
"You mean arapaima."

In the captain's lounge, Lin Yu was sitting on the sofa.

"That fish is not very aggressive. It always likes to follow the ferry and eat some food on the ferry. It is not picky about food and will eat whatever is given to it. It just likes to spray water. Sir, don't worry."

Since the captain said so, Lin Yu naturally wouldn't worry anymore.

He didn't worry much at first.

With his strength, he can protect him and Liang Zi.

We are about to arrive at Blue Ocean City. The journey has been smooth, except for the few ghosts that disturbed our sleep last night.

After being taught a lesson by him, I no longer looked like a ghost for the rest of the night.

Standing on the deck you can see the city not far away.

In five years, the ghost world has undergone great changes.

429 Arapaima Ghoul Shark

At least there were no tall buildings like this before.

Lin Yu was once again surprised by the thoughts in his mind. These days, he always had strange thoughts because of some things.

Isn't it his first time here?

But apart from this idea, he did not feel familiar with Blue Ocean City.

Glancing down from the corner of his eye, Lin Yu suddenly backed away.

He turned around and went to find the captain.

On the way with him, the captain's tone was very light.

"Mr. Lin, you are not mistaken."

"I won't be wrong even if you are wrong. I am not old and blind."

Lin Yu sneered.

The captain looked embarrassed for a moment and didn't say anything.

The two came to the deck one after another.

At this time, the sea surface was occupied by a black face.

Far and near, they surrounded the ferry.

The captain's face turned ugly instantly.

At this time, the staff in charge of the boat came over and said in an anxious tone: "Captain, the boat is not moving."

"I know, go to the kitchen and get the scraps. The more, the better."

The waste was returned and dumped into the sea, bucket after bucket.

The giant fish in the sea was excited, and it was indeed an arapaima.

As the tongue flew around, the waste material disappeared instantly.

But with so many arapaima, the food is like stuffing between their teeth.

Not enough to eat at all.

The scraps in the kitchen were quickly brought over to play with. Not only did the arapaima not leave, but after eating the scraps, it began to spray water on the boat.

Lin Yu was hiding in the middle of the boat. He didn't want to be sprayed all over again.

My peripheral vision scanned the continuing shoal of fish.

Lin Yu walked towards the captain.

"You'll just attract more fish."

The dark mass in the distance not only did not disperse, but also gathered more and more.

The captain was so frightened that he cried. He had only been on the ship for a month.

I have never encountered such a situation.

"How to do how to do?"

"I don't know what to do."

Seeing that we were about to arrive at Blue Sea City, something like this happened.

"It depends on whether you are willing to let it go."

Looking at the dark fish below, Lin Yu murmured.

The ship was surrounded by ghosts who came to help.

The yin organ sent out streams of yin energy and smacked at those giant fish.

The giant fish seemed to have no other attack skills except spraying water, and the ghosts became more courageous.

Others deliberately teased the giant fish and tortured it to death bit by bit.

Lin Yu looked into the distance, and Liang Zi followed suit.

"Master, what are you looking at?"

"Don't you think there are fewer arapaima fish?"

Liang Zi was confused, looked at it carefully for a few times, and nodded: "It is indeed a lot less. Have we eliminated the danger?"

"Danger eliminated."

Lin Yu sneered, looked at the larger black shadow in the distance, turned around and went back to the room. When he came out, there was something on his wrist.

The captain was not stupid. This time he saw the huge black figure not far away without his reminding.

"That's a ghoul shark?"

The captain was shocked.

The whole body trembled.

At this moment, there was an instant commotion on the boat.

Before, they were interested in seeing who could kill the most arapaima, but now, each one was running faster than the other.

In the blink of an eye, all the ghosts on the deck retreated to the middle.

The surrounding area was suddenly crowded. Lin Yu decided not to take the usual route and stepped onto the deck.

The arapaima had already disappeared due to the arrival of the ghoul shark.

There was only that huge black shadow on the clean sea surface.

The black shadow did not surface, but swam toward the bottom of the sea.

Lin Yu's expression changed.

"No, he's going to hit the bottom of the boat, hold on to the railing."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ship's hull shook violently.

One after another.

Lin Yu grabbed the railing in time and was not shaken. Liang Zi hugged the middle pillar with his whole body.

No other ghost can react so quickly. As long as there are too many ghosts around the boat, there will be nothing to take advantage of.

"Ah, help, help me, help me."

Screams rang out, and a ghost was thrown off the boat by the violent shaking. At the critical moment, he grabbed the reins of the boat, and he pulled the ropes tightly together.

But now, the shaking continues, and no ghost can spare his hands to save him.

Suddenly, there was another scream.

The reins were pulled again.

The reins were still able to hold up, but after supporting two ghosts, the reins that were randomly wrapped around the pillar showed signs of loosening.

If the reins were loose, they would definitely fall into the sea.

Times of crisis.

The shaking suddenly stopped, but the danger was not over yet.

The captain was frightened to death. Lin Yu immediately rushed up to pull the reins, and Liang Zi followed suit.

Picking up the reins, one of the ghosts was pulled up, and another ghost pulled the leg of the ghost above.

Lin Yu's strength is not small, but now the boat is unstable and he can only use one hand to exert force, while Liang Zi's strength is not enough to pull up the ghost below.

The other ghosts huddled together with frightened faces, and no one came to help.

He waved to the ghost above and asked him to climb up. The ghost seemed to be frightened, and out of the corner of his eye he saw the ghoul shark swimming out from the bottom of the boat. His first reaction was not to climb up, but to kick it off. The ghost holding his leg.

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