But it seemed like he wasn't happy.

The fishing boat quickly approached the shore, and the boatman started to unload the cargo without waiting for them.

There are some traders collecting fish lingering on the shore. Looking at the fish being unloaded, you choose them with one glance and one word.

After a while, the traders retreated, and only one third of the boat full of fish was taken down.

"Why do those vendors buy so little?"

"If this were put in the real world, let alone one boat, both boats would be able to eat it."

Lin Yu was stunned, and a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

His thoughts were slightly dazed, and he subconsciously looked at the black dragon.

"Lin Yu, what are you looking at me doing? Did you remember something?"

The black dragon looked expectantly.

Lin Yu turned his gaze back and said nothing.

Yuze suddenly said: "The merchant is here again."

A few more vendors came not far away and bought some as before.

Seeing that no traders passed by in a short period of time, Lin Yu led them towards the fishing boat.

The boatman has already unloaded the fish cargo.

While the boat was being tidied up, a middle-aged female ghost stood in front of the fish for sale.

Both ghosts looked unhappy, and the female ghost even sighed.

"If this continues, let alone building a house, food will be a problem."

The boatman said in a loud voice: "What's the problem with eating? You can rely on mountains and rivers to eat, and you can fill your stomach even if you eat fish."

"You're not bored. I've already eaten too much and don't want to eat anymore."

"Then what can you do? There are only so many ghosts in Blue Sea City. How much fish can be consumed? It's just an agreement to go out to sea in two days."

The boatman couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Yu did not expect that during the fishing season, the fishing boats would go out to sea every two days and still be unable to sell the fish.

"Why don't you pickle the salted fish and dry the fish like this? I remember that Blue Ocean City Yuzhou City produces ice. Even if it is not easy to transport it fresh, it is still better than now. The treasures surrounding you will not be used."

The black dragon sighed.

Listening to his words, Lin Yu's heart moved.

City Lord's Mansion.

Looking at the Hades Coin and the City Lord's Order in his hand, Black Dragon's eyes were full of disbelief.

"Lin Yu, you want me to be in charge of the fish trade? No, I'm not a ghost from Lanhai City."

This is not his job.

"So, I hired you. If you are still dissatisfied, I can give you the position of city lord."


Black Dragon waved his hands quickly, he didn't want any trouble.

"Okay, I'm responsible for this matter. Who made me so capable!"

Wuzi sighed, and Black Dragon took the things and left.

Yuze looked at his back with worry on his face.

"City Lord, can he be trusted?"

"Eighty percent."

This is already a very high level of trust for a ghost that I have only known for two days.

Yu Ze was silent for a moment and nodded.

The trade arrangements were arranged for Heilong, and Lin Yu was not idle either.

Leave the matter of the city lord's mansion to Yu Ze, and he takes Liang Zi to find the ghost bandit.

He has cleared the ghosts in the Coral Mountain into the city, and now it is empty.

He passed by the coral and took a look, then continued riding forward.

Since the ghost bandits are not in Coral Mountain, they may be somewhere far away from Blue Sea City.

Blue Ocean City is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and there is only one land route leading to Yuzhou City.

The overland journey is longer and passes through a forest.

The woods are dark and humid, and there are many poisonous insects and strange beasts that breed in them.

Coupled with the convenient waterway, no one is willing to take the land route.

Such a remote place is very suitable for ghosts like ghost bandits who live outside the ghost group.

If it wasn't there, Lin Yu would have to wonder, are the so-called ghost bandits who attacked Lanhai City really ghost bandits? .

440 Detecting the Ghost Bandit and the Instigator Behind the Scenes

"Master, the front is blocked."

Liang Zi's breathing became tight.

The road ahead was blocked by fallen branches, making it impassable.

Apparently, it was the work of a ghost.

"Move the branches away."

Lin Yu didn't just give up, he kept coming.

The branches confirmed his suspicion.

The ghost bandits are most likely hiding here.

Liang Zi moved the branch with a squeaking sound, but Lin Yu asked him to get out of the way and took out the Blood-Drinking Xuanlu-.

Yin power entered, and the Blood Drinking Xuanlu emitted a sharp light, and the next moment, a gun was swung out.

The branches snapped in response, and within a moment, a passable path was cleared.

Lin Yu put away the Blood-Drinking Xuanlu.

Get on your horse and continue moving forward with Liang Zi.

The presence of tree branches blocking the road means that the ghost bandits are not far away.

Lin Yu slowed down and asked Liang Zi to pay attention to the surrounding situation if he saw any ghosts.

Or it may be a suitable place for ghosts to hide, so go explore it.

"Master, look quickly."

After walking for a while, Liang Zi suddenly made a sound.

Lin Yu looked over and saw a figure retreating quickly.

Look in that direction, there are woods.

On the way back, Liang Zi asked doubtfully: "Master, why don't you chase after me?"

"We've already alerted the enemy, so there's no point in pursuing him."

Moreover, the previous glance had already made him realize that the ghost was the ghost bandit.

Using the woods as a base, no wonder it's so hard to find.

Return to the city lord's mansion.

The black dragon is also back and is pouring cold water down.

He shouted: "I'm so hot, Lin Yu, this is not a good job."

He complained dissatisfiedly.

"Those fishermen didn't believe in the City Lord's Mansion at all. It was because I used the underworld coins to lure them that they agreed to pickle the salted fish and dry the fish. It's such a thankless job."

Lin Yu was not surprised by this result.

There has to be a process of acceptance, and the previous city lord's palace did not do anything.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Lin Yu comforted him, and Heilong suddenly laughed.

He looked like he had been beaten to death.

While talking, Yuze also came out of the study, holding his plan for Lanhai City in his hand.

"City Lord, tell me if there is anything that needs to be modified."

Lin Yu took it and saw the first one at a glance.

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