How could the team let go of such a well-known villain so easily?

This is where it gets difficult.

"Do you have any agreement with the team?"

Shangqing asked doubtfully.

Wentian thought for a while and nodded: "I signed a ten-year stage agreement, but it is said that I was forced to sign it."

"Then how many years have you been on stage?"

Wentian said one or two words.

"Two years?"

Shangqing was shocked, this was not even close.

Wentian shook his head with a bitter look on his face.

Lin Yu looked thoughtful: "Is there any other way? For example, to redeem myself?"

Wentian's eyes lit up.

Now in the horror world, anyone who knows the name of Emperor Fengdu knows his legend.

He spent hundreds of thousands on things brought by shopkeeper Lu of the Guangqingming Chamber of Commerce and bought ore from the mine, because he wanted to live in a high-rise building and become an honorary director of the other side.

All of this shows one thing: Emperor Fengdu is very capable.

As his partner, Wentian was even more direct about how much money he had from the Underworld. Of course, he also had a lot of Xia Guo coins.

"How about I ask?"


It would be easier to rescue my friend as soon as possible. We can't really wait for him for ten years.

Wentian left happily carrying his breakfast.

Lin Yu and Shangqing walked to the stage to watch the show.

It has to be said that the ghosts on the stage performed the Peking Opera with great proficiency, which shows that a lot of research was wasted.

He respects the country's intangible cultural heritage and is happy to see this kind of thing.

Shangqing bought two small matzas, one for each of the two people.

He sat down and started reading.

After the intermission, Lin Yu went to buy some fruits and drinks. The two young men sat in front of the stage eating, drinking and watching the show, attracting the kind eyes of many ghosts.

Of course, there are also greedy looks from some little ghosts.

Lin Yu didn't care, and casually put the fruit beside him. From the corner of his eye, he saw a little ghost walking towards him step by step.

"Big brother, I want to eat."

The little ghost was a little boy, looking longingly at the fruits on the ground. Lin Yu had noticed him before, but it seemed that the little boy was not with his big ghost.

He has been standing alone in front of the stage.

Lin Yu took some to him, but the little boy only took one and whispered: "Thank you, big brother."

After saying that, he ran to the stage pillars and started eating happily.

"The kid is not greedy."

Lin Yu smiled, took back the rest and ate it.

At the end of the intermission, with the sound of musical instruments, the question of asking the sky came out.

Although he became a villain because of his copy, Wentian's singing voice is quite good.

Lin Yu suddenly wondered, Peking Opera is not a type of talent that tests patience and time.

Otherwise, there would be no saying that it takes ten years of work off stage and one minute on stage.

And Wentian had never been exposed to Peking Opera before coming to this dungeon, and he came here in person, so why did he know (acda) Peking Opera?

Could it be that there are supernatural events in this copy?

Thinking about it, Lin Yu couldn't sit still.

Heilong was a handyman and didn't need to go on stage. He simply went backstage and shouted Heilong's name.

Black Dragon didn't shout out, but instead shouted out a middle-aged ghost with a sinister expression.

"Why are you looking for the black dragon?"

"Hello, I have something to do with him."

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he handed over a hundred-yuan ghost coin.

The middle-aged ghost was startled when he saw the Ming Coin, then looked at him thoughtfully, took the Ming Coin and said, "Wait."

He turned around and went backstage, and after a while, the black dragon ran out.

"Great Emperor, how did you get him to let go? Let me tell you, he is the leader of this team. Oh my god, that is so harsh. I have been punished by him several times."

"If I hadn't been thinking about the dungeon mission, I would have quit doing it a long time ago."

Heilong rubbed his shoulder. He was slapped with a bamboo blade for cleaning, and it still hurt.

"Give me the coins."

Lin Yu's three simple words made Heilong express his envy and hatred: "I don't understand the world of rich people."

"Don't be poor, let me ask you something."

Seeing him put away his smile, the black dragon's expression turned serious.

"When you claimed this identity, did you have any special feelings? For example, did you know something inexplicably?"

Black Dragon nodded solemnly and said five words: "Learn to be beaten."

Lin Yu's face twitched, is this person stupid?


Black Dragon groaned and said, "I've been beaten three or four times in the half day I've been here."

Lin Yu gave up asking him, and he didn't understand even after telling him.

Shangqing immediately understood what he meant and looked shocked.

"You mean Wentian?"

Lin Yu nodded.

Heilong saw that the two of them were talking like they were playing riddles, and he was unhappy: "Is there anything you can't say clearly to me?"

Lin Yu sneered: "Can you understand what I said?"

"How can I hear..."

Halfway through, Black Dragon realized something and his voice became smaller and smaller.

In order to cover up his embarrassment, he coughed lightly and said, "What? I found something was wrong with Wentian. When he came to fuck me, he was busy stretching and practicing his voice. He looked very professional."

Sure enough.

There may be some hidden plot in this copy.

He told Heilong that Wentian's mission was to leave the team, and also mentioned the ten-year contract.

"You have the opportunity to test the tone of the man just now and see if there is any hope of redeeming Wentian."

Black Dragon nodded, took the thousand yuan of coins given by Lin Yu, and left happily.

After all, asking for information will give you benefits.

After watching the play for a while, Lin Yu saw that it was getting late, so he followed Qing and the others to put away the little horses and prepare to find a house to live in.

There is only a hotel here, just like in Hope Town before. A table serves as the counter, and a ghost sits behind it. Two rooms are booked, and the two of them go upstairs to rest.

Early the next morning, Lin and Yu left the hotel.

While eating breakfast, I heard the table next to me talk about the Harvest Market.

This fair is held once a year, and there will be a stage every time. This is the rule.

Moreover, the fair usually lasts for seven days, and there must be a stage during these seven days, which is the so-called rule.

380 Spending a lot of money, suspected to be upper body

Lin Yu was wondering whether the person who enforced this rule was a Xia man or a Peking Opera fan.

Yesterday was the first day of the Harvest Market, with six days left.

Came to the stage again.

Black Dragon was already waiting outside. The first thing he said when he opened his mouth was: "Wentian~ was beaten."

Lin Yu frowned: "What's going on?"

Heilong shook his head: "I don't know. I heard him arguing with the team leader, and then the man slapped him in the face. He said, "You have to think it over yourself," and then left, leaving Wentian there to cover his hands. Face crying.”

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