The imps of cooks, waiters and guards.

Among them, the strength of the chef is not low.

It is the peak of the devil.

"I'll handle the chefs."

Xia Qiu's words made Lin Yu doubtful.

Before he could ask questions, Xia Qiu had already walked in.

The palms behind his back made a leaving gesture to him.

Speaking of which, he didn't know what level of ghost controller Xia Qiu was. She looked like an ordinary person without any ability.

However, he could face a peak-level ghost alone.

The lowest level is five.

Thinking about it, Lin Yu found the little ghost guarding him.

A few Rahu Seven Evil Nails solved them.

Lin Yu came to the ballroom, where there were the most imps and waiters.

And the ghosts that were invited.

Taking action rashly would be detrimental to him.

Thinking about it, Lin Yu suddenly thought of an idea.

A few minutes later.

A "kid" walked into the dance hall 3.0, and he called out to all the little ghosts.

"Your Majesty wants us to come over, let's go."

The little ghosts didn't doubt his presence and followed him one after another.

Finding a corner position, the "little devil" turned around.

Luohu's Seven Evil Nails took action and instantly killed several imps.

These imps are evil spirits.

Lin Yu basically kills instantly.

After a while, he calmly walked past the corpses of these imps.

Put on the imp's clothes and come to the ballroom again.

The target this time is the waiter.

Deal with the waiter the old fashioned way.

At this time, the ghosts in the dance hall also realized that something was wrong.

Just when they are nervous.

The fierce ghost walked in carrying the head of the responsible ghost.

When the ghosts saw this scene, they all backed away in shock.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong can be found in any world.

The fierce ghost casually threw the head of the responsible ghost down, and black blood stained the ground.

242 Strike first to gain the upper hand! Lin Yu is the boss!

"Now, there is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

The ghosts didn't dare to answer for a moment, and Lin Yu shouted among them: "What's the good news?"

You have to talk things over first to get these ghosts to settle down.

"The good news is that we are the only ones on this ship, and the ghosts who were guarding us have been killed."

"The bad news is that what I read on the letter before is true. That ghost sent a message to their boss. Maybe a ship of fierce ghosts will come to surround us soon and drive us to the ghost island to kill us. .”

As soon as these words came out, the ghosts panicked.

"how so?"

"I'm from the Qingming Chamber of Commerce, how dare they?"

"I'm still from the Kuroshio Fleet."

"Who do you think you are? I belong to the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave, so they will still take care of me."

The one who spoke was a fierce ghost.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

The existence of Ten Thousand Ghost Cave in the horror world is equivalent to the No. 9 Investigation Bureau, which is more official.

Lin Yu was also surprised that this fierce ghost was actually a ghost from Wangui Cave.

Originally, the headless fly-like ghosts put all their hopes on the fierce ghosts.

02 The fierce ghost is very irritable.

"I don't know what to do either. I just listen to him."

The fierce ghost pointed at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu, who originally wanted to play behind the scenes, was forced to appear.

"This is a human being."

"Why do the Lords of Ten Thousand Ghost Cave listen to this human being?"

"Is it possible that he is very powerful?"

After Lin Yu came to the stage, there were discussions from the ghosts below.

The fierce ghost gave up his position without any psychological pressure and came to the stage to hug Xia Qiu.

He didn't take any comments from other ghosts seriously.

Naturally, whoever has the idea to do this kind of thing will listen to whom, and when the danger is out of the way, everyone will have their own opinions.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. Our current route is not far away from Ghost Island. In addition, we already know the traps set by those on Ghost Island. Therefore, Ghost Island is our best place to hide."

What Lin Yu didn't say was.

No matter where they hide, they will be found by those ghosts.

After all, there was no place to hide on that big ship.

They chose Ghost Island simply because this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the traps are already known to them, so they can lay some traps by then.

It may not be impossible to complete the counterattack.

Menggui was the first to agree.

As soon as he spoke, the ghosts who originally didn't want to agree no longer dared to object.

A place has been decided.

The fierce ghost had already changed its route before it came, and Lin Yu took the ghost to pack up the food and vaginas here and take them away.

Those ghosts were busy doing things. Lin Yu came to the bow of the ship and saw a shining island in his sight.

"That's Ghost Island."

Xia Qiu also came over, but the fierce ghost didn't come, and was monitoring the ghosts' work.

"Well, how are you going to escape after the mission is completed?"

She was not a copy, but a sacrifice.

I don’t know if there is any transmission channel.

Xia Qiu shrugged and said: "I can't get out, so just stay here. Survival in this world is not survival."

"can not go out?"

It's just something Lin Yu didn't expect.

Xia Qiu laughed: "Well, the horror world is more complicated than you think. It's good for me to be here so I can investigate some things. You don't have to worry about me. Maybe I still have a chance to go out."

Lin Yu didn't say anything. He thought of the black hole when the ghosts attacked the city before. Can Xia Qiu use the black hole to get out?

Bury this thought deep in your heart and ask Bai Ye when he goes out.

After the ghosts packed up their things, the boat also docked at the edge of the ghost island.

Lin Yu lowered the ladder and walked down first.

Xia Qiu came down second, and the remaining ghosts came down one by one.

The ghosts on Ghost Island are the souls imprisoned here after the ghosts were killed.

Their bodies tend to be transparent, and their figures and appearance are the same as before death.

It just doesn't have much strength.

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