There are also humans among the waiters.

It was a girl. When the girl saw him, she immediately came over.

"Are you also a player who comes to do dungeon missions?"

The girl stretched out her hand to him and said enthusiastically: "My name is Li Rui. I have been here for three days. Is this your first time as a waiter?"

Lin Yu was a little confused, could this thing be seen?

The girl smiled and said, "You look very casual, and your clothes are so smelly."

Li Rui couldn't help but cover her nose and took two steps back.

0··Ask for flowers··· 0

He breathed a breath of fresh air.

"Why are you wearing this dress?"

The girl's expression was a little strange.

"What's wrong with this dress? My supervisor asked me to wear it. I asked him if he still had it. He said he did but he didn't know what I should wear in my position."

After hearing this, the girl's expression was a little strange, not as enthusiastic as before.

"Is that so? What about that? Just do your best. I'm going back first. The supervisor will be here soon."

After saying that, the girl immediately turned around and went back without waiting for him to speak.

As if she were some ferocious beast.

Lin Yu saw it clearly.

The girl started when she learned that he was ordered to wear this dress by Director Pi.

Could it be that there is some secret in these clothes?

Just wondering.


A soft female voice came from beside me.

"You must have offended the supervisor. Although our clothes are not clean, they don't have that stink."

Lin Yu turned around and faced a gentle girl.

She continued to explain, but when she saw Queen Lin, her tone paused for a moment.

"The ghosts who come here to eat are very rich and powerful. If you serve them like this, you will easily anger them."

After all, not every ghost is accustomed to being dirty and smelly.

The girl's words reminded Lin Yu.

The supervisor seems to be really targeting him.

"I know, I'll go find him later."

It's better to make the guest angry than to wear this clothes.

The gentle girl was stunned when she heard this. Just when she was about to say something, there were guests, so she quickly returned to her seat.

After a while, the guests came one by one.

Manager Pi also came over, glanced at them sharply, and then came to Lin Yu: "If your appearance is not up to standard, dinner will be deducted."

Why was his grooming unqualified? Lin Yu looked in the mirror and found that it was very good.

He was afraid that he was not looking for trouble again.

Lin Yu's face turned cold.

"Director Pi, what's wrong with my appearance?"

Manager Pi didn't expect that he would dare to talk back, so he immediately sneered and said: "If I say unqualified, it means unqualified. There is no reason. If you don't accept it, get out of the restaurant if you don't accept it."

He expected that these humans would not dare.

They are as timid as rats.

This sentence made Lin Yu completely angry.

"Oh, I didn't want to cause trouble at first, but now it seems that it's not me who's causing trouble, but it's the trouble that's causing me." Cai.

266 Difficulty at first, asking him to pay the bill

Manager Pi frowned and was about to ask.

Lin Yu grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to the back.

Why not in the front, because the impact is not good.

"What are you doing? Let go."

Manager Pi was so angry that he was pulled by the collar by a boy.

I have never been so offended in all these years.

"you wanna die."

Lin Yu's voice was cold: "It's up to you whether I'm seeking death or not."

He took out the Blood Drinking Xuanlu and pointed it directly at Director Pi's neck.

"Tell me, why are you targeting me?"

This was where he was confused.

It was his first time coming to the Blood Spring Restaurant. He had never been here before, and he had never met Manager Pi, but this old ghost kept making things difficult for him again and again.

Isn't this looking for trouble?

He doesn't like to look for trouble, but he is not afraid of it.


Looking at the Blood-Drinking Xuanlu, the old ghost felt the murderous intention on his face, and his expression was ugly.

Super-grade vagina, he seems to have provoked a terrible person.

Director Pi didn't expect that he would be pointed at the neck just for targeting a human participating in the dungeon.

The old ghost was stronger than Lin Yu, but he did not dare to act rashly.

One is because of the Blood Drinking Xuanlu, and the other is because the Blood Spring Restaurant does not allow private fights.

Once discovered, fire immediately.

"Why am I embarrassing you when I have nothing to do? Who told you what?"

Lin Yu couldn't believe the old ghost's words. Hey, couldn't he feel if he was being embarrassed?

"What, you still want to cause trouble?"

Lin Yu turned the gun in his hand, revealing a blood groove on one side.

The old ghost swallowed hard.

There was a sinister look in his eyes, but without changing his face, he said, "I'm just asking casually. If you don't want to wear this dress, I'll get you another one."

Lin Yu sneered: "Why, isn't it gone?"

Manager Pi looked ugly and said nothing.

This time he mentioned steel plates.

Find another piece of clothing for Lin Yu.

Very new and no blood.

Seeing Lin Yu change clothes and come back, Wen Wen smiled slightly and praised: "It suits you very well."

Lin Yu did not refuse and nodded.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the girl from before, with a look of surprise on her face.

I wanted to come over, but another guest came.

The girl was tripped by the guest and did not come over.

After a while, the table Lin Yu was looking at was also occupied by ghosts.

Sitting in the first window seat was a tall, thin ghost with a gloomy face.

Lin Yu came forward with the menu and said politely: "Sir, would you like to order now?"

The male ghost took the menu and glanced at it.

"Old rules."

Lin Yu was stunned, what old rules?

"Guest, I just arrived. I don't know what the old rules are?"

The male ghost glanced at him and frowned: "New guy."

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