Could it be that this guy is a hidden rich man?

The flight attendant also stopped looking down on Lin Yu and added,

"If you want to upgrade, you can go to Car No. 5 after arriving at the next station!"

As he said this, Lin Yu nodded.

After knowing this information, he will naturally upgrade the box when he arrives at the station!

And after the flight attendant left the car,

In the originally quiet carriage, those ghosts suddenly became noisy!

Obviously, the third rule of not making noise means that the noise cannot be noticed by the flight attendant!

"You squeezed me! Bastard!"

"Damn, it's so boring!"

"Anyone need fresh blood food?"

In the carriage, there was constant yelling, complaining, chatting, and hawking.

Those resentful ghosts and evil-level ghost guests filled the carriage with hoarse or sharp harsh sounds.

The five or six new players in the carriage were also trembling!

Because many ghosts were obviously looking at them, their eyes full of greed!


A bald, strong man stood up from the seat in the middle of the train.

His teeth are turned out, his eyes are blood red, and he has a tattoo on his body of a ferocious ghost beast that looks like a lion.

He looked around, glanced at several humans, and smiled with his ferocious mouth.

"You, you, and you! Let's play cards with our brothers!"

His finger pointed at three new players,

There was the unlucky guy who had a leg torn off just now, another ghost controller with a weak spiritual consciousness... and Lin Yu!

"If you don't play, you won't give us face!"

The ghost sitting next to him, who looked equally muscular and faced a fierce face, also agreed!

"That's right, let's play two cards together!"

The other two first-level ghost masters stood up with ashen faces and walked slowly to the middle of the train.

Especially the ghost controller whose leg was torn off!

After losing the ghost feet, there is no resistance at all!

Being targeted by three evil spirits again, I was only afraid of the worst possible outcome.

Lin Yu showed an interesting smile.


Three evil ghosts actually dared to provoke me!

He walked up to the three strong men and ghosts and looked at them.

"How much does a handful cost?"

"A handful of ten yuan coins," the bald man said proudly, "play until everyone is happy!"

"If you can't get the Hell Coin..."

There was a glimmer of greed in his eyes.

"Yin objects, Yin materials, flesh and blood, souls... can all be used to pay off debts!"

Lin Yu laughed when he heard this.

Ten yuan a handful?

Can't leave without having fun?

He looked at these three evil ghosts with a trace of pity in his eyes.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and let's get started!"

He sat directly opposite the evil ghost and said with a smile.

Remarks on the launch (please order first tomorrow!)

Comments on the launch!

Dear readers, my dearest family members, the author's fungus will be on the shelves tomorrow!

As a new author, I am able to achieve such results for the first time in Feilu. I am really grateful for your support!

I used to like supernatural and urban mythology very much, and like all of you readers, I am also an old bookworm!

The creation of this book can be regarded as an idea.

"Why not add supernatural and divine together?"

Unexpectedly, the effect turned out to be surprisingly good. All the readers were very supportive and applauded, which also made me feel a great sense of accomplishment!

It is also an honor for me to bring you a good reading experience!

During the Chinese New Year, I was in the countryside and my hips stretched out. As a result, the readers still stuck with me and were willing to vote for me and support me with flowers. This made me very guilty and grateful!

I have nothing to repay for the strong support from readers. I can only repay it with more updates after it is put on the shelves!

I promise, after it goes on the shelves tomorrow, there will be more updates! Never update again!

At least 10,000 per day, I will definitely present high-quality pretense and slap-in-the-face articles to all readers! Guaranteed to have high dynasties again and again! Let all readers enjoy reading it!

Thank you to all your families for your continued support!

Dear readers, if you like this book, please place an initial order for it!

This is really key to me!

Will be updated on time at ten o'clock tomorrow morning!

We'll see you there! ! !

Commitment to adhere to originality and eliminate violations

I (pseudonym) Jimi, guarantee that the contracted work is my own original work, and that I will create it in strict accordance with the Feilu Writers Agreement during the creative process, insist on originality, and eliminate the following violations. If there is any violation, I am willing to bear all the consequences arising therefrom.

1. Ensure that the signed works are your own original works and do not involve plagiarism or plot plagiarism in Chinese translation.

2. Ensure that no third party works or plots are plagiarized during the creation process.

3. Ensure that Feilu Novel Network is the first and only contracted website for this work.

3. Ensure that you abide by laws and regulations during the creative process, including but not limited to: no political involvement, no involvement in pornography, gambling or drugs, no promotion of cults, no ghostwriting, no scrapping of manuscripts, no hosting, no selling of works and accounts, etc.

4. It is guaranteed that no matter how many words the work has, the contracted work must have a complete plot and will never be unfinished or complete.

69 Greedy devil! Lin Yu’s plan! (Please order first!!!)

Three people and three ghosts sat down around a table.

People and ghosts sit cross-legged.

Three evil ghosts with knotted muscles and ferocious faces have been staring at the three humans with good intentions.

Their eyes were filled with greed and playfulness.

Among the three human players, except Lin Yu,

The other two people's faces were ashen, and their bodies could not help but tremble.

It was obvious that they were terrified of their current situation.

Each of them was flanked by two ghosts, and the yin energy coming from both sides made their hearts tremble.

Especially the player who had one of his feet ripped off before, his eyes were full of despair.

He had already lost the ghost he controlled, and now he was caught by three evil ghosts playing cards.

You don't need to think about it to know that the process of playing cards must be full of dangers.

The danger in the thriller copy exists at all times.

Take this train No. 44 as an example. The first ticket check was a dangerous one.

Now, being caught by these ghosts to play cards is another danger.

And this player...the ghost he originally relied on has been taken away by the flight attendant.

He is now seriously injured, not to mention the ensuing intrigue with three evil ghosts!

Therefore, he could only pray that this time the danger would not kill him!

The other person was a female player, the long-haired woman Lin Yu had seen before.

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