moment.

Fang Qian lowered her head, her heart beating so fast.

Four words flashed through my mind.

He saw it.

Of course Lin Yu saw it, he was neither stupid nor straight.

It's just that he doesn't like it.

The same goes for Li Nian and Fang Qian.

"I, I didn't want to follow you, my home is also in this direction."

Seeing that he didn't speak, Fang Qian hurriedly explained.

Lin Yu said nothing and pointed behind her.

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