"A group of us walked a long way to get here. It's getting late now. Is there any place where we can rest here?"

This villager saw that Lin Yu and others were good-looking, fair-skinned, and wore silk and satin.

With a flash of eyes, he suggested to Li Er,

"Everyone who passes by here rests at my house.

It's not far ahead. How about you go to my house and spend the night? "

Li Er heard this and turned to look at Lin Yu and others.

Bai Ye nodded slightly, and Li Er understood what Bai Ye and others meant.

So he agreed to the villager's proposal.

Along the way, Li Er quietly asked the villager for news.

After asking around, I found out that the villager was actually the village chief.

Li Er was still secretly observing the village chief's clothes.

I could see the village chief’s clothes faintly resembling beaded patterns and precious patterns.

This pattern was only popular during the Xia and Tang Dynasties.

It can be inferred that the Sakura Country at this time should be the Nara period.

Arriving at the village chief’s house,

I saw many samurai with samurai swords at their waists in the village chief's house.

Those people looked fierce, and when they saw Lin Yu and others coming in, they all turned around and stared at Lin Yu and others closely.

After the village chief took them into his home,

Seeing them all entering the room,

"Hands on"

Then with a bang, the door closed.

After giving the order, the warriors inside quickly drew out their samurai swords and rushed towards Lin Yu and others.

In fact, when they walked into the village chief's house and saw so many warriors, they silently increased their vigilance to prevent any accidents.

Sure enough, they took action!

Lin Yu just snapped his fingers and summoned General Zhu.

Zhu Jiang was seen to be tall, with a fierce face, and the Yin Qi exuding from his body was even colder to the bone.

He was wearing an apron stained with reddish-brown blood and holding a butcher's knife in his hand. His powerful pressure instantly frightened the group of warriors into not wanting to take action.

After only a moment of hesitation, the warriors rushed towards Lin Yu and others without fear of death.

"Keep one or two alive for questioning, and deal with the rest."

When the warriors heard this, their hearts beat loudly, but now they had no choice but to hesitate.

Zhu Jiang picked up the butcher knife and rushed into the group of warriors. He just used simple chopping, slashing, lifting and wiping movements.

They killed the warriors until they were defeated.

The reason is that it is difficult for ordinary people's weapons to cause harm to evil spirits.

Seeing that he could not hurt General Zhu, people around him continued to die.

The samurai who was still alive was on the verge of collapse, dropped the sword in his hand, and immediately knelt down.

0··Ask for flowers··· 0

Kowtow to Zhu Jiang and beg for mercy,

"I was blind and I bumped into a few people, but there are seniors and juniors above me. Please let me go. I won't dare to do it again."

When Lin Yu and his party walked in,

The kneeling warrior immediately picked up his sword and slashed at them.


Blood spurted out from his neck.

It turned out that General Zhu had something wrong with the eyes of the people begging for mercy, and he had been secretly on guard.

Seeing several people taking action, he wiped the necks of several people without mercy.

For a long time, there was no movement inside the house.

........ . . . . . . . . .

The door quietly opened a crack,

Lin Yu and others followed the sound.

The village chief was trying to observe the battle situation in the crack.

I saw the warriors inside lying on the ground in a mess, with blood flowing out.

In a hurry, I accidentally pushed the door open.

Seeing Lin Yu and the others looking straight at him, they turned around and ran away.

I wish you will see that there is still a fish that slipped through the net.

In just a few steps, he caught the village chief in front of him.

The village chief fell in front of Lin Yu and said to them with a sullen expression,

"If you kill me, Shuten-sama will not let you go."

Lin Yu saw that the village chief was still so arrogant even when he was about to die, so he said,

"Oh~, really, what can you do as a human?"

The village chief immediately said,

"Our village is an important source of food and wine for Shuten-sama. If these are missing..."

The village chief glanced at them sadly,

"Shuten-sama will not let you go."

After hearing the village chief's words, Lan Ka secretly smiled from behind, while Bai Ye and others had ugly expressions on their faces.

"It's just food and wine, what's the big deal?"

"This wine is ordinary wine, but this food is probably not ordinary food."

526 After solving the village chief, Lan Ka unfortunately meets Mu Mei

Lan Ka was a little surprised after hearing Wang Wu's words.

What else could this food be?

"Um, what's wrong with this food? Is it a treasured delicacy?"

Wang Wu opened his mouth and said,

"Shuten Doji's food is girls!"


When the village chief saw this group of people knowing about drinking and swallowing boys, he said proudly,

"If you are sensible, let me go quickly and serve me well."

As he said that, he looked at Bai Ye with squinting eyes, not even letting go of the handsome men like Lan Ka.

"Maybe I'll let you go as soon as I'm happy."

When Bai Ye saw the village chief looking at them with such disgusting eyes, he felt like vomiting.

And "August 13" Lin Yu directly asked General Zhu to deal with him.

"In this case, I wish you will serve him well and make him happy."

After hearing his master's words, General Zhu immediately understood what he meant.

He walked towards the village chief.

What the village chief saw was not the beauty he admired, but a big and thick ghost.

Knowing that they were not afraid of him, Shuten-sama immediately turned around and ran away.

Zhu Jiang took the village chief's collar and walked into the dense forest.

After a while, I heard screams and begging for mercy coming from inside.

It didn't take long for the sound to disappear, and finally there was silence.

Zhu Jiang walked out covered in blood and returned to the system space.

Lin Yu and others discussed the issue of staying or leaving again.

"We can't stay at the village chief's house anymore. How about we make do with the villagers' houses?"

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