But in people's eyes, they see the hope of rescue,

When Zhang Meng saw someone finally coming to save her, she cried like a pear blossom with rain in her eyes.

Before Mazi could speak, Mazi's parents came forward to greet him.

Mazi's mother swallowed her saliva and said happily to Huang Sanhuai,

"Huang San, I know that you have the best relationship with our Mazi. You came as soon as you said you would, and you brought such a heavy gift. It's really unreasonable."

As he said that, he would take away everyone around Huang Sanhuai.

Before Lin Yu could speak, Huang Mao beside him kicked Mazi's mother away.

When Mazi's father saw his wife being treated like this, he rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward. This time, he was kicked away by Jinli beside Lin Yu.

Mazi flinched a little when he saw his parents being repelled so easily. He swallowed his saliva.

"` ¨What do you want to do? We are from the ghost mother-in-law, so think carefully."

Lin Yu looked at this impenitent ghost and said,

"Let that girl go, and I will forget the blame, otherwise... hum..."

"Let me go?! Are you kidding? You let me let go of the wife I finally found!"

Mazi was angry,

"You're here, let's all stay!"

Mazi's figure began to change,

His face began to become rounder and eyes grew, his body and limbs began to inflate, and bulges leaking pus appeared on his back.

Mazi turned into a monster that looked like a toad.

(Hello, Zhao Nuo) Huang Mao was not afraid at all because the boss was there, and asked Huang Sanhuai in a low voice,

"Hey, Huang San, how could this pockmarked person still be like this?"

Huang Sanhuai also whispered back,

"This Mazi accidentally drowned in the pond. A few days later, when we found him, his flesh had been eaten by the toads. Later, he turned into a ghost and gained this ability."

Seeing Mazi's disgusting look,

Lin Yu only felt that his eyes were dirty.

"Jinli, show him some color and let him know that if you are ugly, don't make too many mistakes."

Jinli obediently used his talent skill to directly wrap Mazi in layers with white silk.

Bai Ling tightened tighter and tighter,

Pus gradually flowed out from the gap between Bai Ling and Bai Ling.

499 The ugly ghost was forced to marry and was brutally tortured, and he was writhing and trying to get a wife.

【Ding! Today’s random rewards have arrived. Congratulations to the host for winning 5,000,000 Yuan of Hell Coins! 】

[Task content: If you perform a consumption behavior and the consumption object itself is worth more than 50,000 yuan, you are not allowed to take the initiative to raise the price (0/1)]

[Task reward: cash back critical card*1, Jiuyou Soul Purifying Wine*5]

Lin Yu's system suddenly issued a task,

He was a little surprised, and still a little worried after checking the mission.

"How can we spend money in this poor valley without raising the price? Hey, I have money, but it's really troublesome."

In this stalemate between man and ghost,

Lin Yu even had the time to check out the new missions and complain about it.

After all, the opponent is vulnerable.

When Mazi's parents saw their son wrapped in white silk, they

Immediately stepped forward to tear apart,

But the pockmarked person inside was still struggling, but his movements were getting smaller and smaller.

Mazi's mother looked at this and couldn't help but scream,

"Let go, let's let go, let my son go first"

Jin Li didn't move and turned to look at Lin Yu.

After Lin Yu felt everyone's gaze, he turned his attention to Mazi's mother again and nodded.

Jinli put Mazi down after seeing Lin Yu's reaction.

Open Bai Ling,

Mazi has returned to human form,

It’s just that all the blisters on his face burst.

Pus and blood mixed together,

Lin Yu almost felt nauseous and vomited.

Just put Mazi down in Lin Yumingjinli,

Zhang Meng himself ran towards Lin Yu and the others.

As soon as Zhang Meng arrived, they hurriedly untied the rope from Zhang Meng's body.

As soon as she was untied, Zhang Meng angrily took off her wedding dress.

Said fiercely,

"Ugly people don't even look in the mirror to see if they are worthy."

Then he turned to Lin Yu and said softly,

"Boss, thank you"

After seeing this group of people arrive,

Lin Yu suddenly said something out of nowhere,

"No more names from now on, explanation later."

Everyone was doubtful and didn't say anything.

And Na Mazi's mother knew that their family might not survive, and seeing her son's miserable state, she simply let herself go.

She sat down in front of Lin Yu, slapped her thighs with both hands, and cried,

"Hey, what evil have I done? How did I encounter such a thing?"

"God, I just want a daughter-in-law, why are you doing this to us?"

Mazi's father saw his wife acting like this,

He immediately imitated his wife and rolled around on the ground in front of Lin Yu.

"I don't care, I want a daughter-in-law, I want a daughter-in-law"

"You injured my son and let my daughter-in-law run away. You must compensate me."

As soon as Mazi heard her parents’ voices,

Slowly crawled to Lin Yu,

He didn't say anything, just cried like this.

He also looked at Lin Yu from time to time.

Jinli was about to deal with these three troublesome ghosts.

When Mazi's parents saw it, they hugged Lin Yu's thighs and cried even louder.

Lin Yu had a headache. It was the first time he met such a rogue man.

Suddenly he remembered the bride that the ghost mother-in-law hated to marry, and then looked at the family in front of him who missed their daughter-in-law crazy, and then thought about the mission.

He had an idea.

If you put these two together, it means that evil people will have their own evil people. This will not only do justice for heaven, but also solve one's own tasks (acda).

Lin Yu immediately said to Mazi’s mother,

"Isn't it easy for you to have a daughter-in-law? I have a very suitable candidate, but I don't know if you two are willing."

As soon as Mazi's mother heard about the candidate for her daughter-in-law, she immediately stood up.

"Really? Don't lie to ghosts, you will be punished by God."

Lin Yu wanted to complain, but still smiled slightly,

"How could you lie? I wonder if you have ever heard that there is a bride waiting to be married in the ghost mother-in-law. That bride has been looking for her groom."

Lin Yu's tone was full of temptation,

Mazi’s mother was very moved.

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