Lin Yu answered immediately: "I'll go."

Heilong and Wentian also said to go, and the other three people also said to go.

Only Yu Chao and the others were left.

Yu Chao was silent for a few seconds and said, "There are too many people. Let's go check out other places later."

Gray Rabbit nodded casually and looked at Lin Yu: "Let's go."

When leaving, Kite looked at Yuchao and the others.

"Your room is next door. Here is the key. Two people per room. You can allocate it yourself."

The key was thrown over, Yu Chao caught it, got up and left the room with them.

Offroad speeding on the highway.

Lin Yu found that there were very few people on the street, so few that he could hardly see them.

Viper sat next to him, followed his line of sight and glanced outside, saying: "Many people died in the supernatural incident in Feimeng. Many people went to seek refuge with other relatives. Being together can be considered as taking care of them. Now There are less than three thousand people left in the entire African-Mongolian region."

Gray Rabbit answered: "That's good, it will save more people from dying."

Lin Yu stopped continuing the topic and asked Monte: "How far is it from here?"

"The drive will take at least forty minutes."

The gray rabbit's face was serious.

In this situation, it is very likely that a ghost controller will be lost if one minute is delayed.

The sense of urgency made everyone in the car serious.

The car was speeding on the road at top speed.

Forty minutes later.

Arrive at Monte District.

The narrow alley was impassable for cars, so several people got out of the car and walked inside.

Lin Yu saw that Gray Rabbit and the others had already taken out their Yin weapons and were ready.

Lin Yu glanced at the two black dragons and took out Luohu's Seven Evil Nails.

The resentful skull necklace around his neck was filled with yin energy when he encountered Huang Quan.

everything's ready.

They also saw the tragic situation of the first family.

When the door was opened, there was a pool of blood at the door, and there was a half-eaten middle-aged man in the yard.

Further inside, there is a woman.

"There are no ghosts here, keep going."

Gray Rabbit turned and left, followed by Lin Yu and others.

The second house, the third house.

At the fourth home, they heard the sounds of a fight.

The figure of the gray rabbit flashed before his eyes and disappeared.

Lin Yu stepped forward immediately. Viper and Kite had already run forward. Halfway through, he turned back and called them: "Why are you standing there, come and support."

Rush to the place where the fight is taking place.

Gray Rabbit has already fought with three fierce ghosts.

Four injured ghost masters were leaning against the wall, one of whom had lost consciousness and did not know whether to live or die.

The viper immediately stepped forward to lead a fierce ghost.

Kite came to the wounded man and called Madman and Sickle to carry him to the car.

Lin Yu was already facing a fierce ghost at this time.

This time he was not going to summon General Zhu.

His experience in the Tower of the Underworld has improved his strength, and he is ready to test it out.

Can you deal with the evil ghost alone?

Luohu's Seven Evil Nails shot out and pierced the ghost's body hard.

The fierce ghost screamed in pain, and its blood-red eyes became even redder.

He roared and stepped forward, but Lin Yu immediately retreated.

Rahu's Seven Evil Nails are more effective if they are farther away.

Li Gui saw his intention and thought he could use the nails later, so he forced himself in front of Lin Yu with two nails.

The sharp claws grabbed hard.

He was about to catch it, and when the time came, he tore it hard and blood would flow out.

Li Gui's eyes were filled with excitement.

I am about to live in Lin Yu.

Suddenly, a yin force shot out and stabbed Li Gui hard.


The fierce ghost let out a shrill roar.

Huang Quan's strength is at the peak of the Fierce Ghost, and the Yin power he left in the resentful skull necklace can cause great harm to the Fierce Ghost.

The screams of Li Gui attracted the attention of Gray Rabbit and others. 427

Seeing Li Gui who was injured by Lin Yu, she had a thoughtful look on her face.

A cross-level challenge?

Viper also saw this scene. He was one level higher than Lin Yu and was not as good at dealing with ghosts as he was.

This is too shocking.

After being injured by the evil force in the resentful skull necklace, Li Gui turned around and wanted to escape. How could Lin Yu let him escape?

He has never tried Luohu's Seven Nails, Seven Nails and Seven Shots, because his strength did not allow it before.

There is no chance after reaching level four.

Now is a good time to experiment.

Seven nails were shot towards seven locations in an instant.

Two shoulders, heart, wrists and legs.


The nails burst out of the body,

The fear on Li Gui's face was fixed in an instant.

Gray Rabbit also took care of the evil ghost. She walked to Lin Yu, looked at the evil ghost he had killed independently, and raised a smile.

"You're even better than I thought, handsome boy. Not bad."

Lin Yu was a little speechless and said: "I don't look like handsome at all."

"This is what it looks like."

Gray Rabbit smiled and brushed his face with his fingers very quickly.

She leaned closer to him and whispered softly: "That's not what I saw."

Lin Yu looked at her suddenly. Gray Rabbit winked at him and turned to deal with the wounded.

Lin Yu looked at her back with doubts in his eyes.

Can she see what he looks like under his faceless ghost face? .

228 Yu Chao was tricked?

Kite, Three Sickles, and the others have already carried people into the car. Several people walked to the front of the car. Gray Rabbit pointed to the black car on the other side.

"Emperor Fengdu, you guys go back first. We'll take them to the hospital. Yuanniao, give them the key."

Kite took down a bunch of keys and handed them to Lin Yu.

"Here are the keys to three apartments. The house numbers are written on the keys."

After a few people finished speaking, they left.

On the way back.

They met Yu Chao and others who were shopping on the roadside.

"No, let's go deal with the evil spirits. Are they here to shop? Are they here for a trip?"

Black Dragon was indignant, and the other three people also had dissatisfaction on their faces.

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