The female ghost stopped crying, glared angrily in the direction of the conversation, and pursed her lips.

"He and I are not a couple, we are also lovers. He brought me over to watch the snow. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

The female ghost started to cry again.

He cried when something happened, leaving Lin Yu speechless.

Like crying can solve problems.

The person in charge was walking anxiously, murmuring recently: "What can we do? What can we do?"

Lin Yu was confused, what on earth was that?

"Hey, why don't you tell everyone to stop something? Otherwise, how can everyone help you?"

It was the daughter of the Penguin who spoke. The Penguin couple did not talk about him this time. It was obvious that they were also confused.

The person in charge looked around and sighed.

"The one who killed that ghost was a demon, a snow demon."

Snow demon.

"This snow monster appeared a long time ago. When I bought Kuai Di, I just wanted to build a hotel. It was originally built well, but it was almost completed. A male ghost didn't know what he saw at night. He entered the woods and... He was thrown out two days later and his body was frozen into ice."

"I realized something was wrong, so I hung up a sign in the woods, but it still couldn't stop the ghost that was sending me to death."

"Have you seen what the Snow Demon looks like?"

The person in charge shook his head with confusion on his face: "I don't, but isn't the Snow Demon all white?"

"Now is not the time to talk about this. I can't save you. You can find someone else."

With that said, the person in charge asked Liu.

Lin Yu called out: "Sir, let's talk."

The person in charge looked at the Ming coins in his hand and nodded.

The ghosts who looked at this were stunned and shouted loudly: "What do you mean? You don't know what you said. Why did you accept his Ming Coin when he asked you to talk about it? Is there anything we can't do? Did you listen?

Other ghosts around also echoed.

The Penguin family didn't want to participate and turned around to go back.

Got caught by a ghost again0..

The person in charge sneered: "Because I want to."

"What do you mean? This is a matter of life and death. Why do you hide your secrets? And you, why did you give him the money?"

"Since you are so rich, you might as well cover all our food and accommodation."

Lin Yu looked at the ghost and sneered: "Why, why are you so shameless?"

The ghost was angry, with murderous intent on its face.

Those who can go to extremely cold places are not just ordinary people.

We must have strength and strength, and we must be ruthless and ruthless.

"you wanna die."

The ghost came over with a lotus hammer, and Lin Yugang was about to take action.

The person in charge of Lotus Hammer kicked it away, smashing the desk lamp and then falling to the ground, taking the ghost's feet with it.

Only a piercing scream was heard.

The ghost looked pale and covered his face.

His feet had been smashed.

Cold sweat broke out from the pain, and he didn't forget to look at Lin Yu with a sinister look.

It was obviously not him who took action.

"Everyone, let me explain first that anyone who takes the initiative to cause trouble in the hotel will lose his or her qualifications to live in the hotel. The front desk will throw him out."

3.0 It was freezing and snowy outside, and the ghost was injured and would freeze to death in less than a night.

"You, just wait for me."

The ghost said harsh words and limped out the door.

The ghost he instigated stopped talking when he saw his miserable state.

It's over, but it's not over yet.

The person in charge left, saying as he left, he couldn't save the female ghost's life.

Lin Yu clearly saw the fearful look in the person's eyes when talking about the snow demon.

This shows that he has seen the snow demon.

He just lied.

The Ming coins that were handed out before were also returned to his hands, and the person in charge did not intend to talk to him anymore.

402 Seeking help and living

Lin Yu had some regrets, but not much.

Not long after returning to the room, there was a knock on the door.

Shangqing went over to open the door, and there was a female ghost outside the door.

"You guys, please help me? Please."

The female ghost looked frightened.

Lin Yu was very surprised as to why she thought of asking them for help.

"Sorry, it's inconvenient."

After Shangqing finished speaking, he closed the door. He was a Taoist priest, not a monk, and he had no compassionate heart.

"I beg you to save me. I really have no choice. They are not willing. I don't want to die. I really don't want to die."

Shangqing was a little irritated and was about to close the door.

Lin Yu came over.

"We can't help you. You can tell by the look of the person in charge that the snow demon is very strong. We are not prepared to take risks for someone we don't know."

The female ghost looked pale.

02 suddenly looked at them with hatred: "You are cold-blooded and ruthless, you will also be targeted by the snow demon, and you will die badly."

After saying that, she turned and left.

Looking at her back, Lin Yu frowned fiercely.

The door opposite was opened, revealing the face of the little penguin ghost.

"You shouldn't open the door when you encounter such a person. He is simply seeking medical attention in a hurry."

The female ghost muttered, which was a bit cute.

"By the way, why are you going to an extremely cold place?"

Lin Yu hesitated for a moment and said, "Looking for something."

The female ghost smiled and said mysteriously: "It's a treasure hunt, hehe, I understand."

Lin Yu's heart moved, but he didn't deny it and looked at the female ghost: "What about you?"

"We are looking for medicine."

The female ghost didn't hide it from him, she opened her mouth and said it.

"There is a kind of snow lotus in extremely cold places. Those who eat it can revive ghosts who are only alive. We are going to find that one and sell the ghost coins."

Lin Yu was stunned, the female ghost said simply, with a money-loving smile on her face.

Looks quite cute.

"Well, I hope you can find it."

The female ghost smiled even more happily and wanted to talk again. A stern female voice came from the room. The female ghost curled her lips, waved to Lin Yu, turned around and closed the door.

At night.

Lin Yu didn't fall asleep because he knew the snow demon would come tonight.

He wasn't going to meddle in other people's business, but he was a little curious about the snow demon.

Time passed little by little, and Lin Yu didn't notice anything strange until two o'clock in the morning.

Could it be that the snow demon has already arrived?

Or are you saying you are not ready to come?

Just as he was about to fall asleep, an extremely cold breath swept through the entire hotel.

A layer of ice instantly formed outside the hotel, and Lin Yu was awakened by the breath.

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