half a year.

Lin Yu calculated it.

"Are you the sixth batch of candidates?"

Yang Caiwei nodded.

At this time, Zhao Yuan could no longer bear it.

He was a second-level peak ghost master with great promise, yet none of them chose him.


"Okay, Yang Caiwei, Qian Tong, Liu Xuxu, just wait for me."

He didn't say anything about Lin Yu, and he wasn't sure yet whether he could offend him.

Lin Yu ignored Zhao Yuan at all. He looked at Yang Caiwei and the others and frowned: "Are you only at the second level?"

The three people nodded, and Yang Caiwei smiled bitterly: "We have average talents."

Lin Yu said nothing.

Qian Tong suddenly asked curiously: "Lin Yu, what level of ghost controller are you? Why can't I see through your strength?"

The low-level ghost controllers couldn't see through the strength of the high-level ghost controllers. Lin Yu said casually: "Fifth level."

"Fifth level, fifth level, fifth level?"

Qian Tong said it three times in a row, and at the end, his eyes widened.

Yang Caiwei and Liu Xuxu were even more shocked.

"` ¨Emperor Fengdu, you, are you a fifth-level ghost controller?"

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you surprised? I am the fifth batch of candidates."

"One level higher than us, no, you are really fifth level."

This was said by Liu Xuxu.

Seeing Lin Yu nodding, she screamed suddenly.

"Ahhhhh, I actually met a high-level boss and made friends with him. I, I'm going to faint."

A whole star chasing girl.

Lin Yu was speechless by her exaggeration.

Just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Zhao Yuan: "Impossible, I don't believe it. How could you be the fifth level? You are lying, absolutely lying."

It's no wonder that he can't accept it. He originally thought that everyone was about the same, and he was the one who stood out. Now there's a person who will turn him into clay instantly, how can he accept it.

I thought I was the pride of heaven, but I didn't expect that I was just an ordinary little scumbag who couldn't stand up to the ordinary.

Lin Yu didn't pay attention to him at all.

Zhao Yuan (Moqian Zhao) couldn't accept it for a while, and ran away in a daze.

Huang Youyou hesitated for a moment and did not chase after him.

Instead, he walked towards Lin Yu.

"Brother Fengdu, you are so awesome, can I be friends with you?"

She smiled shyly, with a little anticipation.

If you want to put it on an ordinary boy, you can't help but agree.

However, Lin Yu has experienced many beauties after all.

Not to mention Li Nian is the beauty of Xiaojiabiyu.

Gray rabbit is a beautiful word for a charming lady.

The white night is as cool and beautiful as a god.

Black Moon is a lively and lovely beauty.

Several women are beautiful in their own way. Furthermore, Bai Rou'er is among the ghosts in his contract.

In the real world, Bai Rouer's appearance is even more beautiful than that of a celebrity.

Compared with them, Huang Youyou is nothing at all.

In terms of appearance, she can't even compare to Liu Xuxu and Yang Caiwei.

It's just a disguise. Unfortunately, Lin Yu is a man who can distinguish green tea and hate white lotus.

274 Danshi News The Ghost King is here to steal?

Huang Youyou took the initiative to come forward and wanted to make friends. Lin Yu smiled slightly when he heard this, but his expression was very cold.

"No need, it would be bad if Zhao Yuan misunderstood."

Huang Youyou was stunned. She didn't know what she thought of, and a blush suddenly appeared on her face.

Just as he was about to say something, Lin Yu said casually: "Besides, I don't like being friends with the mistress."

Huang Youyou's face turned white in a flash.

She thought about the morning.

Everyone was panicked.

"Brother Fengdu, Zhao Yuan and I are not what you think. I was just... yesterday."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Liu Xuxu.

"Hey, we all came out of the same room. Why, do you dare to say that you didn't do anything in the room last night and just played poker all night?"


Huang Youyou's face turned green and white.

She couldn't say shameless words. Besides, after playing poker all night, she said she had done nothing.

Seeing that the current situation was not good for her, Huang Youyou bit her lip and turned around and ran away.

I secretly regretted that I shouldn't have let Zhao Yuan into the house last night in order to win over him completely.

Who told her yesterday that Zhao Yuan was at the peak of the second level? She thought that Zhao Yuan was already first-rate. Who knew that the Emperor Fengdu could be so powerful?

Level five.

Thinking of this rank and Zhao Yuan, Huang Youyou felt like eating a fly.

At this time, Lin Yu had already brought Yang Caiwei and the others to the cafeteria.

487 "I won't eat with you today. I have to go out for something. I'll treat you to the cafeteria today. You can get whatever you want to eat."

Yang Caiwei seemed to have noticed something, with a bit of surprise in her eyes.

But she didn't show anything. She nodded and said with a smile: "Emperor Fengdu, I'm going to cost you a lot of money today."

Lin Yu smiled slightly, this amount of money was not considered a waste for him.

A few people were quickly selected, and Lin Yu greeted them and left.

As soon as I walked out of the cafeteria, I saw two old men walking towards me.

Lao Hei was still complaining about him: "That Emperor Fengdu is definitely playing tricks on us. How long have we been waiting for him? Made, I'm so angry. It's amazing to be a manager."

The ghost didn't speak, but looked up and saw Lin Yu.

His expression changed slightly.

"I think it's okay, not that amazing."

Lin Yu responded with a smile.

I explained it to them by the way.

"I made a few friends in the front hall before. Something happened when I was looking for them, so I was delayed. I apologize, you two, but you don't have to be polite to me later."

As soon as these words came out, Lao Hei became excited.

He said unceremoniously: "Don't worry, I will never (acda) be polite to you."

The ghost originally wanted to say a few polite words, but was blocked by these words and could only nod helplessly.

Several people came to the front hall. Lin Yu didn't take a seat and went directly to the box.

There is also a waiter in the private room, but it is a ghost waiter, and the service is more attentive.

After ordering, before Lin Yu could speak, the ghost spoke first.

"You are the manager now. From now on, Lao Hei and I will call you manager. My name is Lei Shui, and Lao Hei's name is Hei Tu. You can call me Lao Lei from now on."

"Lao Hei and I have worked at the Blood Spring Restaurant for eighty-nine years. We know some things about this restaurant fairly well. As long as it doesn't involve confidentiality, we can tell you if you have anything you want to ask."

Lin Yu was not surprised that Lao Lei saw his purpose.

He personally invited them to dinner just to find out what was going on.

"Okay, I'll just ask."

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