He didn't notice Lin Yu and walked out naturally, and the people behind him also followed.

Huang Youyou.

They 483 stayed together last night.

When a man and a woman live together in the same room, they know what will happen.

Lin Yu just didn't expect that Zhao Yuan would be so bold. He and Liu Xuxu hadn't broken up yet because he wanted to enjoy the blessings of being together.

Moreover, I am still in a horror world, I don’t know if I can survive, and I am still thinking about my lower body.

This kind of person will basically not survive more than a few episodes.

Lin Yu ignored it.

Turn around and walk to the restaurant.

There were footsteps behind him, and after a while, Zhao Yuan appeared in front of him.

His face was ugly and threatening.

"Brother, you didn't see anything just now. Don't say anything you shouldn't, or you'll get into trouble."

Is this a threat?

Lin Yu was speechless for a moment.

He had no intention of telling Liu Xuxu just like that. Firstly, he didn't want to get involved in their affairs, and secondly, he thought it would be better for Liu Xuxu to see it than to say it in vain.

Now, he has changed his mind.

"You're the one who's causing trouble for you. If you want to control two women without the ability, it's obvious that you're not worthy."

Lin Yu sneered, glanced at Huang Youyou behind him, and continued walking.

Zhao Yuan was left standing there, with murderous intent almost overflowing from his eyes.

When they came to the restaurant and changed into work clothes, Yang Caiwei and others were already in place, which surprised Lin Yu.

Supervisor Pi didn't show up this morning.

There were not many guests in his place in the morning until noon.

A plump female ghost made it to table 16.

The female ghost is good-looking and has a great figure. If she wasn't blue-skinned, she would definitely be able to take on both humans and ghosts with her looks.

Unfortunately, there are very few humans who can accept blue skin.

Lin Yu took the menu over and opened it in front of the female ghost.

The female ghost didn't look at the menu, but stared at him.


Sister Yu's voice sounded, and Lin Yu raised his head: "Yes, guest, please order."

The female ghost laughed and lifted Lin Yu's chin with her fingers.

"You look much better than before. Are you interested in dating me?"

Lin Yu stepped back, avoiding her fingers, with a polite smile on his face: "Guest, I still have to go to work."

The female ghost refused to give up: "If you follow me, you don't have to go to work. My sister will support you."

An inappropriate sentence appeared in Lin Yu's mind.

Are you eating to gain weight?

"Guest, I still want to go to work."

This sentence is rejection.

To his surprise, the female ghost stopped pestering him and regretfully stopped ordering.

"That's all."

Lin Yu handed over the menu, but after he rejected it, the female ghost ignored him.

He just said when serving the food: "I heard that there is something called dessert in the human world."

She looked at Lin Yu with a seductive look.

"Is it tasty?"

Lin Yu's expression did not change and he said: "It varies from person to person. Those who like sweets will like it, and those who don't like sweets won't like it."

"That's it."

The female ghost nodded and suddenly made a request: "I want to have a dessert. You go to the kitchen and let the chef make it to my satisfaction. These will be yours."

The woman took out a ten thousand yuan coin.

In such a long time in the horror world, Lin Yu encountered such a generous ghost for the first time.

It can also be seen from this that the identity of the female ghost is not simple.

Since it's not simple, why is she sitting here?

Not going to the private seats or boxes?

The ten thousand yuan ghost coin attracted the attention of the ghosts nearby and also attracted the attention of other people.

The ghost glanced at the female ghost and took a breath of air, as if he had seen an extraordinary ghost.

He quickly looked away without daring to look.

In the surprised gazes of others, Lin Yu felt a sense of malice and looked over suddenly, meeting Zhao Yuan's gaze that had not yet been lifted.

Lin Yu frowned slightly.

The next moment, the guests on Zhao Yuan's side suddenly slapped the table and stood up.

He strode towards Zhao Yuan and picked him up like a chicken: "Are you looking down on me? Why don't you serve me food? Ah, why?"

Zhao Yuan was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he explained tremblingly: "I didn't, I'm not, I just didn't pay attention. I apologize to you, you, don't kill me."

Fear made his body tremble like chaff.

The ghost sneered and said with a ferocious face: "You just look down on me. I can see it. If you dare to look down on me, I will eat you and tear you to pieces."

The ghost is a peak-level ghost. Following his words, Yin power emerged from his body.

He only needed to exert force with his two hands, and Zhao Yuan would be torn apart.

No one could save him, Lin Yu could, but he had no intention of saving him.

Just at the critical moment.

Director Pi showed up.

Zhao Yuan seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and shouted: "Supervisor, help."

Manager Pi walked up to the ghost and said in a hoarse voice, "Guest, please put down our waiter."

The male ghost is obviously unwilling. He is a regular visitor here, so he naturally knows the rules here.

"He bumped into me and it's up to me to deal with it."

Zhao Yuan tried his best to explain: "I didn't. I just didn't pay attention and didn't serve him food. I really didn't pay attention. I didn't rush him."

Zhao Yuan was almost in tears because of fear.

It looked embarrassing and disgusting.

Manager Pi looked at the male ghost and said in a cold voice: "Guest, the restaurant has rules. Our waiter did not rush you. You are not qualified to deal with him. Please put him down."

As soon as he finished speaking, Manager Pi's ferocious aura suddenly surged out.

The male ghost's face instantly turned ugly. He threw Zhao Yuan away and looked at him with stern eyes.

"Okay, just wait for me."

Zhao Yuan collapsed on the ground in a panic, gasping for air, crying and flattering Xie Jia, the chief horseman.

What he said almost made Director Pi look like his reborn parents.

However, anyone is willing to listen to obedient words, and the same goes for ghosts.

"Okay, get up and clean up. Be careful next time. I can protect you if you don't collide with the guests, but if you collide with the guests, I can't protect you."

270 Supervisor Pi takes action. The female ghost wants to eat dessert.

Zhao Yuan nodded quickly and stood up in embarrassment to clean up.

The sound of tapping on the table brought Lin Yu back to his senses. Only then did he realize that he had not returned to the issue of the female ghost.

If the female ghost pursues him, he has failed in his duty of service.

"Sorry, guest, for wasting your time. I'm going to the kitchen to ask about desserts, but I'm not sure the kitchen can do it?"

The female ghost looked out the window. The dishes on the table were not touched at all.

"I'm in a good mood today, but if I don't have dessert, I won't be in such a good mood. If my mood gets bad, you don't want to know the consequences."

She turned to look at him, raised her lips and smiled.

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