Black Dragon was besieged by two ghost generals and ghosts in the dungeon against ghosts. He finally escaped but was seriously injured.

There is no way to cure him in the real world, so we have to take him to the scary world.

And placed them in Desert City, and asked Lin Yu and the others to rush back quickly, maybe they could see the black dragon one last time.

Lin Yu didn't have time to think too much and immediately took Shangqing back to pack his luggage.

When they were ready, Yun Feng also came over with his luggage.

Lin Yu glanced at Shangqing and thought he was the one who told Yun Feng.

He didn't notice that Shangqing also looked confused.

The three of them came slowly and left in a hurry.

Because they were worried about the black dragon, the three of them didn't speak during the whole journey until they saw the word "Forbidden City" and they were almost there.

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief and pursed his dry lips.

Shangqing handed over a bottle of water, and he took a sip and handed it to Yun Feng.

Yun Feng didn't answer, saying he wasn't thirsty.

They left in a hurry and did not bring enough food and water with them.

The three of them were eating and drinking frugally along the way, and Yun Feng was neither thirsty nor hungry at all times.

He was about to arrive at the Forbidden City now, and Lin Yu didn't force him.

The three of them used their last strength to walk into the abandoned city, and the sweat on their bodies had turned into white salt crystals.

After finding a hotel to simply wash up, Lin Yu exhaled and his chaotic mind became clearer.

Something suddenly occurred to him.

He didn't send a message to Bai Ye and the others after he came out, so how did they know he was out.

Moreover, after he learned that the switch Jingyao had the function of going back, Black Dragon was seriously injured.

Why does this feel like such a coincidence?

420 White Night Letter Black Dragon Seriously Injured

Regardless of whether it was a coincidence or not, Lin Yu couldn't be vague when it came to human lives.

The three of them have not rested, and it is not time to rest yet.

After a simple meal, the three of them continued on their way.

City Lord's Mansion.

Gray Rabbit walked into the guest room with a bowl of potion. In the dark room, Black Dragon was lying on the bed, his face as pale as paper.

Just by looking at him, there was no doubt that he was - "seriously injured."

Gray Rabbit whispered in his ear: "Black Dragon, take medicine."

The person on the bed opened his eyes, his eyes dull and lifeless.

He sat up, opened his mouth and swallowed the bowl of potion.

After he finished drinking, Gray Rabbit pursed his lips, wiped his mouth and asked him to lie down, picked up the medicine bowl and left in a hurry.

After she left, Heilong suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes particularly clear.

"Finally arrived."

Looking at the words "City Lord's Mansion", Lin Yu sighed.

Gray Rabbit had already received the notification from the wild ghost and came to pick them up at the door.

She didn't waste any time and took Lin Yu to the Black Dragon's room.

Yunfeng didn't have any friendship with Heilong and didn't follow him.

When I came to the room, I looked at the black dragon lying on the bed, which was as white as paper.

Lin Yu's heart beat heavily.

"How is he?"

"The situation is not good."

The gray rabbit's expression remained unchanged, with a sad look on his face.

"I have been giving him medicine, but it can only maintain the status quo. I sent people to Qingming Merchant Guild to find Spring Pills, but they have been sold out. I can only find some herbs for him to drink to supplement his spiritual power."

The gray rabbit looked conscientious.

Lin Yu nodded and said nothing.

He also has a rejuvenation pill in his hand that can be fed to the black dragon, but he doesn't know why.

He didn't want Gray Rabbit to know.

He thought a lot on the way to Desert City.

Everything is too coincidental.

Including Yunfeng, including Gray Rabbit.

He squatted down and accidentally touched the black dragon's fingers with his palm, feeling that his fingers were writing something in his palm.

go out?

Let the gray rabbit go out.

Lin Yu was stunned, took a deep look at Heilong, and then changed to a sad expression.

"Gray Rabbit, go and do your work. I want to stay here with him."

There was still some tiredness on his face from the rush.

Gray Rabbit hesitated for a moment and nodded: "You are also very tired. Go back and rest after reading this."

Lin Yu said in a hoarse voice: "Okay."

The gray rabbit left, and Lin Yu looked at the black dragon. The "sleeping" man opened his eyes, and his first words were: "This is a conspiracy."

Lin Yu's heart skipped a beat.

On the table.

Gray Rabbit asked about the switch.

"Yunfeng said you got the switch, but you don't know how to use it?"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yu knew that she was also thinking about switching.

He put down his chopsticks, raised his head, and nodded: "And I heard about some of its taboos, so it's not too late to study it in the real world."

Gray Rabbit smiled as usual and said, "That's fine. It's just that these days, I've been crying more frequently at night."

Speaking of this, Gray Rabbit's expression became serious.

"Yewei Tomb has established a cooperative relationship with the Kuroshio Fleet, and the Netherworld Paradise is also involved in some ways. Coupled with the Ghost King Palace in the core area, the real world has been greatly impacted. The meaning of the sky is to close the horror world as soon as possible .”

Lin Yu interrupted her: "That's not called closure, it's called closure."

"Do you know what closure is? After pressing this switch, the entire horror world is like a large iron barrel surrounded. People from outside can't get in, and those of us who stay inside can't get out."

Gray Rabbit stopped talking and his expression became complicated.

0··Ask for flowers··· 0

"You guessed it," she said.

Lin Yu's expression was indifferent.

"I'm not stupid, I just trust you. I'm curious, what are you and Yun Feng doing? Don't tell me because it's hard to disobey orders. From the time you decided to stay here, Tianshu's orders had no effect on you. .”

Gray Rabbit saw the two people walking behind him and laughed to himself.

"When you find out, you know I can't hide it from you."

She looked at Heilong. He who had been given medicine by her in the morning was now back to normal.

Lin Yu didn't answer, and the scene was silent for a while.


In the silence, Yun Feng spoke first: "You probably don't know that Jingyao can go back in time."

"The person I loved died here twenty years ago, and I want her to be resurrected."

Lin Yu looked at Gray Rabbit. She was silent for a few seconds and then laughed, but there were tears in her smile.

"Lin Yu, the poisonous snake is dead."

The poisonous snake is to the gray rabbit, just like the black dragon Shangqing and Wentian are to Lin Yu.

They are partners and family.

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