"Brother Lin, he is gone."

Li Nian said softly.

Lin Yu took a look and nodded. He walked to the back of the house and came across an alley.

There are very few ghosts paying attention here during the day.

Lin Yu saw several small footprints on the wall, and his suspicion was confirmed.

"Xiao Nian, when I go in later, you go back to find Gray Rabbit and the others. You saw Yao Guijiang's appearance, so you took Gray Rabbit to hold him back. There is a high probability that the kid is here."

Let Gray Rabbit and the others hold back Yao Guijiang not only to find the imp, but also to dig out the treasure after finding the imp.

Anyway, here we come.

Li Nian nodded immediately. She clearly understood the priorities and immediately turned around and left after agreeing.

At this time, Lin Yu had jumped to the clothes in Yao Guijiang's yard.

The yard is big, but extremely dirty.

Walking to the corridor, there are three rooms in total.

There are locks on the doors to both rooms.

Lin Yu pushed open the unlocked room, which was empty with only a table.

He walked out of the room and into the locked room.

This kind of door lock can't stop him.

264 The imp is trapped and digs out the treasure

Using his hands hard, he broke the door lock and Lin Yu pushed the door open.

There was a rotten smell in the room, which was extremely smoky.

It could be seen that this was a bedroom. Lin Yu walked in and did not find the kid in the room.

I opened another room according to the previous method, but there was still no kid.

Could it be that he guessed wrong?

He walked out of the room and suddenly felt the ghost's breath.

Behind him is the room, and in front of him is the yard. There is no imp in the room, and the yard is also clear and it is impossible to hide the imp.


Lin Yu's eyes were fixed.

at the same time.

Gray Rabbit and the others finally found Yao Guijiang. What was bad was that Yao Guijiang was almost home.

The gray rabbit winked at the white pigeon, and the white pigeon rushed to Yao Guijiang's side, and was "bumped" by him just in time.

"Ouch, it hurts."

Bai Ge fell to the ground, with a painful expression on his face, and glanced at Yao Guijiang.

The male ghost frowned at her, his eyes dark.

"You bumped into me."

What's the meaning?

Is this the focus of this male ghost?

The scene was silent for a moment,

Gray Rabbit and others ran over quickly.

"Sister, how are you? Are you injured anywhere?"

After saying that, he yelled at Yao Guijiang: "What do you mean? My sister won't admit that she hit 467, right?"

"I said I didn't hit him, you are looking for death."

The male ghost's tone instantly became sinister, and his murderous intent was revealed.

The gray rabbit looked serious for a moment.

She looked at Yao Guijiang and suddenly smiled: "If you are looking for death, then give it a try."

I originally wanted to use a beauty trap to delay time, but the mission target didn't work.

Then just type it up.

Seeing that the gray rabbit was about to take action, the white pigeon automatically stood up and walked to Li Nian, sighing in his tone: "That ghost is going to be in trouble."

Li Nian, who had seen Gray Rabbit torture ghosts with his own eyes, nodded in sympathy.

Yao Guijiang also heard their conversation.

He didn't want to fight, and he probably said this to scare them. He had business at home, and he had been lurking for so many years just for that thing. He was about to get it now, and he didn't want to waste time here.

After a brief silence, Yao Guijiang lowered his head: "I apologize to you. How much compensation do you need? Is one hundred enough?"

Gray Rabbit's tone was quite arrogant: "You are sending the beggar away. You have angered me. It is useless to apologize. You must fight with me."

After finishing speaking, Gray Rabbit has already stepped forward.

Yao Guijiang was forced to accept the challenge and put down the things in his hands.

The viper took the thing over at an extremely fast speed and found that it was a digging tool.

At this time, the courtyard was gone.

Lin Yu pulled the kid out of the well.

He was extremely lucky to be able to feel the aura of the kid, otherwise, the kid would never be saved.

I don’t know how he fell into the well.

"elder brother."

The kid's voice was low and hoarse.

"Yao Guijian found the treasure."

Lin Yu's movements stopped.

The kid looked anxious: "He spotted me when I came in. He asked me what I was doing here. I didn't dare to tell him, but he thought I could really find the treasure. He asked me to tell him the location of the treasure."

The kid's blue skin became even greener.

"I didn't say anything, he just forced me here and walked out."

After saying that, the kid seemed to have thought of something and said quickly: "Brother, let's leave quickly. That Yao Ghost Craftsman is very powerful. If he comes back and sees us."

Thinking of the consequences, Xiao Gui took a deep breath and pulled Lin Yu away.

"Not urgent."

He was pulled back by Lin Yu.

There were sounds of fighting outside, it should be Gray Rabbit and the others.

Everything that needs to be done is done, and everything that needs to happen happens.

There is also a lot of digging for treasure.

"Dig up the treasure before leaving."

So, in a confused state, Lin Yu stuffed the kid into a hoe. After finding the right place, Lin Yu dug in fiercely.

The battle outside was about to end. What was surprising was that Gray Rabbit and Yao Guijian were tied. One person and one ghost could not do anything to each other.

Yao Guijiang was surprised and a little panicked.

He sensed something was wrong.

Things at home may have changed.

Thinking of this, Yao Guijiang ducked out of the fighting circle and rushed home.

He rushed so suddenly that no one except Bai Ge reacted.

However, the White Pigeon is not as strong as the Gray Rabbit and cannot confront him head-on, so he has to take a roundabout approach.

This method could not stop Yao Guijiang.

Seeing Yao Guijiang open the door and go in, everyone's hearts were lifted.

At this time, Li Nian suddenly exclaimed: "Brother Lin."

Several people looked quickly and saw Lin Yu walking out of the alley with a cyan-skinned kid.

They have some mud spots on their bodies, but their smiles are bright.

This is done.

Several people looked at each other, turned around and ran away.

Why don't you run and wait for Yao Guijiang to come out and block people?

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