Lin Yu didn't intend to buy the book. It wasn't that he didn't sympathize with the old man, but he knew it in his heart.

These beings are not necessarily human beings.

If you think about it, they should be like NPCs in the game, beings created by "people".

However, Lin Yu's mind moved when he thought of the book the hotel owner was reading.

"Old man, do you have any village history of Hope Town?"

"Village history?"

The old man coughed a few more times, took a breath and asked, "Do you want to read the village history?"

Lin Yu nodded: "Yes."

The old man raised his head and looked at him a few times: "An outsider."

There was no doubt in his tone.

Lin Yu was not surprised that he would guess it and nodded to him: "Old man, do you have it?"

The old man smiled, his eyes scrutinizing, and after a while, he said slowly: "Yes, why not? Everyone must have village history. You outsiders need to pass the test to have it. However, buying and selling village history is not allowed." .”

Lin Yu was stunned, and the joy in his heart disappeared because of his words.

He was a little disappointed: "Old man, is it really impossible to buy or sell?"

"` ¨Of course, the mayor has regulations and you will be arrested for buying and selling village history. However, I can let you take a look."

What is a village with hidden flowers and bright flowers? This is it.

Lin Yu didn't want to think about why the old man let him see it. He just wanted to know what happened in this small town of hope.

Why does the horror world have such a weird town?

Is this town real or just an illusion?

Village history cannot give him answers to all these questions, but village history can let him know whether this town exists in history.

The old man didn't lie to him. He took out a shabby book from the package behind him. The cover on it was the same as what he saw at the hotel owner yesterday.

There are several large characters written on it.

[History of Hope Town Village]

Lin Yu took the book and opened it in front of the old man. The first page in the book was the origin of Hope Town.

Hope Town.

It was built in 1380 in the Ghost World.

The first mayor: Lin Feng.

Lin Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he vaguely grasped something, but thought about it again and lost it.

He was not thinking about (Li Li Zhao) and continued to read.

Hope Town is filled with humans who have accidentally entered the horror world. It is the only purely human town in the horror world.

In order to protect the town, the first mayor Lin Feng developed a pseudo-ghost that hides vaginas.

From then on, the citizens of Hope Town can freely enter and exit the horror world without being attacked by ghosts.

But this is not enough.

In order to create a paradise for the townspeople, the mayor built the town as solid as an iron barrel, and even the exit was hidden in a very secluded place.

Since then, the townspeople have begun to live a self-sufficient life.

I flipped through four pages in a row to read these contents.

You can continue to scroll back and find that it is gone.

It’s not that the village history is gone, but that the back of the village history has been torn out.

Lin Yu looked at the old man in confusion. The latter coughed a few times and said quietly: "I'm old. I tore off the last few pages to wipe the kid's butt. They're gone. If you still want to read them, just go find them." Other townspeople have it in their hands."

344 Damaged Village History Hotel Guests Are Inhuman

Lin Yu looked extremely aggrieved and died at the critical moment.

This kind of frustration made him a little irritable, and he couldn't help but ask the old man.

"Do you remember what follows?"

The old man shook his head and said slowly: "I can't do it anymore. I'm old and can't remember it anymore."

Lin Yu gave up completely, returned the incomplete village history to the old man, bought him two more books, and left twenty yuan for him to find.

Saying goodbye to the old man, Lin Yu continued walking forward.

As he walked, he saw a bridge ahead.

There is a woman standing on the bridge. The woman is wearing a cheongsam. She has a slim figure and beautiful appearance.

Lin Yu's focus was not on this, but on the fact that he didn't feel angry in the woman, just like a walking zombie.

Startled by my own thoughts.

Lin Yu stepped forward subconsciously. As soon as he reached the bridge, there were sudden rapid footsteps behind him.

The footsteps quickly overtook him, he walked towards the woman, and then he hugged the woman's waist.

Lin Yu paused slightly. After the man hugged the woman, he looked back at him dissatisfied and wary.

This glance allowed him to see clearly what the man looked like.

It's him.

The man who had him deliver the goods yesterday.

He hugged the woman and left quickly, her back disappearing into a black dot.

After walking around where he could go, Lin Yu couldn't find the exit.

Reminiscing about the history of Hope Town, it said that the first mayor Lin Feng560 built the town's exit in a hidden place, a place that no one would expect.

Lin Yu didn't know why he was persistently looking for an exit. He had a hunch in his heart that if he couldn't find an exit, his mission would probably not be completed.

It's just that weird.

Obviously the dungeon mission only requires decryption and taking away survivors.

That's right, survivors.

Take the survivors out of the exit.

My heart suddenly became enlightened.

Lin Yu took a deep breath and looked at the blurry scenery not far away. It was obvious that he couldn't walk past it.

Returning the way he came, Lin Yu didn't see the old man selling books anymore.

He is like a special NPC, let him know something.

Back at the grain store, Shangqing was entertaining guests.

The man's clothes looked like he was a local, and he quickly bought food and left.

Only then did Shangqing come over.

"Emperor, what did you find?"

Just as Lin Yu was about to say it, he suddenly thought of Heilong and Wentian.

"Let's talk about it together tonight."

He really didn't want to say it twice.

Shangqing nodded and didn't care.

"Have you requested delivery?"

Shangqing shook his head: "No, but the boss came here before and asked about you."

Lin Yu's heart skipped a beat. Being caught by my boss was embarrassing and nervous.

"I said there was no delivery service in the store, so he went out for a walk. The boss didn't say anything. He just told me that he had to deliver goods to a restaurant tomorrow and needed ten bags of rice."

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows and asked for ten bags at once. According to the owner of the grain store, he was still a regular customer.

By the way, why didn't he find a restaurant anywhere?

Did he rush it or can't you see it?

He asked Shangqing: "Did the boss tell me where the restaurant is?"

Shangqing shook his head: "I didn't leave an address. I said I would tell you directly tomorrow."

Is it easier or more troublesome to tell Qing Dynasty directly?

It’s noon again.

Lin Yu looked after the store and asked Shangqing to go out to buy food. He had been guarding the store all morning and had long wanted to go out for a walk.

When he heard that Lin Yu wanted to see the store and asked him to go out to buy lunch, Shangqing left happily.

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