"Brother, I told you, can you ignore it?"

Lin Yu put down the teacup and looked at the kid in surprise.

257 Hiring a ghost leader, encountering a robbery

There were not many surprises in my heart.

In the real world, it is said that children from poor families become masters early, and it is the same in the horror world.

"I won't help you fight back. You have to fight back on your own."

He paused and suddenly lost his inquiring mind.

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it. I can guess it. Where is your sister?"

Seeing that he no longer asked, Xiao Gui breathed a sigh of relief and said, "My sister has gone to help in the supermarket. The supermarket is very busy these days and she needs to work there all day."


Lin Yu's heart moved, remembering that he was shopping in the market yesterday and didn't see any supermarket-like shops.

“Are there many supermarkets in the city under lockdown?”

The kid shook his head: "Not many, just that one."

Lin Yu understands clearly, that is to say, the supermarket industry in Fengcheng is still in its initial stage.

He originally wanted to leave some ghost coins for the two little ghost siblings, but it is better to teach people to fish than to teach them how to fish.

They always have to learn to earn ghost coins.

It seems that Boss Feng needs to make a trip.

I don’t know if the inner area is far from the closed city.

At noon, Xiaoduo took the time to come back. She was very happy to see Lin Yu coming over, but she was a little disappointed when she didn't see Li Nian.

"Brother, where is Sister Xiaonian?"

Lin Yu's expression froze, forgetting that he had promised Xiao Duo to bring Li Nian back to see them.

But now, he hasn't seen Li Nian yet.

"Xiao Nian is not in Desert City, so I will go to other places to find her. When I find her, I will bring her here to see you."

No wonder Lin Yu has such a favorable impression of the little ghost siblings.

They are simply the ideal brother and sister.

It was nothing like the ghosts he had seen, even better than many children in the real world.

Xiaoduo said yes in a low voice.

She wanted to cook for Lin Yu, but Lin Yu stopped her.

"Stop it, I'll take you out to eat. I haven't tasted the taste outside yet."

Xiaoduo was a little hesitant, but after thinking about it, he agreed.

She took Lin Yu to a restaurant and said that the food here was delicious and affordable.

After eating, Xiaoduo continued to work.

Lin Yu sent the kid home.

The kid told him that he had found another treasure.

"The treasure in Yao Guijiang's backyard is very powerful, but Yao Guijiang is very fierce. He does not allow other ghosts to enter his yard. I dare not go there and there is no way to dig it."

Because of Li Nian's incident, Lin Yu didn't think much about it before, but now, looking at the kid with a disappointed look on his face, he said that he couldn't dig up the treasure.

Lin Yu felt very strange.

"Kid, aren't you a barbarian?"

Know-it-all says that barbarian ghosts have the ability to dig for treasure.

The kid shook his head in confusion: "I'm not."

"Then one of your and your sister's parents is a barbarian ghost?"

The kid shook his head again, and Lin Yu guessed again: "Your parents' parents."

The kid couldn't help but interrupt him: "Brother, just say what you want to say, you almost knocked me out."

Lin Yu was silent for a while and asked directly: "Why can you hunt for treasure?"

The little ghost suddenly became silent. He shook his head: "I don't know either. I can just feel the location of the treasure. My sister won't let me tell other ghosts about this. Brother, you are a human being. Is it okay if I tell you?"

The kid has long known the reason why holding a jade is a crime.

Lin Yu suddenly felt sad: "Of course it's okay, I won't tell other people or ghosts, and you shouldn't let other ghosts or people know."

The kid nodded.

For the rest of the time, Lin Yu kept thinking about Xiao Gui's life experience, so why on earth was he able to hunt for treasure?

Can Xiaoduo do it?

I don’t know that Wanshi notification doesn’t know about this.

After completing the mission and finding Li Nian, I will go back to find Wan Shitong.

4 p.m.

Lin Yu arrived at the city gate on time, and Guitou had already arrived with his team.

At a glance, the team is full of fierce ghosts.

"Emperor Fengdu."

Guitou strode over and took out a contract: "This is our contract. It has the price of this dart walk. You can take a look."

Lin Yu took the contract and held it in his hand. He found that the thing looked like paper but he didn't know that it was paper and not cloth.

Don't know what it is.

He didn't delve into it and glanced at the price.

Ten thousand nether coins.


Lin Yu directly signed his name and asked Guitou: "Now give me the Ming coins?"

Guitou shook his head: "No, I'll give it to you when you get there."

Lin Yu didn't let the kid see him off, and walked out of the closed city, thinking about how many days it would take to get back here.

I don’t know when the Ghost Town Festival will start.

Since Gray Rabbit has laid such a big plan, he must be looking for trouble at the Ghost Town Festival.

According to Guitou, the ghost city is a long way from the closed city. Lin Yu asked him how far away it was, and he said that he had to go through the desert ruins before returning to the special area.

The ghost town is on the north side of the special area. Once you get to the special area, you have to walk the distance from Fengcheng to Desert City to get to the ghost town.

It's really not that close.

No wonder Gray Rabbit asked him to go there early.

After going to the ghost town, Lin Yu was still sitting in the stable. This should be the highest treatment.

The ones rushing on the road are still black ghost horses.

As for why not use a car.

One is because energy consumption is too expensive, and the other is because.

Cars cannot run in the desert.

Worse than a ghost horse.

I asked how many days it would take to get to Guitou.

Guitou thought for a moment and said, "Three days."

Time is neither long nor short.

Lin Yu simply took out the black crow envelope and wrote to Boss Feng.

Let him come to the closed city to open a supermarket.

After doing this, it was already late at night.

They had passed the desert city and reached a remote trail.

Fierce ghosts basically don't need to rest.

But I need to eat.

Guitou asked the team to stop and rest for a while.


They brought dry food with them and some that Lin Yu bought.

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