Lin Yu is about to go back.

Li Nian was a little reluctant, biting his lip and asked in a low voice: "Brother Lin, was it Mr. Bai Ye who called you just now?"

When Lin Yu got up and went out, she saw the phone screen.


Li Nian was a little curious, "Then what does Mr. Bai Ye want from you?"

In addition to being curious, she wanted to stay with Lin Yuzai for a while.

Lin Yu didn't understand a woman's thoughts, nor did she want to understand.

He briefly told her what Bai Ye said.

Li Nian was a little disappointed: "My advancement speed is too slow, otherwise I would be with you."

Li Nian was obviously humble when he said this.

In just a few months, she has become a third-level ghost controller.

If this speed is still slow, then everyone else will be a snail.

"When there is a chance, I will explore the path first."

Although I don’t know the purpose of the United Nations’ ghost control competition, this competition will inevitably encounter people from the Lighthouse Country, Sakura Country, and Bangzi Country.

When we went to Jiuchongyin Prison, they escaped with a stick man, and everyone else went inside.

In addition, the woman from Bangzi Country went back to add fuel to the fire.

If nothing else, they will be targeted by the three countries in this competition.

"Brother Lin, you are so kind."

Li Nian's voice brought back his thoughts. Lin Yu lowered his head and met Li Nian's moved eyes.

He was silent for a moment and looked away.

"I have to go now."

This time, Li Nian didn't know how to delay time any longer.

She lowered her head to hide the disappointment on her face, and said in a low voice: "Brother Lin, be careful on the road."

0··Ask for flowers··· 0



Bai Ye's call came faster than he thought.

Lin Yu took out his mobile phone and clicked to connect.

"Emperor Fengdu, I was busy and forgot just now. The competition time is in three days. The competition period is five days. I can't make it in time for the mandatory tasks next week. Remember to redeem the copy immunity card in advance. Also, I will send someone to pick you up tomorrow morning. The venue for this competition is in the Lighthouse Country.”

Early the next morning.

The car arrived faster than he thought, and Heilong Wentian was already sitting inside.

He didn't see Shangqing, but after asking, he found out that Shangqing couldn't participate in the competition this time.

"what happened?"

Black Dragon sighed: "His master is no longer here."

Lin Yu was stunned, no wonder.

The topic was ignored, and the three of them talked about going to the Lighthouse Country to compete.

"What did the United Nations think? They decided to move the location to their side, and they weren't afraid of those people causing mischief."

In Lin Yu's view, it was inevitable that the Lighthouse Country would do something bad this time.

However, it won't be so blatant.

"Be extremely vigilant wherever you go, don't take it lightly."

If something happens due to negligence, that is the most frustrating thing.

Heilong and Wentian nodded.

The car arrived at a duplex community in Jiangcheng, and Kuang Dao was already waiting outside.

The two black dragons didn't know him, so they were inevitably unfamiliar and wary.

Kuang Dao saw Lin Yu as soon as he got in the car and greeted him happily.

"Emperor Fengdu, we meet again. When Mr. Bai Ye called me yesterday, he told me that you would also go this time. How nice."

Generally speaking, it is much more convenient to have someone you know.

Kuang Dao didn't know that he knew everyone who went there.


After Crazy Blade finished speaking, he looked at the two black dragons.

"Hello, my name is Crazy Knife."

Heilong and Wentian said their names in turn.

Crazy Knife is a talkative person, and his personality is similar to that of Black Dragon, but not as heartless as Black Dragon.

The two soon chatted together, talking passionately together.

But Lin Yu was thinking, if Shangqing is gone, who will Bai Ye find as a substitute?

The car stopped again, this time in the villa area.

It seems that the last person's family background is not bad.

Lin Yu looked through the window.

The car door was opened.

The two looked at each other.

Lin Yu was obviously stunned when he saw the person coming.

The person who came was smiling.

"Brother Lin, we meet again."

It was Li Niancai who spoke.

206 Arriving at the Lighthouse Country! The enemy’s plan!

No wonder Lin Yu was surprised, Li Nian was only at level 3, yet Bai Ye actually let her go.

"Xiao Nian, it's you."

Heilong and others also knew Li Nian and spoke out one after another.

Li Nian greeted them one by one and sat next to Lin Yu.

Heilong and Wentian made it to the back.

The car kept going.

After a while it stopped again.

Lin Yu saw the majestic and majestic buildings outside through the window.

Li Nian answered him softly: "This is the headquarters of Investigation Bureau No. 9."

No wonder.

Bai Ye was standing at the door, and Black Moon was with him.

She had recovered and returned to her former careless state.

"This competition is led by Black Moon. The Lighthouse Kingdom hates you because of what happened in the Nine Layers of Hell Prison, especially Emperor Fengdu. However, they don't dare to do anything bad during the competition, but they will inevitably make some small moves. You should be careful."

Seeing them nodding "413", Bai Ye continued: "This time, five people will be sent to escort you and make arrangements for you. You compete well, and if you need anything, just ask them."

This is about always competing for first place.

"Oh, I see."

The car drove away again, but this time the destination was the airport.

Five hours later.

Lin Yu had already slept. Looking at the people around him, Lin Yu took a sip of water.

"Almost there?"


Li Nian replied obediently, his voice alerting the black dragon in front of him.

He turned around and said in an excited tone: "Emperor, you are finally awake. If you don't, our sister Xiaonian will call you. Oh my god, I said I would beat you awake, but Xiaonian was stunned and didn't want to. hey-hey."

The last sentence was ridiculing.

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