This was an unexpected surprise to Lin Yu, and it was also a top priority.

Because the matter was urgent, Lin Yu did not stop and left after saying hello to Yang Caiwei and others.

Yan Xu arranged a bird carriage for him.

It's a real bird cart, a basket cart pulled by a ghost bird. (Manno's)

According to Yan Xu, it also has automatic navigation, which can take him to the core area without him having to give directions.

That's pretty smart.

The happiest person to see Lin Yu leave was Manager Pi.

He thought that with Lin Yu gone, it would be his turn to be the manager.

Who knew, assistant manager Yan Yi would take over.

This is Lin Yu's request. It is better to let Yan Yi take the position than to let Director Pi be promoted.

As a result, Director Pi's dream was shattered again.

At this time, Lin Yu had reached the edge of the core area.

Yan Xu told him that the ghost bird would only listen to the edge of the core area, and he did not have a ticket to the core area.

If you want to enter the core area, apart from the ticket, you have to go through the Yinlian Forest alone.

It is said that there is an eighth-level ghost beast here. I don’t know if it is true or not. I have never seen it before.

The others are all third, fourth, fifth and sixth level ghost beasts.

As long as he is willing to release his ghost, he can still get through.

Lin Yu was not surprised that Yan Xu knew about General Zhu's existence.

279 General Wu Bogui? Little ghost looking for mineral veins

This guy is not simple.

Lin Yu didn't answer his words and asked him why such an important ingredient as Danshi was placed at the front desk?

When he arrived at that time, General Zhu was fighting with the cloaked ghost at the front desk.

Yan Xu said with a smile: "The front desk is the most important storehouse of rare ingredients."

Why does the female ghost have anything to do with Yan Xu if she can guard such an important place?

This time, Yan Xu took the initiative to answer the question without waiting for Lin Yu to ask.

"My sister."


Returning to his thoughts, Lin Yu looked at the forest in front of him. The forest was surrounded by black mist. He was surprised by an unspeakable smell, which was very unpleasant.

Lin Yu discovered that a ghost was walking in front of him.

The strength is at the fierce ghost level, and the ghost is also walking towards the Yin Lian Forest.

Walking into the forest, the smell is even stronger.

Lin Yu felt the smell was very unpleasant, so he simply put on a mask, and the ghost also noticed him.

Watching him put on a mask.

Not feeling the evil spirit towards him, Lin Yu took out a mask.

"Do you want?"


The ghost said in a muffled voice, taking the mask and putting it on.

Because of the mask, Lin Yu could blatantly ask the ghost: "Brother, I want to go there too, do you want to go together?"

The ghost didn't refuse.

"The gas emitted by the forest is miasma. Although it is not harmful if you inhale it, inhaling too much can cause hallucinations."

Lin Yu nodded and was speechless for a moment. The ghost got up and continued walking.

Lin Yu thought for a moment and followed.

The preparations for the ghosts are complete 490, and there is a Yin weapon ax clearing the way in front.

I don’t know how long I walked before I heard the roar of a beast in front of me.

It sounds like a very leisurely tiger.

The ghost hid vigilantly and waved to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu's idea of ​​running up and taking a look was interrupted.

The two squatted for a while, and the sound of fighting over there also laughed.

Lin Yu suggested: "Shall we go and take a look?"

The ghost nodded, grabbed his bow and arrow and walked away.

These are two male ghost tigers competing for territory.

When they arrived, one tiger was suffering from injuries and the other was already dead.

"A turf war."

If two tigers fight, one of them will die.

"You wait here, I'll take care of that tiger."

The ghost rushed forward as soon as he finished speaking.

Not long after, he came back dragging two tigers.

The tigers in the horror world are all very big, one weighs three to four hundred pounds.

The ghost dragged it on effortlessly.

He took out a dagger and skillfully skinned the tiger.

Keep everything that can be used. After finishing this, it was already noon, and Lin Yu asked Zhu Jiang to come out to cook.

Such good tiger meat cannot be thrown away.

haunted house

Wu was stunned for a moment when he saw Zhu Jiang.

"Ghost General?"

Lin Yu's heart tightened: "What kind of ghost general? You must have admitted it wrong. He is my contracted ghost."

With that said, he took out a mask and gave it to General Zhu.

The ghost was stunned for a while and nodded: "Well, I made a mistake. You continue."

In the end, this sentence still affected Lin Yu.

After eating the tiger meat, Lin Yu separated from the ghost and moved on with Zhu Jiang.

The trees in the Purgatory Forest were black trees. Lin Yu saw that the miasma was coming out of the trees and then being sucked in by the trees. These trees seemed to be breathing.

There are not too many weeds and bushes in the forest, it seems to have been trampled flat, but you will see some white bones while walking.

There are humans and ghosts.

Encountering a ghost beast again, Zhu Jiang did not let Lin Yu take action. This was a rhinoceros and its horns were good things.

He took the horns and tendons, asked General Zhu to get some meat and left.

Although there are good things in the cow, the prerequisite is that he can drag it.

Halfway through the journey, he encountered a ghost again.

The ghost suffered some injuries and had a lot of things in his hands.

He was a little surprised to see Lin Yu empty-handed.

"You're not here to hunt animals?"

Hunting animals?

Lin Yu shook his head: "I want to go to the core area, there are no tickets."

The ghost showed an expression of realization and said, "I thought you were here to hunt animals. I'm going back too. Come together, I'll lead the way for you."

The ghost said, carrying something and walking ahead.

After Lin Yu said that Zhu Jiang was his contracted ghost.

The ghost was not looking at General Zhu.

It seems like he really admitted his mistake?

During the rest of the journey, they did not encounter any ghosts and beasts, and successfully walked out of the Purgatory Forest. The ghosts showed him the way.

"The fastest way to the city is from there."

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