"what you want to say?"

He handed one bottle to Li Nian, opened the other bottle and drank.

Li Nian took it and said, with a little loss and confusion on his face.

"I couldn't help you today. If you hadn't saved me, I would have been eliminated. Brother Lin, I can't help you and I'm holding you back. I'm sorry."

Her voice was choked up.

Lin Yu didn't think it was anything.

"It's okay. We are teammates. We should save you. You shouldn't deny yourself so much. You just have less actual combat experience. You don't have to feel guilty about the competition. You just need to protect yourself."

Lin Yu said simply.

Li Nian's mood became even lower.

So, she was still holding back.

"Brother Lin, I will work hard."

She didn't want to give up just like that, even though she knew Lin Yu wouldn't like her..

After saying this, Li Nian stood up and left.

Lin Yu looked at her back and felt a little strange.

Isn’t it inevitable to work hard? Do you need to say it?

Forget it, he doesn't understand the girl's thoughts.


In the competition venue, ten referees sat in two rows, still on the same fighting stage as yesterday.

The host is explaining the rules.

It's the same as Heiyue said yesterday.

Not only that, Hei Yue also guessed something right.

"The country that won yesterday with the least time was Xia Guo, and the first place was also Xia Guo."

The black dragon couldn't help shouting wildly.

Lin Yu's eyebrows were stained with a smile.

The Lighthouse Country cast a dark look, seemingly dissatisfied with the result.

Coming to second place quickly.

As Lin Yu expected, it was a lighthouse country.

The romantic country is third, and the Indian country has withdrawn from the battle.

The top three have been announced, and then comes the challenge.

Lin Yu thought that the Lighthouse Congress would challenge them, but what he didn't expect was.

The Lighthouse Country actually chose to challenge the Romantic Country.

The Romantic Kingdom was forced to respond.

Lin Yu frowned slightly as he watched the two parties walking onto the fighting stage.

"Emperor Fengdu, the Lighthouse Kingdom did this to determine the top two in the shortest time."

Of course Lin Yu knew.

It's just a pity. I originally wanted to eliminate the Lighthouse Country. It seems that they are the two countries that entered the dungeon.

The battle ended quickly.

The Lighthouse Country was very angry today, and within five minutes 3.0 shot down the people from the Romantic Country.

When they walked out of the fighting ring, the people from Romantic Country looked very unhappy.

The people in the Lighthouse Country didn't care.

The team leader smiled provocatively at Lin Yu and said, "Xia people, the championship can only be ours, hahahaha."

Are you starting to get arrogant before you even win?

Sorry, he just likes to slap you in the face.

"Brother, if you have a brain disease, go see him. Why are you daydreaming at such a young age?"

Wentian looked pityful, he spoke in English.

The people in the Lighthouse Country understood.

His face instantly turned ugly.

"Xia people, I hope you can still be so stubborn tomorrow."

After that, the lighthouse countryman left.

Black Dragon angrily scolded them from behind.

Lin Yu looked at the backs of the Dengta people with some doubts.

Are they so confident that they will win?

Or do they already know which dungeon they want to go to in advance? .

212 Blank road map! A cheating lighthouse country?

If so, the Lighthouse Country does have a little advantage over them.

However, it’s just a little bit.

There is no room for them to be so confident.

Back at the villa, Heiyue's face looked ugly.

She also saw the arrogance of the Lighthouse people, and she also thought of what Lin Yu thought of.

"The people from the Lighthouse country probably already know which dungeon to go to, and there will definitely be something specific to the dungeon. This situation is not good for us."

Speaking of this, anger ignited in Heiyue's eyes. She already had a violent temper, and the reason why the superiors sent her to lead the team was to temper her temper.

Lin Yu knew her anger, but he wasn't too angry. There were such hidden rules everywhere.

It’s no longer unusual.

"Well, we'll be careful tomorrow."

Heiyue rubbed the center of his brows, with a look of disappointment on his face: "This is the only way, don't put pressure on yourselves. Even if we lose, it's because the Lighthouse Country cheated. Even though we lost, it's an honor."

The black dragon muttered softly.

"Why did we fail before we even started? I don't believe in that evil."

Lin Yu smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to be stressed."

He didn't know how to comfort people, and he didn't want to comfort Hei Yue. After saying this, he went upstairs.

Not only Lin Yu didn't take this kind of thing to heart, but also several other people.

Kuang02 Dao simply thinks that it’s good that they won second place.

As for Black Dragon Wentian, it was because of Lin Yu.

The emperor is so powerful, how could they lose.

The only loser is the lighthouse country.

Lin Yu didn't know about their mysterious confidence in him, and even if he knew, he would express it calmly.

They were right.

The next day.

Lin Yu got up very early. Shangqing called him and told him that his master's funeral affairs had been taken care of.

Lin Yu said he was sorry but Shangqing didn't continue the topic and asked about their competition.

After learning that they were going to enter the dungeon today, Shangqing told him that he had made a prediction for them yesterday.

Explain here.

Shangqing is a true Taoist priest, the kind who can become a disciple.

The hexagram shows that they will encounter some troubles, but there will always be a near miss, and they will get the answers they want.

Hearing this, even if he didn't know whether it was true or not, Lin Yu was in a good mood.

Shangqing told him that he had given Heilong and Wentian a lot of pure heart talismans and asked Lin Yu to take all the talismans as they would use them in the dungeon.

Returning to his thoughts, Lin Yu found Heilong's room. When he opened the door, he heard snoring. He was still sleeping, with his sleeping posture spread out.

What’s even weirder is that Black Dragon doesn’t like to close the door when sleeping.

Anyone can come in.

Fortunately, all the people living here are teammates, Heiyue and the others have specially set up a rotating duty, otherwise, they would not even know that he was captured.

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