Lin Yu nodded.

After more than half an hour of walking, six people and six ghosts finally walked out of the dense forest. Guitou and the others sprinted to fetch their horses, where Lin Yu and others were waiting.

After a while, I saw the ghosts and ghosts coming back on horseback. Because there were not enough horses, Lin Yu, Li Nian and Bai Ge were sitting in the stable, while the three gray rabbits were riding on the horses pulling the cart.

The group of people headed towards Fengcheng.

Another half hour passed.

There was a roaring sound in the dense forest, and most of the densely packed large numbers fell instantly.

The Lord of the Ghost City walked out of the dense forest with a vagina in his hand. Looking at the horse hoof prints on the ground, his expression turned ugly.

He arrived too late, and those people had already escaped.

"Damn it, don't let me run into you 02 again."

After three and a half days, six people and six ghosts finally arrived at Fengcheng.

Lin Yu and others got out of the car, and after they separated from Guitou, Gray Rabbit asked: "Are we going back now? I have already contacted Bai Ye."

"I still have to go somewhere."

Lin Yu spoke.

Gray Rabbit was a little surprised and said: "Where to go? Let's go together."

It's okay together.

On the way, Lin Yu told Li Nian about Xiaoduo and Xiaogui.

Li Nian was also surprised: "Brother Lin also showed up at their house? Me too."

Gray Rabbit listened and smiled: "Then you are quite destined."

Li Nian pursed his lips and blushed.

Lin Yu glanced at her but didn't answer, and then talked about another thing.

"Do you know what the kid is capable of?"

Li Nian was stunned and shook his head: "I have more contact with Xiaoduo, but not much contact with Xiaogui."

That's the opposite of him, he has more contact with imps.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong with the kid?"

Lin Yu's thoughts changed and he turned around: "Let's go somewhere first."

After that, he walked towards another road.

Li Nian didn't know why, so Gray Rabbit raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Kite always talks little and follows silently.

Bai Ge seemed to be in a fugue, and he didn't see her speaking during the whole journey.

Neither of them spoke, and Viper couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Emperor Fengdu, where are you going? And who is that little brat Xiaoduo?"

"A brat is a brat."

Lin Yuhui was careless, thinking about the kid.

Is treasure hunting his alienation?

Arriving at the door of Wanshitong, Lin Yu knocked on the door. The person who opened the door was a servant. He glanced at Lin Yu, as if he recognized him, and said, "Wait a moment, I will inform the master."

Watching the ghost enter, Gray Rabbit asked: "You have been here before."

Lin Yu nodded and the servant came back soon.

"Guys, please come in."

Walking into the courtyard, Wan Shitong was sitting in the pavilion in the courtyard.

He was not surprised to see Lin Yu and made a gesture of asking him to sit down.

When the servant brought the tea, Viper couldn't help but muttered, "You know how to be polite."

The gray rabbit glared back.

Gadget didn't pay any attention to his words.

He was looking at Lin Yu and said in a determined tone.

"The kid told you, right?"

Lin Yu nodded, it seemed that Wan Shitong also knew about this.

"I want to know the life experiences of Xiaogui and Xiaoduo."

Wanshitong suddenly laughed: "You can only know one, Xiaogui or Xiaoduo. You can't be too greedy."

What's the meaning?

Lin Yu frowned in confusion, and Bai Ge, who was silent at the side, suddenly said: "Those two brats are not of the same origin."

Lin Yu was stunned, this was a possibility he had never thought of.

Wan Shitong still smiled and glanced at Bai Ge more.

"This lady is right, so you can only know one, Xiao Duo and Xiao Gui."

"Then brat."

Lin Yu chose without hesitation.

Wan Shitong nodded and said: "The little ghost came from the core area. I don't know who his parents are, but his abilities are innate. It can be said that his treasure hunting ability is stronger than that of the barbarian ghost."

Lin Yu was not satisfied with this answer.

"You don't know who his parents are?"

There was suspicion on his face.

Wan Shitong cried and laughed: "You think too highly of me. I am just an ordinary Wan Shitong in Fengcheng. How can I know the things in the core area? However, if you want to find the kid's parents, you have to enter the core area. The kid will follow Their parents have sensors and can sense each other's presence as long as they appear in the same area."

Know-it-all is just a matter of speaking clearly.

Of course Lin Yu knew what he meant.

He was tempting him into making a contract with the imp.

To be honest, Lin Yu had this intention.

Treasure hunting contract ghosts are very rare.

However, this requires the opinion of the kid.

After getting what he wanted, Lin Yu stood up to leave, but was stopped by Wan Shitong.

But the name he called was not Lin Yu.

"Girl, don't you have anything to ask?"

He was looking at Li Nian.

Li Nian looked confused and pointed at himself: "Me?"

"Yes, I heard Xiaoduo mention you. She said she likes you very much."

Li Nian was silent. She was not stupid. On the contrary, she was very smart. Wan Shitong only said this sentence and she understood what he meant.

"I also like Xiaoduo very much. I will ask her personally about the contract. If she is willing, I will be willing. As for her life experience, I will not ask."

Wan Shitong laughed and said meaningfully: "Xiaoduo's life experience is not the fault of Xiaogui. Girl, you two are destined."

It seems that the know-it-all is becoming more and more like a magician.

Lin Yu was speechless and wanted to ask, are there fortune tellers in the horror 463 world?

Fortunately, Wan Shitong stopped in time and didn't say any more.

Lin Yu left 10,000 Ming coins as the fee for the inquiry.

Several people left and came to Xiaogui's house.

To Lin Yu's surprise, the kid was not there.

Not only Xiaogui, Xiaoduo is not here either.

"I heard from the kid that Xiaoduo is helping in the supermarket."

Lin Yu recalled the kid's words, and they decided to go to the supermarket.

I learned from Wan Shitong that Lin Yu and Li Nian were going to make a contract with the two little ghosts.

Gray Rabbit and the others didn't say anything, but there was naked curiosity on their faces.

The poisonous snake couldn't help but ask Lin Yu: "What treasure did the little devil find?"

Lin Yu didn't hide it from him, and told them about the kid's discovery of the super-grade abandoned ore bronze.

He had already given the bronze to Ding Liang and asked him to keep it first. When he found the super-grade vaginal material, he asked him to build a defensive vaginal weapon.

Lin Yu is looking forward to its defensive capabilities as a defensive vaginal weapon made of super-grade vaginal material.

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