However, he didn't plan to ask for the time being, so as not to alert others.

He is human after all.

After walking around the market, he saw a group of barbarian ghosts walking in one direction carrying large and small bags. Lin Yu paused and followed them.

After passing a few corners, I saw a large house that was considered luxurious in the desert city.

The house door is open.

Many barbarian ghosts were busy inside.

There was a lot of meat piled in the big basin.

At first glance, it looks like some kind of ceremony is going to be held.

Lin Yu followed the barbarian ghost and was discovered before he reached the door.


A rich voice sounded, and Lin Yu turned around and faced a barbarian ghost, who was standing behind Lin Yu.

There was a vigilance on his face: "Human, what are you doing here? This is not the place you should come."

I originally wanted to sneak in and take a look, but now that I've been discovered.

Lin Yu didn't intend to hide it either.

"I'm looking for someone."

The barbarian ghost was confused: "Who are you looking for? We are all barbarian ghosts, how can there be anyone here?"

"Really? Don't you, the barbarian ghost boss, want to choose a wife? The person I'm looking for is among the wives of your ghost boss."


The barbarian ghost cursed: "The wives of our boss Xuan Xuan are all barbarian ghosts. There are no human beings. Did you come here deliberately to cause trouble? Who sent you?"

Are the wives you choose all barbarians?

Lin Yu frowned.

"` ¨Are you sure? Know-it-all told me that my sister was taken away by you barbarian ghosts."

"Sister, woman?"

The barbarian ghost was stunned, as if he thought of something, his expression changed.

"We barbarians don't lie. We did bring a woman with us, but she was not the wife of our old man. It was that woman who came to us on her own initiative and asked us to bring her to Desert City. We took her into the city and she left. "

Lin Yu has basically determined that the woman mentioned by the barbarian ghost is Li Nian.

However, he still wanted to be sure.

"Do you know her name?"

The barbarian ghost thought for a moment and said, "She asked us to call her Xiao Nian."

My heart suddenly calmed down.

However, new doubts arise.

"You really don't know where she went?"

The barbarian ghost's eyes dodge, and Lin Yu's expression is sharp.

"You'd better tell me, otherwise, I will definitely make your ghost boss's so-called wife selection very disturbing."

When the barbarian ghost heard this, he immediately became angry.

"You human beings are so unreasonable. I'm kindly telling you that you (Mo Zhao) threatened me and made our boss's wife-choosing meeting so disturbing. Oh, it's just you?"

"Oh, what about him?"

Zhu Jiang was summoned by him, and the barbarian ghost suppressed by the powerful aura suddenly retreated and sat down on the ground.

Lin Yu had long observed the strength of the barbarian ghosts.

Just like what Know-It-All said, they are generally not very powerful.

In the first and second levels of Ligui.

As for the other ghosts he saw in Fengcheng and Desert City, nine out of ten were fierce ghosts.

This shows how weak these barbarian ghosts are.

As soon as Zhu Jiang came out, the barbarian ghost was so frightened that he jumped out of his mouth.

"I said."

"Say it."

"That woman did separate from us as soon as she arrived. The reason why I know where she is is from my friend who works as a guard in the city lord's mansion. He said that the city lord has a new beauty, a human being, and the city lord likes her. He gave her whatever she asked for, and even said that he would take her to attend the Ghost Town Festival in Yeweiling Tomb."

254 Desert City Lord! Ghost town extravaganza!

After the barbarian ghost finished speaking, he looked at Lin Yu, who had been silent, and then at General Zhu standing next to him, and said with a grimace: "I can go now, I have told you everything I know."

This ghost, which is as powerful as the city lord's aura, is the contracted ghost of this human being.

This human being didn't speak and he didn't dare to move.

Lin Yu never expected that after finding Desert City, he would get such an answer.

He didn't want to believe what the barbarian ghost said. There was no reason for Li Nian to be with a ghost.

"Let's go."

Just as the barbarian ghost was about to leave, he was stopped again.

He turned back stiffly and looked at Lin Yu with a grimace.

"Sir, do you have any other orders?"

"Where is the City Lord's Mansion?"

Following the barbarian ghost's prompts, Lin Yu successfully arrived at the city lord's mansion.

The gate of the mansion is majestic and strange, built with black stone.

Two leaders stood at the door.

The black and red door is closed.

Lin Yu strode over, and the guard immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"Bring out the city lord's handwriting."


Lin Yu's face was cold and stern.

The two guards didn't pay attention, they pushed Lin Yu.

"What are you doing here without the city lord's order? Are you looking for death?"

The next moment, screams rang out, and Luohu's Seven Evil Nails shot straight into the guard's wrist, three inches into the bone.

The other guard looked at him in horror, turned around and ran towards the city lord's mansion.

450 Lin Yu also followed, and halfway there, he met a patrolling guard.

He took action without saying a word.

Rahu's Seven Evil Nails shot out, and the Pharaoh's bandage immediately wrapped around him.

The guards were caught off guard.

Lin Yu showed no signs of fighting and continued to rush forward, followed by the pursuing guards.

He didn't know where the city lord was, so he simply released General Zhu to let him feel it.

At the moment Zhu Jiang came out.

In a room with carved beams and paintings.

A tall male ghost with blue skin suddenly stood up.

The woman next to him took two steps back and looked at the male ghost: "City Lord, what's wrong?"

"It smells like a ghost general. Don't go out here. I'll go take a look."

After that, the city lord strode away.

The woman put down what she was holding, rubbed her wrists slowly, changed her clothes, turned around and walked out of the room.

"My lord, a powerful aura is coming."

The most powerful person in the City Lord's Mansion is the City Lord. Lin Yu was a little surprised. Before he could find him, the City Lord came to him first.

If that's the case, then he'll wait here.

Lin Yu stopped, and so did the guards who were chasing him. They did not dare to step forward, fearing the male ghost who had the same aura as their city lord.

(acda) You looked at me and I looked at you, just standing there.

As soon as the city lord came over, he saw the guards standing behind a human being.

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