"You forgot about him."

Li Nian was startled and his face changed slightly.

"I keep forgetting things these days. Maybe I really forgot about him. Why does he look so familiar to me?"

Lin Yudan smiled and said nothing.

Li Nian seemed to be in a panic, hurriedly said a few words to let them rest and left.

Watching her leave, Lin Yu put away the things in his hands.

Traceability Fluid (mid-level second-level consumable): If it touches the opponent, you can track the opponent's location. Both humans and ghosts can track it.

He wanted to see who this woman pretending to be Li Nian was.

At night.

Lin Yu took the Wuxiang Mian and left the room.

The tracking liquid can sense Li Nian's position, avoid the guards, and find her current location.

In the main room.

There was a faint voice, and Lin Yu waited expressionlessly.

After a while, the sound subsided.

After waiting for a while, the city lord's snoring could be heard in the room.

The door opened, and a slender figure came out.

Lin Yu followed. The woman was very alert and looked back from time to time. Lin Yu did not dare to follow too closely.

Walk all the way to a remote yard.

The place is overgrown with weeds, but a light turns on in the dilapidated house.

The woman walked in, and Lin Yu followed.

He stopped at the gate.

There were some debris scattered on the ground as if by accident.

He could feel the Yin power on these fragments, and if he stepped on them, he might alarm the people inside.

Lin Yu took out the Pharaoh Bandage and used the bandage's levitation to slide over.

Just as he stood still, a sharp female voice came from the room.


Lin Yu was startled and subconsciously wanted to leave. He felt strange that he didn't touch those things, so why were they discovered?

After waiting for a while, before anyone in the house came out to investigate, Lin Yu knew that he had been cheated.

Sure enough, a woman's voice came from the room.

"There is no one. I was very careful when I came."

"Well, you can never go too far wrong."

Hearing this answer, Lin Yu was stunned. The voice was very familiar.

In order to verify his guess, Lin Yu approached the room.

The conversation in the room started again.

"Master, I went to the City Lord's study today and saw the correspondence between Yewei Tomb and the City Lord. The two parties will cooperate in this ghost town event."

"Ok, I know."

The voice was a little tired.

The woman continued: "Master, Emperor Fengdu is here."


"He came to see Li Nian. I said a few words to him, and he seemed to realize that I was no longer Li Nian."

The female voice became irritated: "What the hell, how did he find this place? The people sent by the bureau before didn't even come to Desert City."

"Master, what should we do? Will he affect our plan?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was pushed open.

Seeing the woman sitting inside, Lin Yu smiled, a sneer.

"Gray Rabbit, long time no see."

After a while, three people, oh no, two people and a ghost sat at the table.

Gray Rabbit was a little helpless.

"I didn't expect you to come and find you so quickly."

Lin Yu did not answer her words and asked, "What are you doing here? Why did she call you master? Also, where did Li Nian go?"

Li Nian was the purpose of his visit this time.

Gray Rabbit looked at him sadly, and his voice became seductive.

"You are so heartless, why don't you ask me how I am doing first?"

Lin Yu pushed her away unceremoniously and stretched out his hand, saying: "My patience is limited, so tell me."

Gray Rabbit took back his hand and complained: "It's really boring."

"It's a long story, so I'll keep it short."

When it came to business, Gray Rabbit became serious.

"Li Nian and I met in Fengcheng. At that time, her mission was almost completed. She asked me what I was doing here, so I told her."

"She said she wanted to go with me. I happened to be short of people, so she agreed. That's what happened."

Lin Yu frowned fiercely: "Is this how you keep your story short? You omitted all the key things, Gray Rabbit, if you don't want to tell me, I will go to the ghost town event."

Gray Rabbit immediately stood up: "Lin Yu, why are you going to the ghost town? I have told you everything I need to say. The plan is already halfway through and Li Nian has also been sent out. She will definitely not be able to come back within a while. Some It's better if you don't know better. Don't you want to join the official? These plans are all related to the official."

"If you want to know clearly, then don't even think about leaving the officialdom."

Gray Rabbit said, his face became serious.

.... ..... ...

"Lin Yu, I know you are worried about Li Nian, but this is her choice. I can't guarantee you that she will not be in danger. At worst, I will avenge her if she dies."

The room fell into a deathly silence.

Lin Yu was very irritable. As Gray Rabbit said, he did not want to join the officialdom.

But just like that, he clearly felt the danger of the matter, but he didn't ask anything.

He can't do it.

There was silence for a while.

Lin Yu exhaled: "I can help."

Gray Rabbit was stunned.

"Are you going to join the official team?"

Lin Yu frowned fiercely: "You can join, but you can't restrict my freedom too much."

"Pfft, you look like a resentful woman now."


Lin Yu said angrily.

Gray Rabbit stopped joking with him and said: "In this case, I can tell you the plan. It just so happens that we are short of someone to take over."

Gray Rabbit came to Fengcheng because officials learned from Horror World that Night Crying Tomb had not given up on opening the black hole.

Let the whole world become a horror world.

Moreover, this matter has been supported by the prime ministers of several countries.

Lin Yu couldn't help but ask after hearing this: "What are they planning?"

Gray Rabbit sneered: "Those prime ministers are not ghost masters. They long for the fast time of the horror world, but they cannot freely enter and exit the horror world. To put it bluntly, just like Qin Shihuang refining elixirs to seek immortality, they also seek immortality."

Lin Yu couldn't help but curse.

Gray Rabbit sneered and said: "Those powerful people will have some unrealistic ideas."

256 Pseudo Human Go to Ghost Town

One day in the horror world is only equivalent to three hours in the real world.

In other words, living in the horror world for one year is equivalent to one and a half months outside.

Don't blame those people for being tempted.

However, understanding does not mean agreement.

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